Chapter 96: We need to get that chip!

Serpens’s eyes widened in shock as he listened to Jack's speech. The SFX-chip, just like he had seen from the past, was not just any invention; it was his father’s creation, a project shrouded in secrecy and intended for the greater good. Hearing it claimed by another was a blow on his face. He finally realized why Jack killed his parents. This was the plan all along.

He stood there, stunned, as Jack continued to elaborate on the chip’s capabilities, boasting about its potential to revolutionize technology and warfare. The guests applauded, once again as he stepped down from the podium.

All through the party, Serpens couldn't shake off the feeling that something about the city wasn't just right. In his second day of being in the city, there hasn't been any sign of Winter or Bahamut whom everyone claims had been set free.

The fact that Jack Brynner could throw a party in the midst of what is believed to be a city where lives are no longer safe, made him wonder what exactly was going on
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