All Chapters of The World's Richest Son-In-Law: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
12 chapters
Chapter 1
“Stop! Don't come in!” snapped the security guard guarding the entrance to the Wongso Tower parking lot.Alan immediately slammed on the brakes of the three-wheeled motorcycle he was riding. His body was thrown against the back of the seat as the vehicle came to a sudden stop.“Hey, Greengrocer, where do you think you're going?” the security guard asked, suddenly standing next to Alan.“I'm going to the Golden Dragon Hall. My brother-in-law is getting married, so of course I have to attend his wedding,” Alan answered honestly.The security guard grinned badly and gave a short snort. His piercing gaze then scrutinized Alan entire body, from his toes to the top of his head.“You're not joking, are you?” the security guard asked, smiling mockingly. “Hosting a party at the Golden Dragon Hall tonight is Albert Wongso, the richest man in Southeast Asia. How dare a greengrocer like you claim to be his son-in-law!”Alan swallowed. He couldn't blame the security guard, who didn't seem to belie
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Chapter 2
“G-grandson?” Alan repeated with an astonished expression. “You say I'm your grandson, old man?”The man smiling in front of Alan was in his sixties. His hair had all turned white, and the skin on his face was wrinkled.However, the old man's teeth were still complete, pure white, a sign of great care. His clothes were simple, a combination of a T-shirt and shorts, but they looked elegant and made of classy materials.“Your name is Alan Williamson Suntoro, right?” the old man asked later.From being astonished, Alan was now shocked that this stranger knew his full name. But then he had another thought. The old man could have been told by the hospital nurse.“If you think I'm your grandson, tell me my father's name,” Alan challenged.The old man chuckled. Instead of answering Alan's question, he pulled out a photo from his pants pocket.“I know your father died and left you when you were only five years old. But at least you've seen his picture, right?” the old man said, showing the ph
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Chapter 3
Because he was walking while daydreaming, Alan collided with a woman who was also walking in a hurry. The woman cried out in surprise and fell down.“Ouch!”“Oh, I'm sorry,” Alan exclaimed, rushing to help her up. “Are you okay?”“Alan?” The woman was surprised. “Where are you going? I'm coming to see you.”“Lily?” Alan was also surprised. It was his wife Lilyana. “I've been allowed to go home by the doctor.”“So, you weren't seriously injured? I heard from the hotel security guard that you were hit by a box car carrying vegetables yesterday,” Lilyana asked for confirmation.“I'm fine. Don't worry,” Alan said, smiling happily knowing that Lilyana cared about him.“Oh, thank goodness for that.” Lilyana smiled happily too. “Anyway, what about your friend Carol from the orphanage? I was going to help her, but I only have two hundred thousand dollars saved up. That's less than half of what is needed....”“Take it easy, Lily. Carol's situation has been taken care of. She'll have her surger
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Chapter 4
The next morning, Alan was already dressed when Lilyana woke up. Of course, that made Lilyana frown in astonishment.“You?” said Lilyana, looking at her husband in disbelief. “Where are you going so early?”Alan smiled and replied, “Don't I have to take my wife to the Sun Group Southeast Asia office?”Lilyana was even more astonished at this answer.“Are you taking me to the Sun Group Southeast Asia office?” she asked incredulously.“Yes, of course,” Alan replied firmly. “Come on, take a shower and get ready. Let me warm up the car and wait for you in the parking lot.”“Alan, I haven't even made plans for when I'm going to the Sun Group's office.” Lilyana pulled Alan's hand as he was about to leave. “To be honest, I'm feeling a bit pessimistic that I'll be able to fulfill Dad's request. You know, as great as the Wongso Group is, it's still nothing in front of the Sun Group.”“Lily, you haven't tried yet, why do you already think you'll fail? You're a great and talented woman, I have n
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Chapter 5
This was the first time Alan had come face to face with a young corporate executive. For a moment he was mesmerized by Megan's elegant appearance.No, no, no. In Alan's eyes, Megan was both graceful and charming. The blouse the young woman wore fit her slender, but firmly built body perfectly.As they sat face to face, Alan could smell the fresh, fragrant aroma emanating from Megan's body. Then her long flowing hair made her elegance as a woman even more perfect.“Young Master, what a coincidence that you came. Soon we will have a meeting with Mr. Andy from Tansyah Group, Sun Group's old partner. I hope you'll be there to give us some guidance,” Megan said.Alan smiled wryly at the flattering remark. Who was he to be giving guidance to a deputy managing director?Then hearing Andy's name, Alan's heart fluttered. Albert Wongso's second son-in-law was the one who was most eager to insult him every chance he got.Actually, attending the meeting could be a moment of retaliation for Alan t
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Chapter 6
Andy left the meeting room confused and annoyed. He was determined to find out who Mr. Suntoro was, the new managing director of Sun Group Southeast Asia, and meet him personally.Arriving at the lobby, Andy actually wanted to avoid Lilyana. But his sister-in-law looked curious and approached him.“Why is the meeting going so fast, Andy? How did it go?” asked Lilyana, genuinely curious.“Huh, none of your business!” Andy replied irritably, and quickly left the Sun Group office.Lilyana looked at Andy's departure in surprise. She looked at the wristwatch in her hand to calculate the time. The meeting with the deputy director of Sun Group Southeast Asia that Andy had bragged about had only lasted five minutes! Five minutes!“What's wrong with him? He seemed so excited when he was about to enter the meeting room. Why does he seem so upset now?” murmured Lilyana cluelessly.In the parking lot, Andy had just opened the car door when his cell phone rang. The Tansyah family's crown prince's
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Chapter 7
That night, all of Albert Wongso's children and in-laws gathered. Newlyweds Stephen and Cynthia were no exception.Initially, Albert didn't want to invite Alan, his son-in-law who he saw as having nothing to gain personally or in business. But the wealthy businessman didn't want to disappoint Lilyana, who couldn't possibly not come with her husband.As usual, Alan and Lilyana arrived last. Inevitably the two of them, especially Alan, became the center of attention as soon as they entered the living room where everyone was waiting for the meeting to begin.All eyes suddenly turned to stare at Alan. Especially Stephen who felt extremely annoyed at his brother-in-law for not giving a wedding gift.“Huh, how could you not feel ashamed to come to this meeting,” Stephen said sarcastically.“Don't start a mess, Steve!” snapped Lilyana, quickly coming to her husband's defense. “Didn't Papa invite all of us, his children and his sons-in-law? Let me remind you in case you've forgotten, Alan is
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Chapter 8
NOT long after Lilyana and Alan left, Andy took Gabriella to say goodbye as well. He told Albert that he was called by Mr. Tansyah who wanted to talk to him about the cancellation of the contract extension with Sun Group.But Andy's real purpose was to follow Lilyana and Alan. He was really curious about the mysterious Mr. Suntoro, the new managing director of Sun Group Southeast Asia.Who is he really? Could it really be Alan? Because Alan was the only person with the last name Suntoro that Andy had ever interacted with.However, Andy found it hard to believe that Mr. Suntoro, the new director of Sun Group Southeast Asia, was Alan. More precisely, he was unwilling to believe it. That's why he wanted to find out the truth.“Where are they going?” muttered Andy in the car, while staring intently at the MPV that Alan and Lilyana were driving in front of him.Andy followed the MPV at a safe distance. Not too close, but always within his eyesight.“Of course they're going home,” Gabriella
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Chapter 9
“Young Master, why are you staying at a hotel? Even in a standard room. Didn't I prepare a house for you to stay in Summerville City?” asked Harold as he stopped by Alan's side.“Shhh!” Alan put his forefinger to his lips, while turning his head left and right to observe the situation. “Keep your voice down, Harold. I brought you here because I wanted to talk to you alone.”“Oh, I'm sorry, Young Master.” Harold covered his mouth with the palm of his hand. “But, wasn't that woman Young Master's wife? Miss Lilyana of the Wongso Family, isn't she?”“That's right,” Alan replied, letting out a long sigh as it turned out that his grandfather had actually tracked him down secretly. “It's just that I still don't want her and her family to know my true identity. You understand what I mean, right? “Of course, Young Master, I understand,” Harold replied quickly. “B-but, Young Master, I still have to make sure Young Master resides in the residence that has been prepared. If the Great Master asks
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Chapter 10
“ALAN, you're not hiding anything from me, are you?”Lilyana asked the question as soon as Charles and the hotel housekeeping staff left. Alan, who was closing the door, immediately looked at his wife with a puzzled look in his eyes.“What do you mean, Lily? What do I have to hide from you?” Alan asked back.Instead, Lilyana looked at Alan intensely. It was as if she was trying to find out if there were any lies in her husband's eyes. Aren't the eyes the window to the heart?“I'm still confused, still very confused, Alan. Why did we suddenly receive this upgrade to the Presidential Suite. If it wasn't for you hiding something, how could this have happened,” Lilyana said later.Hearing that, Alan smiled a little. He put his arm around Lilyana's shoulder and invited her to sit on the sofa near the master bed.“I don't know what's on your mind, Lily. But if you're guessing that the hotel owner upgraded the room because of me, I think you're wrong. Who am I, huh? Don't Papa and all your b
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