Chapter 7

That night, all of Albert Wongso's children and in-laws gathered. Newlyweds Stephen and Cynthia were no exception.

Initially, Albert didn't want to invite Alan, his son-in-law who he saw as having nothing to gain personally or in business. But the wealthy businessman didn't want to disappoint Lilyana, who couldn't possibly not come with her husband.

As usual, Alan and Lilyana arrived last. Inevitably the two of them, especially Alan, became the center of attention as soon as they entered the living room where everyone was waiting for the meeting to begin.

All eyes suddenly turned to stare at Alan. Especially Stephen who felt extremely annoyed at his brother-in-law for not giving a wedding gift.

“Huh, how could you not feel ashamed to come to this meeting,” Stephen said sarcastically.

“Don't start a mess, Steve!” snapped Lilyana, quickly coming to her husband's defense. “Didn't Papa invite all of us, his children and his sons-in-law? Let me remind you in case you've forgotten, Alan is still my husband.”

“Don't play dumb, Lily. Papa's purpose in holding this meeting is to discuss the latest news in the national business world. What does your greengrocer husband understand?” Jessica retorted sarcastically.

“Selling vegetables is also business. Doesn't everything big start small?” said Lilyana, not to be outdone.

“Can't you really tell the difference between a businessman and a street vendor, Lily?” Gabriella joined the argument and laughed mockingly.

“Never mind!” snapped Alan, whispering to Lilyana who had opened her mouth to respond to her second sister. “Papa is waiting inside. Come on, we'd better go straight in.”

When they arrived inside, it turned out that the rows of chairs had been arranged. It was decided who sat where, guided by a male waiter who showed them their seats.

Lilyana and Alan were seated at the end, furthest away from Albert's seat at the head of the table. The Andy-Gabriella and Jacky-Jessica couples were placed to the right-left of Albert. Next to them sat Stephen and Cynthia.

It wasn't long before all the seats were filled. Albert entered the room with a flat, expressionless face. He sat down and looked at his children and in-laws one by one.

“Andy, I'd like to confirm the news directly with you,” Albert opened without preamble. “Is it true that Tansyah Group's contract extension was rejected by Sun Group?"

The person asked looked embarrassed, but couldn't help but raise his head and answer, “Yes, Papa. I personally met with the deputy managing director of Sun Group Southeast Asia.”

“The deputy managing director?” repeated Albert. “Why didn't the managing director meet you directly?”

“I don't know, Papa. Maybe he's not here yet. Isn't the Suntoro family based in Singapore?” Andy replied.

“So you don't know, haven't met their new managing director yet? Mr. Suntoro, what's his name?” Albert asked again.

Andy shook his head weakly. “Megan just called him Mr. Suntoro. I don't know which Suntoro,” he replied.

Albert let out a deep breath. His lips seemed to curve down.

“If Sun Group deliberately kept that figure a secret from the public, it would be acceptable. But if they're also keeping it a secret from their partners, that's certainly a question,” he half-mumbled. “I'm just curious, what's the real reason they refused to extend the partnership with the Tansyah Group?”

“I don't know either, Papa. Megan didn't even ask about the proposal I brought,” Andy replied weakly.

“You can imagine, they just ignored the Tansyah Group like that. Let alone our Wongso Group,” Stephen chimed in. “And Papa is still making a partnership with the Sun Group a condition for Lily?”

“Of course!” Albert replied firmly. “That condition is final. That's why I allowed Lily to bring her husband to this meeting. If she says she can't, it means she's willing to divorce that useless son-in-law.”

“Don't even think about it!” snapped Lilyana, not wanting this meeting to become a bully pulpit for Alan. “My marriage to Alan is our late mother's will, so no one should have any intention of making us divorce!”

“So, you really intend to fulfill that condition, Lily?” asked Gabriella incredulously.

“I will try my best,” Lilyana replied diplomatically. An answer that received a gentle touch and a smile from Alan.

“You know it's mission impossible, right? I mean, even the Tansyah Group is being ignored by the Sun Group. What can you do in the name of the Wongso Group?” said Jessica as well, more of a mockery than a question.

“Just so you know, this morning Lily went to the Sun Group Southeast Asia office. I guess she's really serious about answering Papa's challenge to keep her greengrocer husband,” said Andy, drawing everyone's attention to him.

“Is that so?” everyone asked in amazement and disbelief.

“Yes, it is. Unfortunately, Lily could only wait in the lobby because even the manager of Sun Group Southeast Asia didn't want to meet her,” Andy said, then smiled mockingly.

Everyone else joined in the laughter as well. The mocking laughter was accompanied by condescending glances at Lilyana as well as Alan.

“I did say that, didn't I?” Jessica excitedly attacked Lilyana again. “You can't even meet the manager of Sun Group, let alone form a partnership?”

“Don't dream, Lily!” said Jacky. “Wouldn't it be easier for you to divorce your greengrocer husband and marry Bryan Sanjaya?”

“Jack, watch your mouth!” exclaimed Lilyana, not accepting that anyone was still suggesting that she divorce Alan and mention Bryan's name.

Alan, who had been silent, couldn't resist helping his wife. He said, “Why don't you all just sit back and wait for some exciting news from Lily?”

Everyone gasped at that sentence. It was a very confident-sounding remark from someone they had always looked down on.

“What did you say?” asked Stephen with a look of disbelief. “You must be joking, right? Who do you think would make the Sun Group look up to a Lilyana Wongso?”

“Hey, Vegetable Guy, you shouldn't make my sister get embarrassed by the Sun Group's people,” Jessica chimed in.

“I assure you, Lily will not be embarrassed,” Alan replied without hesitation. “Like I said, you guys just stay here until Lily delivers some news that you won't be able to believe.”

Everyone looked at each other. They had never expected Alan to utter such optimistic words.

“Y-you?” Albert was even at a loss for words because he was shocked to see his son-in-law, who he had always underestimated, appearing so confident tonight.

Meanwhile, Alan felt that he had nothing more to say. So he took his wife to say goodbye to Albert. They left the room to the disbelieving stares of everyone.

“Papa, isn't your useless son-in-law's last name Suntoro?” asked Jessica after the room had been silent for a while.

“What is the meaning of your question?” Albert asked back. “Do you have any idea if Lily's husband is Mr. Suntoro, the new CEO of Sun Group Southeast Asia?”

“Papa must be joking,” Jacky said, then laughed. “There's no way that greengrocer is part of the Suntoro family. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that his last name is the same as the Suntoro Family.”

“Yes, I also think it's just a coincidence that his last name is the same as Suntoro,” Stephen chimed in. “Similarly, the Wongso surname is also used by many people outside of our Wongso Family.”

Albert did not respond. He chose to return to scrutinizing the surface of the table, while his mind was filled with questions and conjectures.

Similarly, Andy was thinking again after hearing the conversation just now. He remembered what his father had said earlier, that the only possible reason why the Sun Group had cut off their partnership with the Tansyah Group was that one of the Sun Group's executives had been offended by Andy.

Of all the people with the last name Suntoro, Alan was the only one who had ever interacted with Andy. It was also only Alan whom he had mocked and humiliated, just as the other members of the Wongso Family had done.

“Could it really be him? What if it turns out to be him?” muttered Andy in disbelief.


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