Chapter 9

Emily was surprised, twice in a day did men get attracted to her random painting and it's quite shocking for her.

"Yes sir" she replied.

"Hallelujah!" Father John said and stared at the painting in his hand.

He looked up at her face for quite a while as he still finds it hard to believe that she drew it.

"Did you see this painting somewhere or you thought of this?" He asked and Emily chuckled. She felt she was underestimated by the man in her presence.

"Father, I did the painting myself and I just sat here and the inspiration of the painting dropped in my mind"

Emily said and Father John gave a slight nod.

 "Did you recently start painting or have you done a lot more than this?" 

Father John asked as Emily was looking quite lost in the conversation.

"A lot more" she replied and father John nodded before returning the drawing pad.

"Whenever you are free, bring your painting over, let go through them and I can see your work is quite inspirational. I will love to invite you over and make you paint for the church"

Father John said and Emily chuckled, "what's the catch?" Emily asked and father John smiled awkwardly and Emily was lost.

"There is no catch, do you love stories?" He asked and Emily scratched her hair.

"I do" she answered and father John chuckled. 

"Come around, I will tell you all you need to know about everything that is existing. I will surely be expecting sooner before it all starts to fade"

Father John said and she was confused. "Fade!" She repeated and father John looked at her and nodded his head in affirmation but picked up his cup.

"It's cold already!" He said nonchalantly and the coffee shop opened. Emily's friends jumped in their skimpy wear and father John shook his head in pity.

"Hello, mama," one of them said while the other ruffled Emily's hair. "Let's go on a ride!" They said before Emily could even respond to them.

"Hmm…" Emily wanted to disagree but the other girl who was rubbing her hair earlier, bent and picked her bag and stuffed all her things into the bag.

"No going back, let's go" the first girl insisted and pulled Emily.

"Okay" Emily said as she sighs and looked at father John's side and saw he wasn't paying attention to them.

She picked her phone and followed her friends out.

Maria, who noticed father John was still looking at the direction the girls passed, walked up to father John and sat in Emily's space.

"Father, what is wrong?" Maria asked, looking so worried for Emily. No

"Nothing, she is good news but she might be a bad one if she falls into the pit of those beasts" Father John said and Maria was confused as to what he was saying.

She smiled and left to have a rethink about what the man said.


Tom was in the office marking clues on the board when Dave rushed into the office. "We have a situation!"

He was yelling while panting as well. "Calm down and tell me what happened!" Tom said and walked up to him.

"There was an all girl student panic that happened downtown and it is reported just now that the students were found dead and not just dead.

More like they were attacked. We need to go there right away" Dave said and Tom's heart broke. He couldn't believe it's happening again.

"Let's go!" Tom said and picked up his car keys. Dave had rushed out before Tom walked out.

"Full force to the scene, let's go, move it!" Tom gave a command as he walked out and they all started making moves to leave.

In less than ten minutes, they got to the scene. It was so bloody. 

Every one started doing their duties while Tom walked around watching how the ambulance nurses were trying to save the ladies.

Tom saw one of the ambulance van drove off at full speed and he walked to the nurses who was writing the report to ask a few questions.

"Hi, I'm sheriff Tom" he introduced himself and the lady looked up at him.

"Hi, I'm Lisa" she responded and continues her report. "Why did that van leave in a rush?" Tom asked as he could see that the ladies seems tensed.

"There was a survivor but she was badly injured, so we are trying to save her. I hope she survives because those doctors in the van are the best doctors we have in the hospital" 

Lisa said nonchalantly and Tom nodded.

"How many of them died?" Tom asked and Lisa sniffed like she was about to cry. "They were fifteen, fourteen of them died and the last one is fighting for her life.

They are my age range, what if it was me?" Lisa said in an emotional outburst.

"Take heart, Lisa, you won't die, we will find the source of the problem and eliminate it totally." Tom said and pats Lisa on her back.

"What do you think about everything?" Tom asked and Lisa sniffed and wiped her face clean.

"If I must say, according to what I have heard in the church stories. They were attacked by the beast of the jungle. You know, it's said that there are humans are against God and so therefore their punishment is to turn into beasts.

They are very violent and love to claim the territories of normal humans. I guess they did the work because the wounds on the dead bodies are extremely deep.

It's most that the cut of a normal animal. It's more like a rage animal is determined not to just kill but to destroy and tear apart and the funny thing is all of them are young beautiful ladies"

Lisa said and Tom chuckled.

"Thanks for the update, Lisa, it is really useful" Tom said and chuckled.

Tom suddenly sighted the two reporters who were capturing the incident and Hank was with them instructing them on where to capture and what not.

"We found a clue!" Hank yelled and Tom looked at their direction.

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