All Chapters of The World's Richest Son-In-Law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
12 chapters
Chapter 11
Alan's vegetable stall is simple but modern in concept. He has adopted a self-service scheme where customers can choose what they want to buy and pay at the cashier.As soon as he arrived, Alan was busy checking his inventory. Some of the vegetables were wilted and even rotten, and had to be thrown away immediately because they were no longer edible.Meanwhile, more durable vegetables such as potatoes, eggplants, carrots and cabbage were in short supply. This meant that Alan had to go shopping again to replenish the stock.“Ah, I still can't start selling today. I have to go shopping first,” muttered Alan after he finished checking all the supplies.Just as Alan was about to check the cash register, the glass door of the stall opened. A young woman wearing an elegant blazer appeared with a smile.A fragrant aroma filled the shop as soon as she entered. It was the typical scent of expensive perfume worn by the rich.“Sorry, our shop is still closed today. Please come back tomorrow,” Ala
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Chapter 12
Elsewhere, Jacky Hosea had just stepped into the lobby of his family's corporate office. Upon arriving at the reception desk, Albert Wongso's son-in-law was startled to see someone he recognized.“Charlie?” Jacky exclaimed, unable to believe who he was seeing.The person being called was talking to the receptionist, so his back was to Jacky. Upon hearing the call, the man immediately turned around.“J-Jack?” said Charlie, equally surprised.“Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be in the office?” asked Jacky probingly.The question made Charlie lower his head, not daring to meet Jacky's gaze. Obviously, this attitude made Jacky even more curious.“Why are you silent?” Jacky urged. “You can't be lazy working at Sun Group. Even though you're just a son-in-law, if you're lazy like this, you'll bring shame to the Hosea family.”“J-Jack...” Charlie was about to say something, but hesitated. “Actually... actually I....”“Actually what?” snapped Jacky impatiently.“I... I've been fired from
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