chapter 54

As Martinez, Rachel, and Lisa sat in the living room, engaged in idle conversation, they couldn't help but sense the tension lingering in the air after Emily's conversation with her father, Tom. The weight of their words weighed heavily on everyone's minds, leaving room for anticipation to grow.

Emily and Tom emerged from her room, finally concluding their discussion. Before they could take a breath, Tom's phone began to vibrate insistently on the coffee table. He picked it up and glanced at the caller ID, recognizing the name of the governor's representative, Mr. Bolton. Tom hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to answer or not, but he knew it was important and finally pressed the accept button.

"Hello, Mr. Bolton," Tom's voice resonated with a mix of curiosity and concern. As the conversation ensued, his eyes darkened, and his forehead furrowed with worry. "Alright, I'll be right there," he concluded and hung up the phone, his mind processing the urgency behind Mr. Bolton's
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