Jeremy arrived in Paris at exactly 11 am in the morning. A car had been arranged to drop him off.

He got out of the car and walked inside the big, gigantic mansion.

Although this wasn't his first time in the city, this was his first time in Luke's house.

Jeremy remained unfazed by the beauty and architecture of the massive mansion standing before Him. The grand entrance boasted a sweeping staircase, adorned with polished marble and ornate chandeliers. Despite the opulence, Jeremy's gaze remained neutral, and his expression a mask of indifference.

As he approached the entrance of the mansion, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with the luxury that surrounded him.

Jeremy headed into the living room, the guards leading the way.

They arrived in a beautifully decorated living room with fine paintings on the wall.

The guards bowed down to greet who he assumed to be Luke, an old man in his seventies with Grey hair and a happy smile.

Jeremy saw them walk away, the old man turned to look at him with a smile on his face.

Returning his smile, Jeremy greeted, “Good morning Grandfather Luke, I am assuming you already know who I am”

Grandfather Luke chuckled even though he had a tobacco in between his lips.

He inhaled for a while, scrutinizing Jeremy and acknowledging in his heart that he was indeed a responsible man.

Jeremy was the grandchild of his best friend; how could he not recognize him?

“Please take a sit and feel free, you must have had a long flight.” Grandfather Luke said with a charming voice, despite his age, he looked very good.

Jeremy nodded and sat on the couch facing, facing opposite Grandfather Luke, he took notice of the details, his eyes fixed on every little detail.

The room was painted in a deep green color, which Jeremy found to be strange because this mansion could be worth billions of dollars.

Then where do you go for a more neutral painting?

Jeremy assumed that the old man loved to keep a low profile, so he didn't bother much about it. It wasn’t his house at all.

“Coffee?”Grandfather Luke asked all of a sudden, trying his best to show his hospitality to the young handsome man.

Coffee and biscuits were considered prestigious and highly and highly customized food in Paris’ high society. It was an essential part of social etiquette. The rich tradition wasn't about satiating hunger or thirst-it served as a symbol of grace and refinement among the elite.

Jeremy gave a polite smile in return. He wasn't a fan of coffee, but he didn't want to sound rude or turn down his request.

With a wave of his hand, two young women arrived, holding cups in their hands and Jeremy couldn't help but wonder how they felt comfortable even with the heat emitting from the cup.

They bowed a little and then offered him the cup, which he accepted while he went on to give Grandfather Luke the other cup.

Jeremy brought the cups to his lips when he saw Grandfather Luke do the same.

The Scalding hot burned his tongue a little and a visible frown line appeared on his face.

But he quickly masked it up and gulped down the liquid.

He wouldn't call it best, it it wasn't that bad either. If he were to be offered another cup of coffee then he would gladly turn it down.

Jeremy dropped the cup on the stool; he turned back his attention to Grandfather Luke, who was grinning widely as their gaze met.

“How do you like it?” Grandfather Luke asked, his eyes glittering with curiosity.

Jeremy plastered a fake smile on his face; he couldn't tell the old man that the coffee tasted bad, or could he??

“It's incredible, thank you for your hospitality” Jeremy uttered with a smirk, "so, what are we here for Grandfather Luke?"

Jeremy leaned back in his seat, his curiosity growing as Grandfather Luke's demeanor shifted. The old man studied him with an intensity that made Jeremy’s heart race.

“Jeremy,” Luke began with his voice steady, “there’s something I need to discuss with you—a matter of family and tradition.”

Jeremy raised an eyebrow, unsure of where this was headed. “What kind of tradition?”

Luke took a deep breath, leaning forward, his hands clasped together in seriousness, “Your grandfather, my dearest friend, made a promise many years ago. He pledged your hand in marriage to a lovely girl from our family’s circle—a promise that has been upheld for generations.”

Jeremy felt his pulse quicken, a mixture of disbelief and annoyance washing over him. “What? You can’t be serious! I didn’t know anything about this!"

"well...I am serious, Jeremy! You are getting married!!" Grandfather Luke declared with an aura that made Jeremy to freeze in shock

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