Chapter 8

Emily opened the door to the coffee shop and walked right to the corner table she loves sitting on.

Maria sighted her and chuckled, he went in and made her favorite coffee and with some cookies and walked up to her and placed them on the table.

"Good morning Maria," Emily said, raising her face to look at the smiling Emily.

"You don't look so great this morning but a cup of coffee should do the trick right?" Maria asked and Emily sighs.

"I wish it does" she said and sipped the coffee before putting it on the table. She brought out her drawing pad and her pencils. 

"Why don't I leave you to vent on your drawing sheet a little pid before I show up again and by that time I might have served all the customers necessary" 

Maria said and Emily chuckled. "I am not vent on my drawing pad, I just want to draw" Emily said and Maria looked away and laughed.

"I know what I know and I will say what I see, so, I will find along" Maria said and walked away.

Emily looked around and could feel the atmosphere in the coffee shop wasn't right, Not like every other day. She looked around and could not find anything different or strange.

She instantly had a rethink and thought maybe it was her mood that sour her environment.

She was drawing with her earpiece in her ears as she was listening to music.

"Quite a wonderful drawing!" A voice said and she was startled, she had her earpiece on but she heard the guy loud and clear.

She looked up and saw a guy whom she had never seen before in the vicinity. He looks fresh and hairy. 

She could tell he was muscular from his top and with the sweat  on his face and his top which was wet around his neck downward made her figure out he must have been up for morning exercise.

"Thanks!" She mouthed and he smiled. Emily could not help but shiver when the smile flashed at her.

"Can I sit?" He asked and Emily smiled and pointed at the chair. He smiled and sat down.

"My name is Marcus, I live next street, I also love painting" Marcus said and Emily nodded shyly before responding.

"I am Emily, I live close by thought and …" Emily responded before Marcus stretched his hand and picked her painting and looked at them.

"What's the illustration of your painting?" Marcus asked and Emily chuckled.

"It's a lady sitting on a tree log and firing arrows into the woods, hunting down while making just a little move, a very talented woman," Emily happily explained.

Marcus looked up and his eyes subconsciously flashed red as he was boiling within himself. The painting was burning through his heart and he couldn't help it.

"Are you okay?" Emily asked as the strange guy didn't speak anymore but kept staring at her painting like it was a racist post on social media.

"Ohh, I am sorry, I am fine, I was just captivated by such an amazing painting you did without stress, it really takes a strong word to do such!"

Marcus said and they laughed. 

"Thank you!" She said and tucked her hair behind her ears.

The coffee shop door opened and a reverend father walked into the shop with his bible and small cross by the side.

Marcus and Emily looked up at the same time and directed their look at the man.

"I am sorry I have to leave like this but I hope we see soon and it's nice meeting you my lady!" Marcus said and smiled before zooming off.

Emily could not even get a word out of her mouth because she was so surprised that he left like that.

Father John who just walked into the coffee shop raised his cross as he felt the atmosphere was not pure but before he could pray. Marcus hit him with his shoulder and watched out.

Father lord looked at  Marcus who left and two other ladies who walked out as well and felt their energy was different and kind of strange.

He faced the front to pray but this time, the atmosphere was back peaceful mode. He looked back once more before shaking his head and walked to sit with Emily.

"Hello, young lady, how are you?" Father John said as he sat down and Emily smiled. "I'm fine sir" Emily said and the Father nodded.

"I have never seen you, are you new here?" The father asked as he beckoned to Maria to get him his favorite coffee.

"Not really, we got here two months ago and I haven't been out since, but I frequently visit the coffee shop" Emily said and the man looked at her strangely.

"I meant, have you ever attended the church, I only know people there" father John said and Emily was a little bit startled.

"I haven't attended the church!"

Emily said as she felt scared within as she didn't know what to expect of the man again this time around.

Maria served as her saviour as she brought the coffee at the time and father John happily collected the cup from Maria.

"God bless you , sister Maria" father John said and Maria smiled and bowed. "Amen sir" she said and gave Emily a quick smile.

"How's the family?" He asked and Maria kept her face smiling. "Perfect sir, the lord has been so good" she replied and father John drank a little from his cup and placed it on the table.

"I would have said, the church misses you but you are doing great out here, it's doesn't matter the place, as long as we are fulfilling our calling, hallelujah" 

He said and Maria smiled.

"Run along, you have a busy day already" father John said and Maria walked away happily.

"She was a choir before she got married to Ali, a devoted Muslim and trust me, he is a good man and I can't help but agree to their love" father John said and Emily nodded.

Father John eyes went straight to her painting and he picked it up.

"Did you draw this?" He asked and Emily smiled.

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