chapter 59

During the night as Tom was still doing some investigations and findings in his room, everything he came across kept on pointing at werewolves and he had no option than to call Martinez despite it being the middle of the night.

He picked up his phone from the table and dialed Martinez's number, but it took more than while dial for Martinez to pick up, but when she finally picked up, her voice made it evident that she had already slept off as she made sounds of yawning and stretching, her voice barely above whisper.

"I'm so sorry, Martinez for calling you by this time of the day, I just needed someone to share my theory with. I'm still pretty convinced that these attacks are caused by werewolves..." Tom stopped speaking as he wasn't receiving any response from the other end. "Martinez, are you there?" He asked.

"I'm here, just listening. Go on, please." Martinez assured Tom as she cleared her throat and sat up right.

"You're not usually this quite, you know?" Tom said, trying to make s
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