Chapter 6

Andy left the meeting room confused and annoyed. He was determined to find out who Mr. Suntoro was, the new managing director of Sun Group Southeast Asia, and meet him personally.

Arriving at the lobby, Andy actually wanted to avoid Lilyana. But his sister-in-law looked curious and approached him.

“Why is the meeting going so fast, Andy? How did it go?” asked Lilyana, genuinely curious.

“Huh, none of your business!” Andy replied irritably, and quickly left the Sun Group office.

Lilyana looked at Andy's departure in surprise. She looked at the wristwatch in her hand to calculate the time. The meeting with the deputy director of Sun Group Southeast Asia that Andy had bragged about had only lasted five minutes! Five minutes!

“What's wrong with him? He seemed so excited when he was about to enter the meeting room. Why does he seem so upset now?” murmured Lilyana cluelessly.

In the parking lot, Andy had just opened the car door when his cell phone rang. The Tansyah family's crown prince's face instantly turned tense. It got even tenser when he realized who was calling: his father!

“H-hallo?” Andy's voice trembled as he received the call.

“You dumbass son! What have you done that Sun Group won't renew our partnership?” Mr. Tansyah snapped on the other end of the line.

“D-Dad... I-I... I didn't do anything. Really!” replied Andy shakily.

“No way!” snapped Mr. Tansyah angrily. “You must have made a mistake. That's the only reason Sun Group cut off the partnership. Just confess, who is the Sun Group bigwig you've angered?”

Andy was getting more and more confused. He had not interacted with anyone from Sun Group before meeting Megan and Charlie.

Lilyana who met him in the lobby was definitely not part of Sun Group. Neither was Alan, the Wongso family's useless son-in-law. So, who was it?

“D-Dad, I really didn't do anything. I also don't understand why Sun Group would suddenly decide that, without even looking at the renewal proposal I brought. Why don't you ask the Suntoro Family directly?” Andy replied later.

“Don't run your mouth, do you think the Suntoro Family would bother with crumbs like us?” snapped Mr. Tansyah. “Anyway, I don't want to know, you have to find a replacement worthy of this. Otherwise, don't you dare bear the last name Tansyah again!”

“D-Dad, are you kidding?”

Andy was stunned. Where in the world could he find a replacement worthy of the Sun Group? But before he could respond, the phone line had already been cut off by Mr. Tansyah.

Annoyed, Andy slammed the car door and threw his back against the seat. He was really curious about Mr. Suntoro, who had just taken over as managing director of Sun Group Southeast Asia.

“Who is he really? Have I met him and accidentally offended him?”


Don't know where it came from, but the news of the failed extension of the cooperation between Sun Group Southeast Asia and Tansyah Group was widespread. Next thing we knew, conglomerate families across the country had heard about it.

At the same time, news of a new person in the chair of Sun Group Southeast Asia's managing director was also circulating everywhere. Many then connected the two events.

One conclusion most people came to was that the new CEO of Sun Group Southeast Asia no longer saw the importance of the Tansyah Group. This is a very shocking assumption, because the Tansyah Group, together with the Sanjaya Group, is a respected business group at the global level.

If the Tansyah Group was underestimated, what about smaller business corporations like the Hosea Group, Pangestu Group and the Wongso Group? This made Albert Wongso very nervous.

[Everyone gather at my house tonight. No one should be absent. I'll be waiting!]

That's the message Albert sent to the family group on the Whaddup app. He wanted to quickly discuss the two latest issues with his children and in-laws.

Lilyana and Alan were still waiting in the lobby of Sun Group's Southeast Asia office when they received the message. Since Andy's departure earlier, the receptionist still hadn't gotten back to her about a possible meeting with the marketing manager.

“What about this?” Lilyana asked Alan.

“You'd better check with the receptionist first. We've been waiting for so long, do you think their marketing manager wants to see you or not?” suggested Alan.

Lilyana complied. She got up and walked towards the reception desk.

“Has there been any word from your marketing manager? Has he found time to meet me?” Lilyana asked the receptionist politely.

The receptionist behind the desk stood up and smiled.

“Please wait a moment, Ma'am. Let me ask first,” she replied politely, then contacted someone over the intercom.

After hearing the answer from the person she contacted, the receptionist said back to Lilyana, “Ma'am, sorry, Mr. Charlie is busy. You can come back another time.”

“Oh, okay.” Lilyana felt disappointed. But she knew it was impossible to force her will.

“How about it?” asked Alan when he saw his wife approaching with a lackluster look on her face.

“Let's just go home. We'll rest this afternoon and then meet Papa at his office in the evening,” Lilyana replied listlessly.

Alan immediately deduced that Charlie didn't want to take the time to meet Lilyana. This marketing manager of his was indeed an arrogant person.

“Wait a minute, I need to use the restroom first,” Alan said, then without waiting for an answer left immediately.

Alan lied. He had actually gone back upstairs to see where Charlie was and what he was doing. He wanted to know why the marketing manager didn't want to see Lilyana.

Stepping out of the elevator, Alan immediately saw Charlie chatting casually with one of the female employees in front of his room. The two of them were laughing freely.

“Hmmm, this Hosea Family son-in-law deserves a lesson!” growled Alan who immediately grabbed his cellphone.

[Harold, tell Megan that the marketing manager position has to change to a new person by tomorrow!]

[What? Young Master aren't joking, are you?]

[I've already discussed it with Megan. So, there should be no problem.]

[Oh, okay, Young Master. I'll do it right away.]

Then Alan deliberately waited. Not long after, there was the sound of a telephone ringing from the direction of Charlie's room. A young secretary came out to inform him and Charlie entered.

Only a minute later, Charlie had come out again with a crumpled face. His eyes were glazed with anger, with his face down on the floor.

“Mr. Manager, where are you going?” asked the female employee Charlie had been chatting with. “Didn't we agree to have lunch together at Prime Taste Restaurant?”

“Shut up!” snapped Charlie angrily. “I'm no longer your manager!”

The female employee was shocked to be yelled at like that. She looked at Charlie's departure with an astonished and confused look.

“What did he say? Not a manager anymore? Demoted or fired?” the employee muttered, wondering to herself.

Arriving in front of the elevator, Charlie bumped into Alan who was still there. He had a shocked look on his face as he recognized who was standing by the button.

“You?” exclaimed Charlie between shock and disbelief. “Why are you here?”

“Oh, I'm on the wrong floor,” Alan replied nonchalantly, then preceded into the elevator that had just opened. “You, yourself, why do you look so disheveled?”

“None of your business!” snapped Charlie, then roughly pressed the button to close the elevator door.

That response made Alan secretly smile with satisfaction. 


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