Chapter 7

 "Yeah, it's no big deal. My father has a strong connection with the Floater family. Once he asks for their help, I am sure that they are going to get you on the list."

"Thank you so much, Kelvin, I don't know how much I can appreciate you after everything that you have done for us." She appreciated it.

James blushed.

"Kelvin, you are such a superhero, from today, I am going to have you as my idol." He said.

And Kelvin trapped him by his shoulders. "I am sure that you are going to do a greater exploit than me?" His words were even more encouraging than that of motivational speakers.

But even the little insects wouldn't be so sure about that, especially for someone who wouldn't move a limb and only depended on his sister's wealth.

Madam Catherine smiled. 

"This is the Son-in-law that I am talking about, not that scumbag." She muttered aloud.

Once she said the words, the chair beside them she had not been occupied for a while drew open.

They all stared at it only to notice that it was Henry. The once joyful atmosphere shifted with scorn.

"Speak of the devil."

"What are you doing here?" James growled at him.

Henry shot a cute and at the same time surprised look at him. "Were you deaf when my claims as a worthy guest were confirmed? He replied.

She poked her fingers at him, wanting to rip his eyes off his body but she was prevented from doing this by Linda.

"Leave me alone sister. Let me teach this good-for-nothing fool a lesson that he is not going to forget in a long time." She growled.

"Don't waste your sweat on him. You already know the reason that we are here, let him not be the one to blow things up for us." She replied, trying.

"Count today as one of your Lucky days. But you might not be so lucky next time."

"Not like you can hurt a fly," Henry muttered under his breath.

Kelvin brought his phone to place a call across to his father but the caller at the other end seemed to be busy.

"What's it, Kelvin? I am in an official meeting right now. Can't you call back later?"

"I am not going to take much of your time dad, I only want to ask for a little favor from you."

"Then what's it?"

"My girlfriend is trying to get a cooperation with the Floater family business group dad. Can you help me send them a request to pick us up? I am sure that they are going to listen to you?"

"Okay. I am going to see what I can do once I am less busy." His father responded and ended the call.

Everyone was eager to hear the outcome of the call from the stars on their faces. 

Kelvin didn't know what to say to them but he knew that if his plan was going to work out, then he had to assure them.

Kelvin smiled, giving the first assurance of a settled mind. "He is going to send a request, in no time, you will get a reply." He gave them the answers that they were looking for.

"I still don't know how to thank you enough Kelvin, you are a lifesaver."

"Don't worry, it's nothing." He responded.

"But can he equate moving to the highest peak mountain for some people?" James quickly chimed in.

"Shows how much you adore me, darling. Cause I am practically on my own, did you have to indulge me?" He replied.

"Just so you know, you are nothing but a worthless fool."

"Just a few months that Henry has spent with us, we are already seeing a whole lot of progress." Madam Catherine added.

While they continued to rain mockery at him, someone walked him.

It was an old man with already gray hair but he was muscled and still looking as strong as ever.

He held a file in his hands with a smile on his face as he walked.

"You must be Miss. Linda, right?"

Linda winged her head but she was confused at the same time, and so was anyone present.

"That's great. I am a representative of the Floater co-operation and I wanted to inform you that you have gotten the cooperation.

Congratulations to you ma'am, an official email will be sent to you soon. If you still have interest, please reply accordingly. I will be on my way now." He finally ended and he walked away from the place.

Linda was numb and her feet drew cold lost in the realms of her imagination.

"It had to be a dream. Or she was beginning to over-imagine things. The official party that was supposed to determine their fate hasn't even begun.

Her phone made a text sound and she got it, looking through the messages.

There it was, a confirmation that this was reality and she was not dreaming.

"This is the doing of Kelvin of course. His father must be so powerful for us to have gotten the cooperation even without a test."

But even the Kelvin that he was referring to was also stunned by the turn of events. He never expected things to happen so fast.

When did his father become so efficient?

"You are the greatest." The family sang his praises. So who was he not to take it?

Kelvin smiled.

"It's nothing. And I am certainly going to do more in the future." He assured them.

"You are such a perfect gentleman Kelvin. Unlike some people that do absolutely nothing other than fill their stomach with drinks." Lady Catherine hissed.

"What do you expect? He might not get it again. Just look at Kelvin who just got us a cooperation."

Meanwhile, Henry continued to sip his drink, not even disturbed.

For the first time since they started talking, he dropped his glass and turned towards them, staring into Kelvin's eyes.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you guys. Bunch of idiots. How can you be deceived so easily?" He smacks, already tired of Kelvin's extra holy crap.

"What are you talking about?" James frowned.

"You should ask Kelvin your

super Son-in-law. Do you think that he was the one that helped you out? Is he even capable of doing that?" Henry replied.

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