Chapter 4 : Fired

Chapter 4 : Fired

The next day, Elijah left Flor's house early, when he left she and her husband were shouting at each other already and it was still because of the money. June is angry because she has already used up the money he gave her yesterday. Flor did not give up and said that the money will be used up naturally because he did not give a large amount of money.

While walking, he thought about where he would look for another job, knowing that he would have difficulty finding it because he was not a college graduate.

He thought it might be time to accept Raiven's job offer. The only thing that keeps him from accepting it is he knows that Flor will be angry at him if she finds out that he is working at a bar, knowing that Flor is offering him a job at her bar.

When he entered the grocery store, he was quickly surprised by what his boss told him.

"What did you say?" he asked nervously, he could feel his hands getting cold.

Armando grinned. "You are fired."

"Wait, why did I suddenly lose my job? I only made a mistake once, right? I make sure it won't happen again," he murmured, his voice is shaking.

'I can't lose my job!'

He hasn't even found a second job and now he's going to lose his first job?

"My decision is complete, Elijah. Get out of my grocery store," his boss said and looked at him like he was a disgusting person.

Elijah suddenly knelt in front of his boss, he grabbed his foot and begged for mercy.

"Don't do this to me, I have no money to give to my family if I lose my job! You know this job is all I can do. Don't do this to me please," he begged and his tears fell one after the other.

Armando was forcing him to remove his hand that was holding his legs. When he couldn't get rid of it, he kicked him hard.

"Don't touch me! I don't care if you die if you lose your job, I don't care if you don't have a job!" Armando shouted at him. "And don't expect to receive your last salary because the man you let run away is the reason why you will not receive it. You won't get your salary anymore!"

Hearing this made him completely nervous. That can't happen!

"Don't do this to me! You're so heartless!" Elijah said while crying. He thought about how he would tell this to Flor. What is she going to do to him?

"Leave before I call the police here," Armando finally said before leaving in front of him.

He did nothing but leave the grocery store where he worked for two years. He was walking on the side of the road, the weather was hot but he didn't care because he was thinking about what was happening to him now.

He no longer has a job.

How can he live? He doesn't even have a coin saved because Flor takes everything he earns from his job, she gets angry when he doesn't give it all. So in the end Elijah had nothing left, it was a miracle if he had any coins left.

He can't understand why this is happening to him, is he a bad guy in his past life so this is happening to him? He needs money! It seems that he should really accept the job that Raiven offered him.

The only place he would go now was his friend's bar. It was far but he didn't have money to pay for a taxi so he preferred to walk. While walking, tears kept coming out of his eyes and he couldn't understand why they were coming out.

He wiped his eyes with his palm in disgust. 'Why am I crying?' he asked himself annoyed. He doesn't have time to cry anymore, the most important thing now is to find a job.

It was already afternoon when he got to Raiven's bar, he was feeling hungry and thirsty because of his several hours of walking. He felt like he was about to pass out.

When he got close to Raiven's bar, he gradually heard the noise of people having fun inside the bar. When he entered, he quickly asked the bouncer where his friend was and the bouncer quickly said that Raiven was in his office.

He knocked before entering, when he entered he saw him talking to someone on his cellphone, and when Raiven saw him he quickly hung up the call.

Raiven looked at him from head to toe.

"Why do you look like that? You look like you've been hit by heaven and earth," Raiven murmured.

Elijah sat on his sofa, he leaned his back on it and closed his eyes to rest, he was very tired from walking for several hours.

"I don't have a job anymore," he answered almost in a whisper but it was enough for Raiven to hear. When he opened his eyes and saw Raiven looking at him with a surprised face.

"What the fvck happened?" Raiven asked him.

"I don't really know the reason why I was fired, but I think it was because I let the man not pay for what he bought," he answered. "Armanso said he won't give me my last salary because it is still not enough for the price that man stole."

"Just work here, don't worry."

He nodded and Raiven raised his eyebrows.

"You agree to work here?" his friend asked him and Elijah sighed loudly.

"Yes, I have no other choice," he answered.

The second reason why he refuses the job is because Mara often comes here. And he doesn't want to see her all the time because he thinks he won't be able to move on properly if he works here. But now he has no choice but to accept it because he doesn't know if he will find a job right away.

"You'll always see her often, I heard she has a new boyfriend," Raiven said.

"That's fine, I'll avoid them. I'll work here temporarily, I'll still look for a job. But I don't know how long it will take," he said. "I don't even know how to tell Flor about it," he uttered hopelessly.

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