Chapter 94: A difficult decision

Serpens and Xin moved towards the house, and as they approached, he couldn't help but feel sad that his sister would not be there waiting for him as usual. The only consolation he could give himself was that there was still a chance to prevent all that he was seeing and that was for him to return to the time from which he had traveled from.

Stepping into the house, he noticed the windows broken, and the paint was peeling off the walls.

"Hard to believe this is home." He muttered to himself as memories of his happy days with Serena flooded his mind, making the current state of the house more heartbreaking. He just couldn't imagine how he'll continue to live if Serena were to die for real.

For one reason, he was happy he came to the future. It opened his eyes to see the consequences that are likely to come upon Draketwon should Winter really set Bahamut free.

As they moved through the house, they found themselves in the kitchen where the smell of Serena's cooking once filled the air. N
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