Chapter 3 : The Family Who Adopted Him

Chapter 3 : The Family Who Adopted Him

"No! We're not going to break up, Mara. Let's fix it!" Elijah shouted at his girlfriend.

He can't understand why she suddenly wants to break up with him, he remembers that they were eating happily yesterday. Then now she says that she wants to break up with him.

"I don't want you anymore, Elijah! You're boring!" Mara shouted at him and started to walk away but he quickly chased her and grabbed her by the arm.

"What?! Let me go! We're done!" Mara yelled at him and started to remove his hand but he tightened his grip on it so she couldn't leave.

"I don't believe what you're saying, Mara..." he said softly. She stopped moving and looked at him.

"I don't care if you don't want to believe!" she yelled at him in annoyance and started to remove his hand again.

"Give me a reason! Give me a reason why you want to break up with me!" He shouted. "We've been together for three years, Mara. And you're just going to end it like that?! Our 4th anniversary is coming up. Tell me you're just kidding!" he added.

"I don't care about our 4th anniversary because we're done, and you want a reason? I'll give you one." She looked at him carefully. "Because you're poor, I'm jealous of other couples who can go to different places to celebrate their anniversary. But you! You can't even buy your own house, do you think you can go to the places I want to go? I don't like you because you're just poor! I don't see you in my future, Elijah!"

He was completely speechless because of what Mara said. It's like he was stabbed a million times because of what she said, just because he's poor she wants to break up with him?

When he didn't say a word, shecompletely left him. He doesn't understand his feelings right now, just because he is poor she will leave him? He loves her so much and he can't lose her but what she said is like his world has been destroyed and he doesn't know how to get it back.

He couldn't focus on work since that happened, he also tried several times to go to Mara's house but every time he went she always wouldn't let him in as if he had a serious illness that she had to avoid him.

Elijah knows that he has not been a perfect boyfriend for her, he knows that he also has imperfections, but he is trying to make up somehow but because he is poor, she will break up with him.

Little by little, he understood that because Mara is rich, there is a man out there who is better than him. That's when he accepted her separation. But even if he accepted it, it didn't mean he was able to move on.

Eliijah focused his attention more on his work, so that somehow he could forget about his break up with her.

Even though he was drunk, he left that bar when he realized that Mara was also in that bar with her new man. When he got home to Flor's house, he caught her and June, her husband, fighting and shouting at each other.

"You're worthless, why don't you look for a job?!" Flor yelled at her husband.

"Then what?! When I find a job, you're just going to spend my money at the casino?!" June fired back at her.

Because Elijah opened the door, the two stopped shouting. Flor quickly approached him.

"Do you have any money with you?" Flor asked him and took out a cigarette from her pocket.

He felt sad because this was the first question he was asked instead of asking where he got the wounds on his face and body.

"I don't have-" he stopped speaking because Flor's lighter quickly hit his face.

"You're also useless! Why did I adopt you?!" Flor yelled at him as she looked at him evilly. "I regret adopting you, you know that? You're useless! You're just like June!" she added.

He didn't answer because he was used to what she was saying to him, he walked to go to his room.

Before he left, he heard her speak again.

"Why don't you want to work at my bar? Many women will fall for your handsome face! Your face is a waste if you don't use it."

Elijah sighed before entering his room, it was a small room and only contained a bed and his cabinet. Raiven said it was just like a storage room when he came here.

Flor always forced him to work at her bar, he didn't want to because he knew what would happen. She will just sell his body and he doesn't want that to happen. That's not a good job for him.

'I wish Flor would treat me right,' he prayed that before he slept.

The next day, he left Flor's house early to work again at the grocery store. The grocery store opens early, so he also has to come in early in the morning.

When he got there, Armando who was busy counting his money ignored him. When the time passed, customers came one after the other.

He barely had a break because he did nothing but sit and do his work. When he finished his work, he quickly left.

Elijah realized that he needed to find another job, he knew that his boss was paying him unfairly. But he continued to work because he had no choice.

He sat on a bench he saw, it was near the highway and there weren't many passing cars because it was late at night.

When he left the orphanage he thought his life would be fine but no, he felt even more suffering in life. He didn't want to admit to himself that his life had become even more difficult when he got out.

He leaned on the bench and suddenly thought of his parents. Others say that he has a foreign race because of the color of his eyes. He said to other people that he doesn't want to meet his parents because they abandoned him, but the truth is that he wants to see his parents. But he doesn't know how and where to start.

He had many questions in his mind, why did they leave him in the orphanage, was there a reason? Those who took care of him at the orphanage said that he was still young when a man left him. Elijah was wearing a bracelet when the man left him outside the orphanage, and he is still hiding that bracelet until now.

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