Chapter 6

 "Young Master?" Everyone was confused.

Looking at the classy lady, she was just a class above that of the guard. He was confused and shot stared at her.

"What's going on here?" The guard Inquired with confusion written all over his face.

She was about to give in the explanation but Henry was able to stop her with a blink. Thoughts were already running through Linda's head.

"Could it be? No, it was certainly not possible?" She threw the evil thought away from her head.

"You are making a really big mistake this man is stealing into this place." The guard replied. "But I am chasing him out already."

Her eyes twitched

"Have you gone mad? Chasing Madam Gu's guest?" She thundered.

"Madame Gu?" Everyone exclaimed. The guard's heart almost stopped beating.

"But how is it possible that he knows Madame Gu."

If not for Henry, she could have revealed the truth a long time ago.

"I'm sorry sir." She apologized on his behalf knowing how much trouble she had gotten herself into.

"You should come with me too." The lady said to the guard with a frown.

His heart shifted abruptly. 

He nodded his head. There were CCTV cameras everywhere. Could it be that he has been caught already?

The guard shook his head, he could not abhor wrong thoughts there already. They walked away from the gathering into the vast crowd.

"How pathetic of him."

"I am sure that he is just the driver of the Floater family."

"I certainly didn't like that lady the moment I laid my eyes on her, she was nothing to write home about." James, who had always been feeling the lady right from the start, lied about just.

"Maybe she has her eyes on the punk, birds of the same feathers."

Meanwhile, the guard was still shivering as they walked. If Jane were to make any report concerning what just happened, then he would be in a whole hell of trouble.

He pulled Jane aside wanting to talk to her as she was still fuming with anger.

"Please Jane, you should say any word of what happened, I promise that I am going to make it up to you with half of my salary." He pleaded, the fear protruding from his face.

But she only got more angry and chuckled.

"Tell? When you got your boss angry directly?" 

The guard grew numb and his heart almost jumped out from his chest. That meant that there was no way that he could come out of this.

He fell to the floor, his face laced with pain.

"What have I gotten myself into? I can't lose my job. I need it so much." He teared.

"Job?" Jane was stunned by his words.

"Are you still thinking about a job when your life is at stake here? Have you suddenly gone out of your mind not to identify the lesser of two evils?" She flared.

The guard paused. He was confused. 

"What are you talking about?" His voice cracked.

Jane chuckled.

"So you are this dumb. Did you think that I referred to Master Henry as a young master just for formalities? Imagine if it was not for me, you could have chased the heir out of his party. Guess you don't realize the amount of trouble that you have gotten yourself into."

The guard's heart froze.

His inner mind words and revelations, getting him petrified. "I'm finished." He sounded like someone in far despair.

"And he just realized," Jane added.

He thought for a while. Memories gushing through his head. He had a family to feed. And a wife who looked up to him.

Was she going to become a widow so soon all because of his silly mistake?

"That bald fool." He growled in pain realizing that he was the only one that was going to face the consequences now.

Soon, Henry got to them and his shivering increased, not daring to look up at his young master.

A large lump went down his spine while Henry stared at them confused.

"What's going on here?" He inquired.

The guard quickly pulled off to him and knelt before him with his head facing the floor.

"I have wronged you young master and I deserve every bit of your punishment." He cried.

"But please spare my life, young master. Even if not for me, for my family. And I promise that I am going to do anything in compensation to you young master. Just give me this last chance." He pleaded gravely.

Henry signed. Back then, he could see the guard battling with himself. But the fact that his greed washed up more over him showed that he was not someone who could work as a guard.

"You will certainly be punished but be rest assured that no harm is going to come to you.". Henry said coldly.

The guard jumped for joy and didn't know when he shot a hug at him. Henry replied with a cold stare, smiling inwardly.

"I am a very young master." He apologized quickly.

"You are relieved of your job now and will be transferred to the cleaning department." 

He turned over to Jane.

"Your mother, she is in her office waiting for you young master." She said with a bow.

"Okay. I want you to relate my message of transfer to the head of service and I want it to be implemented right away." He instructed and they bowed.

Henry soon got over to his mother. She was sitting at the end of the office, her legs crossed and a glass in her hands.

"I saw everything that happened." She began taking a sip.

"And I have a question to ask, are you married to that lady?" Her words were like a thousand needles pierced through his heart.

"She even had another man by her side. I wonder what you guys were talking about but from the looks on their faces, they would have preferred you dead."

"Mom, you should stop worrying about me. You said as long as I am happy, you are right?"

She sighed. Her son was such a stubborn being but she already had her plans plotted out.

"The test results are out, you should check them out." She pushed a file over to him.

Was he going to pick The Guild's family?

But even before picking the paper up, he had already made up his mind that he was not going to allow his emotions to see through him, rather, he was going to pick the best among the list of candidates that had been shortlisted.

Taking the papers off the table, the first name that he noticed was that of the guard family, they were just a few decimals ahead of the other family.

The family had a good start but had a list of wastes and scumbags running it.

"Are you going to pick them?"

Henry smiled. The company was his in the first place since he had established the company for them when he was chased away from the family.

He smiled.

He already had his plan sorted out. It was not going to be bad taking what was rightfully his and this was just the first step in that direction.

"They would be perfect." He got off the chair to leave but then, he heard the voice of his mother calling to him from behind.

He paused and turned to her.

"Yes, mother?" He replied.

Henry noticed that the looks on her face had suddenly changed and the aura there embodied that of solemn seriousness.

"Is something wrong mother?" He inquired.

"No." She Smiled.

"I Just wanted to tell you that I would love you to meet with someone really important to me later in the day."

Henry stared at the watch and glanced back at his mother. It was a few minutes past twelve. "Okay mum, anything that's going to make you happy." He replied with a smile.

"You should go now. The party should start in a few minutes. I will be down there soon." She smiled back at him.

More like a smirk.

Meanwhile, The Guild family sat at the same table. Jane was extremely worried for herself. 

She didn't think that her family was going to make the list. They were just a third-generation company that was rising fast.

"Why are you so worried?" Lady Catherine inquired seeing how folded up her daughter was.

"I am just super worried." She responded.

Her worries seemed to allow the worries of the others to come alive. She could see it in their eyes. They also didn't believe that she was going to make it.

"What's up with all of you?" Kelvin quickly stepped forward.

"I am sure that you can do this. You guys should stop looking down on yourselves already." He said.

Linda smiled.

"Thanks for the kind words Kelvin but your company is doing very well. It's independent and a city's pride, you aren't going to understand."


u still worry when you have me? I can help you Know?" He smirked and Linda's eyes brightened.

"You can?" Her excitement almost made her limp out of her seat but she was self-conscious.

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