"No, I will not agree to this!" Jeremy's voice rang out with frustration.

He couldn't believe whatever Grandfather Luke was telling him now, or could he??

Grandfather Luke chuckled softly as he noticed Jeremy, whose face was burning I anger.

"I understand that this has come as a surprise to you." Luke’s voice cut in smoothly, interrupting Jeremy's angry outburst.

"You are missing something, Grandfather Luke!" Jeremy protested, sinking back into the chair, crossing his arms with a scowl. "I just got a divorce! Which means I was once married, and that family tradition you keep going on about wouldn’t have any effect on me if my wife hadn’t thought I was a loser and cheated on me!" Jeremy's tone was filled with bitterness as he uttered that statement.

Grandfather Luke listened carefully to every word Jeremy had just spoken. He sipped his coffee slowly, almost savoring it, as if he had all the time in the world. A smile curled at the edges of his lips while he observed Jeremy.

Jeremy couldn’t help but notice how striking grandfather Luke still was, even at his age. Despite being in his seventies, he had retained a certain handsomeness that women would no doubt still find attractive. It was easy to imagine them lining up for just one night with him.

"Jeremy," Luke finally spoke again, his voice was calm yet filled with an undeniable authority, "you really do not understand how powerful I am, do you? I am unstoppable. Do you really think a simple wedding would hinder my plans?" He laughed quietly, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Jeremy heaved a heavy sign as he listened to Luke in disbelief

"I understand if u do not want to marry someone you barely know, so instead, I Have a proposal!"

Jeremy leaned forward, intrigued, “What do you mean?”

“Well,” Luke continued, his voice lowering conspiratorially, “if you’re not interested in fulfilling that promise just yet, I propose a business deal.”

“A business deal?” Jeremy echoed, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “What kind of deal?”

Luke smiled, clearly pleased with himself. “I have a venture in mind—an investment opportunity that could yield significant returns. But I need someone with your vision and skills to partner with me. If you agree to enter into this deal, I will consider postponing the marriage arrangement.”

Jeremy’s mind raced. This could be a golden opportunity, both for his career and for his freedom. “What’s the catch?”

“No catch,” Luke replied, raising his hands in mock innocence. “Just a simple partnership. We invest together, and if it succeeds, we both win. You’ll gain not only financial independence but also the time you need to find your own path.”

Jeremy’s heart pounded in his chest as he contemplated the offer. He had always wanted to carve out his own identity, free from familial obligations. “And if I refuse?”

Luke’s expression turned serious with his tone firm. “Then the promise stands. And you may find yourself at a wedding altar sooner than you expect.”

Jeremy shifted in his seat, the weight of the decision pressing down on him. The thought of being forced into a marriage he didn’t want was suffocating. “Alright, I’m listening. What’s the business idea?”

With a twinkle of an...

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