Chapter 6 : New Work

Chapter 6 : New Work

Elijah couldn't speak because of the man's question, a few seconds later he heard the man's laugh.

The man fixed his hat and then spoke. "I'm just joking, bye! See you soon," the man said and quickly walked away causing him to be speechless, but before the man could leave he noticed the man's crown tattoo on his wrist.

'Is he on drugs or what?'

He just forgot about the man and continued walking but he couldn't help but think about what the man asked him.

What would he do if he became a billionaire? Maybe he will find his real parents first.

On the other hand, a 38-year-old woman sighed heavily. She faced a man wearing a hat and holding a brief case.

"Did you get his hair?" she asked him. "And by the way, you look weird with your outfit."

The man removed his hat and sat on the sofa before answering her question. "Yeah," he answered. "And he looks so stunned when I ask him what he is going to do if he becomes a billionaire," the man added and laughed.

The woman shook her head. "It's so random that suddenly someone would ask him that," she said.

"But aren't you happy that you finally found your son?" the man murmured.

"I am happy even though the paternity test has not been done because I know he is my son," the woman answered. "But I still have no idea where his twin is."

"They went to different orphanages so I'm sure we'll have a really hard time finding his twin," the man said. "And I'm tired of wearing this damn hat and carrying this brief case, I look like a fucking weirdo."

The woman suddenly stood up and wore her mask on her face before speaking. "Let's do the paternity test, I'm excited to know the truth," she said and they quickly left together.

Meanwhile, Elijah arrived at his friend's bar and explained what happened.

"She kicked you out of her house?" Raiven asked him in disbelief and he nodded in response.

"No matter what I say, I know she won't listen to me so I just accepted that I need to leave her house," Elijah said.

'Even though the people there were like that, that house is still memorable to me because it became my second home when I left the orphanage' he said to himself.

"You really should leave her damn house because they didn't do anything right to you," his friend said angrily. "They always ask you for money, what do they think of you as a piggy bank?" he added.

Elijah was left speechless because of what he heard, later Raiven explained about this new work at his bar. He will be a waiter at the man's bar which is fine with him because that is better than working at Flor's bar where he will seduce every woman to gain money.

"Take it to table 14," the bartender said to him and handed him the tray containing wine and chips. He nodded and quickly walked to table 14.

He is now wearing a waiter's uniform, given to him by Raiven before he started his work.

He stopped walking when he saw who was at table 14, it was his former boss, Armando, and he had a woman by his side.

He couldn't believe he was going to see him now.

'I can't still believe that he's the one who said to Flor that I was fired. He really wants my life to be miserable.'

He sighed heavily before walking towards their table again, when he got close Armando looked at him quickly, the man looked surprised to see him.

"Elijah? You found a new job right away?" Armando asked him with a smile as he placed the wines on the table of his former boss.

"Honey, who's he?" the woman next to Armando asked.

"He's my former cashier at the grocery store, it's good that he found a new work," Armando answered with a smile still on his lips.

"Former? Why did you fire him?"

"It's because of his stupidity, darling." Armando looked at him when he finished placing all the contents of the tray on their table. "I hope you work here for a long time," he said.

Elijah looked seriously at his former boss. "Of course, I know that I will not be fired from here because their wages are fair," he said sarcastically, causing Armando to frown.

"Are you saying my wages I paid for you wasn't fair when you worked at my grocery store?" the man asked him annoyed.

Elijah's lips parted. "Did you just realize that now?"

"Because you just have new work, you have the courage to speak like that?" Armando said angrily and stood up from his seat.

"Honey, calm down," the woman said to him.

Raiven suddenly came to Elijah's side out of nowhere. "Hey, what's happening here?" his friend asked while smiling.

"Your new waiter has an attitude, is it right for him to speak like that to my husband?" the woman said and she was so annoyed, his friend raised his eyebrows before looking at Armando.

"You should fire him, I'm sure your bar will be ruined if your waiter is like him," Armando said seriously.

Raiven smiled sweetly at the two of them. "I've known Elijah for a long time and I'm sure his attitude is purer than yours," his friend said seriously. "And why would I fire him from his work? Why would I do what you did to him?"

Armando looked at Raiven evilly. "Even the owner of this bar has a bad attitude," the man said angrily and quickly grabbed the arm of the woman he was with. "Let's go, let's leave this useless bar," he added angrily and Raiven and Elijah could do nothing but watch the two leave.

"I can't believe that your old boss is here at my bar," his friend said.

Elijah sighed heavily. "You've just lost your customer," he murmured.

Raiven rolled his eyes. "I don't care, I won't be bankrupt just because of those two. And I don't need them here after they call my bar useless? Hell! They won't be able to step their foot here!" the man added.

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