Chapter 5

This was the first time Alan had come face to face with a young corporate executive. For a moment he was mesmerized by Megan's elegant appearance.

No, no, no. In Alan's eyes, Megan was both graceful and charming. The blouse the young woman wore fit her slender, but firmly built body perfectly.

As they sat face to face, Alan could smell the fresh, fragrant aroma emanating from Megan's body. Then her long flowing hair made her elegance as a woman even more perfect.

“Young Master, what a coincidence that you came. Soon we will have a meeting with Mr. Andy from Tansyah Group, Sun Group's old partner. I hope you'll be there to give us some guidance,” Megan said.

Alan smiled wryly at the flattering remark. Who was he to be giving guidance to a deputy managing director?

Then hearing Andy's name, Alan's heart fluttered. Albert Wongso's second son-in-law was the one who was most eager to insult him every chance he got.

Actually, attending the meeting could be a moment of retaliation for Alan to Andy. But he did not want to rush to enjoy the victory. He had a much more interesting plan. 

“Megan, I'm fully entrusting you with the affairs of the company,” Alan said later. “There are still a few things I need to sort out with Grandpa, so I don't think I'll be coming into the office too often in the near future.”

“Oh, all right then,” Megan said, smiling. “I accept Young Master's trust with pleasure.”

“One more thing, I don't want my identity to be known publicly. If any of our partners want to know the name of the new managing director of Sun Group Southeast Asia, just mention my family name,” Alan added.

“Yes, sir, I understand.” Megan nodded.

As a experienced executive, Megan knew that privacy was something very precious to an ultra-wealthy family like the Suntoro family. So, she was very understanding of Alan's request.

“By the way, how long has our group been working with the Tansyah Group?” Alan asked again.

“Not too long, Young Master. It's only been about the last three-four years. This meeting is to discuss the continuation of the partnership for the next period,” Megan replied.

“Is this partnership good for our business?” 

“Mmm, it's actually not very favorable for Sun Group. But since we haven't found a better replacement so far, we still have to use their services,” Megan explained.

Alan nodded his head. This could be an opportunity for him to open the way for Lilyana.

“Then we should just break off the partnership with the Tansyah Group. Why maintain a partnership that is not very profitable for us? Immediately open a tender for potential new partners,” Alan said firmly.

Megan gasped a little at the order. But the next instant she was nodding obediently.

“Yes, Young Master. I will carry out your instructions.”

“Who is our marketing manager? How do you think he's doing so far?” Alan asked again.

“His name is Charlie, Young Master, an ordinary professional. But because he's the son-in-law of the Hosea Family, he gets a lot of opportunities in big corporations,” Megan replied.

“The Hosea family?” repeated Alan. Jacky's face flashed into his head. “Our revenue is down this year. I want the marketing manager position filled by someone new.”

Megan was once again shocked, but nodded immediately. “A-as you wish, Young Master.”

At the same time, the young female who was Megan's personal assistant knocked on the door of the room and entered.

“Ms. Megan, Mr. Andy from Tansyah Group has arrived at the lobby,” she reported.

“Let him wait first. I still need to speak with Young Master,” Megan replied.

“Yes, Ma'am.” The young secretary left immediately.

Meanwhile, Alan took stock of the situation. Andy Tansyah was waiting in the lobby, which meant he was currently with Lilyana. This could be the perfect moment for him to meet his fellow Wongso Family son-in-law.

“Megan, I have to go now. You get ready to meet Mr. Andy immediately,” Alan said.

Without waiting for a response, Alan stood up and left the room. He rushed to the lobby via the employee elevator, getting off right near the pantry.

Alan's arrival was not immediately noticed by Lilyana or Andy. He deliberately crouched behind a flower pot and monitored the situation. Two people in the lobby lounge were having a conversation.

“I can't believe, Lily, that you moved so quickly to answer Papa's challenge yesterday,” Andy said, smiling mysteriously.

Lily smiled awkwardly. She did not want her visit to the Sun Group Southeast Asia office to be known to anyone from the Wongso family. But it was already getting wet. Who would have thought that she would meet Andy here.

“I'm just trying. It can't hurt, can it?” Lilyana replied later.

“I hope your efforts are not for the sake of keeping your useless husband. It's for your own achievements, as well as for the prestige of the Wongso family,” Andy said, then grinned sarcastically.

“If I can achieve everything at once, why would I only pursue one or two things? Besides, it's none of your business, Andy,” Lilyana snapped, deliberately being rude.

Andy laughed at that remark.

“Lily, you know very well the Wongso Group is nothing compared to the Tansyah Group. It's even less valuable than the Sun Group. So, I just want to wish you good luck!” he said, then laughed again.

Lilyana said nothing. Even though Andy was her brother-in-law, her biological sister's husband, it was still very easy for her mouth to utter condescending words. It was all because she looked down on Alan.

In his place, Alan couldn't hold back any longer. So he rushed over to Lilyana, taking his wife by surprise.

“Alan?” cried Lilyana. “Shouldn't you be waiting in the car?”

The exclamation made Andy turn his head towards Alan's arrival. A mocking smile returned to his face when he saw who had arrived.

“Ah, Lily's right. You shouldn't be here, it's not your place. You're better suited to wait in the parking lot like my driver did,” said Andy.

Alan only smiled slightly in response to Andy's words. He didn't want to engage the man and chose to sit next to Lilyana.

“The marketing manager you wanted to meet hasn't arrived yet?” Alan asked his wife.

“I haven't heard yet,” Lilyana replied slowly, not wanting to be overheard by Andy. “Actually, the receptionist didn't promise to meet me with their marketing manager. I was just asked to wait. If the manager is available and willing, then he'll meet me.”

The answer instantly made Alan remember Charlie's arrogant attitude at the director's entrance. His knuckles were clenched tightly.

Just because he was a manager in the Sun Group, he could behave as he pleased with other company officials. In his heart, Alan vowed to teach that manager a lesson.

“You are such a pity, Lily.” Andy suddenly said. It turned out that he had heard Lilyana's words earlier. “It's still unclear whether you can meet the marketing manager or not. I, on the other hand, am about to have an important meeting with the deputy managing director Megan.

“You're the third daughter of the Wongso Family, but just trying to meet the marketing manager of the Sun Group is this difficult. Meanwhile, Tansyah Group has been working with GSG for years. See, doesn't this prove the difference in level between the Tansyah Group and the Wongso Group?

"If you had followed my advice to divorce your useless husband and marry Bryan, it would have been a different story. Sanjaya's big name would have made things easier for you with the Sun Group.”

Lilyana didn't respond. More accurately, she didn't know what to say to counter Andy's condescending remark.

Meanwhile, Alan grinned faintly. With a sardonic look, he glanced at Andy who looked so proud.

Because she married Alan, Lilyana became a laughing stock among the Wongso family. Even sons-in-law like Andy tirelessly mocked Lilyana.

Today, Alan is the managing director of Sun Group Southeast Asia. A large corporation with whom smaller business groups such as the Tansyah Group, Hosea Group, Pangestu Group, as well as the Sanjaya Group and Wongso Group want to work together.

Alan knew he had to do something to get Lilyana into a position of prominence. And that could start with teaching the Tansyah Group a lesson.

At the same time, the office receptionist approached and said to Andy, “Mr. Andy, you are expected by Ms. Megan and Mr. Charlie in the meeting room.”

Andy didn't answer, but stood up and smiled mockingly at Lilyana. Then he arrogantly strode towards the elevator.

Seeing this, Alan grinned faintly.

“We'll see, Andy. Soon even the top brass of the Tansyah Group will be prostrating themselves before Lilyana in order to keep the business!” Alan vowed inwardly.


In the meeting room, Megan immediately invited Andy to sit in front of Charlie.

“Can we just sign the partnership extension contract?” said Andy as he placed his back on the chair. A triumphant smile spread across his face.

“You're right, Mr. Andy. The sooner, the better,” Charlie said with a smile.

Megan cleared her throat, distracting the two men in front of her.

“Charlie, are you not looking at me or what?” Megan said then, sternly. “Mr. Andy, our partnership cannot be extended. We will soon open a tender to find a new partner to replace Tansyah Group.”

“Wh-what?” Andy and Charlie were both shocked. Both looked at Megan in disbelief.

“Megan, don't be silly!” Charlie exclaimed. “The partnership with Tansyah Group has been going well. Shouldn't it be extended?”

“Charlie, can't you read data or something?” Megan grumbled. “It's obvious that the partnership isn't very profitable, so why extend it? Besides, this is an instruction from our new managing director, so the decision is final.”

Andy went limp. The partnership with Sun Group brought in a huge amount of revenue for the Tansyah Group. If the contract wasn't extended, his family's company would be in trouble.

“Can I meet the new managing director of Sun Group Southeast Asia? I'd like to discuss this directly with him,” Andy ventured.

“No, you can't. Mr. Suntoro is very busy, all of Sun Group Southeast Asia's activities are entrusted to me,” Megan replied.

“M-Mr. Suntoro, you say?” repeated Andy in surprise.

Megan just nodded in response.

Andy was stunned. Hearing the name Suntoro, all he could think of was one name: Alan. He remembered that Lilyana's husband had the surname Suntoro.

“But, no way! Alan is just a vegetable seller. It must just be a coincidence that his surname is the same as the new Sun Group CEO. Yeah, it can't be him!”

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