Chapter 5 : Leaving Flor's House

Chapter 5 : Leaving Flor's House

Raiven gave him food and drinking water, he was really thankful that he met this kind of friend.

Elijah stayed in his office for a few hours, Raiven said that his work will start tomorrow. He feels like his body doesn't want to go home because first he's afraid to tell Flor that he doesn't have a job anymore, he can say that he has a new job at Raiven's bar but he knows that Flor will be even more angry.

Raiven gives him a ride with his motorcycle, because he said he had no money. He waited for Raiven's motorcycle to leave before he slowly entered Flor's house.

He felt different because even though he was far away from Flor's house earlier, he didn't hear any shouting or voice, because every time he came home, he was used to hearing them shouting. Flor's voice was louder.

'What's happening?'

He caught her and June watching TV as if they didn't fight this morning. Seeing him, Flor quickly stood up and looked at him evilly.

Elijah felt immediately very nervous.

"Your boss called me a while ago, he said that you are fired and you will not receive any money!" Flor yelled at him and his lips parted when he heard it.

Armando called them? But why? Does he need to do that?!

He was unable to speak because she quickly slapped him. "You are absolutely worthless! Why did I adopt you?! I never considered you as my child! You are worthless!" Flor yelled at him and continued to hit him. "That's all you're going to do, work for us! You stupid fool! You're worthless! Didn't you even thank us for adopting you?! Huh?!"

"I am thankful that you adopted me—" she quickly slapped him again

"You're worthless! It's really the wrong decision in my life that I adopted someone like you! And since you don't have a job, the best thing to do to you is to get out of this house!"

It was like cold water poured over his body because of what he heard, he even asked himself if what he heard was right and tears completely came out of his eyes when he realized that he was being kicked out of this house.

"I have nowhere else to go! Don't do this to me!" Elijah shouted while crying and she quickly slapped him again.

"Live on the side of the road! Live anywhere you want! Even if you're like a dog on the road, I don't care. You're stupid, right?! Stupid people like you deserve it! Do you know that? If you'd kept your job, I wouldn't have kicked you out now!" Flor continues to shout. "If you don't have money to give me, you better leave this house! Because I won't feed you and let you sleep in this house if you don't have a job and money!" she added.

He was surprised when Flor left her presence and entered his room. When she came out, Elijah's eyes widened because she was carrying his clothes and threw them in front of him.

"Get out! Get out of here!" she yelled at him.

And then suddenly, Elle, Flor's daughter, suddenly came out of her room. She looked at what was happening.

"What's happening?" Elle asked, she removed the headset on her head.

"I'm sending Elijah away, he doesn't have a job anymore because of his stupidity," Flor explained to her.

Elle looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him, she didn't say a word and just went back to her room.

"Get out! Get out and don't ever come back!" Flor shouted at him again.

He didn't say a word and picked up his clothes one by one. When he got everything, he quickly walked to his room. He didn't know if it was the right decision for him to leave this house. But he knows himself that he can't live here anymore.

When he put all his clothes in his bigs he left Flor's house, he didn't say goodbye and walked straight to the door.

He never thought he would leave the house he lived in when he left the orphanage.

Elijah walked on the side of the road with a heavy chest, thinking that he would just go to Raiven again. He already owes him a lot, he is ashamed of his friend already but he has no one else to ask for help because he has no other friends apart from him.

Elijah doesn't know what will happen in his life now that he no longer lives in Flor's house, he feels that somehow his life will be easier because no one will hurt him and say hurtful words to him.

But there is a part of him that thinks his life will get harder. While walking, people looked at Elijah, but he didn't care. He felt that he was being watched because of his wounds.

'My life is so miserable'

His wound from the Red Note Gang has not yet healed but he has new wounds from his boss and Flor now.

Elijah's whole life, the only thing he does is to say sorry, say sorry every time he makes a mistake, say sorry even if he is not at fault. He felt he was born to say the word sorry to every person.

Elijah suddenly thought, what would his life be like if he grew up with his real parents? Can he eat three times a day? Can he sleep without thinking about money? Doesn't he have to work at a young age if he was raised by his real parents?

He had many questions in his mind and he didn't know if he could answer them.

Elijah stopped when someone stopped him from walking, it was a man wearing a hat and carrying a brief case. The man looked at him for a few seconds before speaking.

"What would you do if you became a billionaire?" the man asked him.

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