Chapter 93: A messy future, indeed!

While Jeremy was going, Serpens turned to face Xin, contemplating whether or not to tell Jeremy that they had come from the future and had a broken time machine which needs fixing.

Jeremy had really impressed him when he talked about building a time machine and something in him told him he could trust Jeremy.

"Do you think we should tell him about the time machine?" Serpens asked, glancing at Xin.

Xin nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I think we should. If anyone could help us fix it, it's definitely going to be him. You can tell he's a genius. It's no wonder the other kids were trying to bully him."

"Hey wait up!" Serpens called out to Jeremy who was still within reach as he hadn't gone too far.

"What's up?" Jeremy turned around, a serious look on his face. "Did something happen?"

"No," Serpens replied, walking towards him. "It's just that..." He paused and then exchanged glances with Xin, who gestured for him to go ahead.

"It's just that we have a time machine,"

"Are you serious?" Jeremy
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