chapter 55

After the meeting, Mr. Bolton left the station and headed into his car. "Drive!" He yelled at the driver and immediately, the driver kick-started the car.

Mr. Bolton brought out his phone and dialed the governor's phone, after ringing for what seemed like an eternity the called was finally picked, but by the governor's secretary. "Hello, who is this?" the secretary asked on the phone.

"Mary, you better redirect this call to the governor before I lose it!!" Mr. Bolton yelled at her so loud the the driver shook.

"Okay... okay, sir." Mary replied, shakingly. Then, she beeped the telephone to redirect the call to the governor.

"Bolton?" The governor said as he picked the call.

"Yes, sir. I just left the station, sir." Bolton replied the governor with a much calm voice compared to the way he spoke to Mary and his driver, earlier.

"So, what's what? Any update from Tom?" The governor asked in anticipation of a good work or maybe a lead.

"No, you know how calm Tom is, that's why I don't like
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