Chapter 95: Attending the party

Serpens stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his shirt collar and running a hand through his hair. He had picked up the shirt from one of the bags which had been tucked away in the room.

He hesitated for a while contemplating if he should actually honor Rose's invitation or just stay back. He turned to Xin, who sat on the edge of the bed, watching him.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Serpens asked. “It could be a good distraction for both of us.”

Xin shook her head, offering a small smile. “No, I think it’s better if I stay here. Besides, you need some time to clear your head without me tagging along.”

Serpens could understand her reason for not wanting to go with him to the party but at the same time, wished he could make her change her mind.

"Remember, we're meeting with Jeremy tomorrow. We have to live as soon as we can." Xin added, reminding him of the importance of their shared mission.

As they were still talking, the sound of a car pulling up outside the house caught t
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