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Ultimate Leveling System Chaptrr273: Going To the Evergreen Ispand once again II
Chapter273: Going to the Evergreen island once again ii In the central continent, the cities were bustling once again with lots of people. The buildings were all repaired and look ravishing and grand. After the great calamity which happened due to Arden's battle with the five super kingdoms and the Fire salamander empire, everything was back on track on the supreme continent. It was as if it never happened. The only signs let's by that apocalyptic war was the other part of the continent which was severed and now served as the imperial palace of the Earth empire. The bustling streets filler with the citizens of numerous heterogeneous races all suddenly paused in their activities and started into the sky only to see five large mechanical ships, the size and appearance which they've never seen in their lives. At the sight of the five ships, the citizens instantly descended into panic, the memories of when Arden and his enemies drove flying ships on the continent resurfac
Ultimate Leveling System Chapter274: Fusion
Chapter 274 : Fusion A small flying ship sailed across the ocean at a very cast pace, and the incredible speed of the ship cause violent ripples on the ocean surface. Witting the small ship, a young man ah the age of nineteen cold be seen dressed in a blue shirt covered by a black jacket, the young man was handsome and had a natural air of dominance. His body exuded an overwealming but well concealed power. He was none other than Arden, who had hurriedly left the supreme island for the south island territory where the Evergreen island was located The ship was incredibly fast as it was powered by his Srellar light Astro energy, which was considered as a high grade Astro energy. Instead of moving just fast, the ship bursts with an explosive speed, shooting into the horizon like a rocket. Due to how fast Arden's ship was moving, it didn't take him very long to reach the south island region, in a matter of one hour, he covered the incredible distance between the supreme continent
Ultimate Leveling System Chapter 275: The Purest Bloodline
Chapter 275: The purest bloodline "What! she's fusing with the sacred Elf tree?" Arden was baffled but at the same time excited and happy for Evnor, with the sacred three shooting her she was going to become more powerful and her bloodline would become umpresidentedly pure. "Hahaha, are you shocked, this old man is also shocked by what happened, it actually chose her over me, it must be because I have become so old and used up my potential, damn it I wish I was young" Arden didn't pay much attention to Wilmer's mumbling anymore and observed the changes to the sacred elf tree. After looking at it closely and intently, Arden realized that the sacred Elf Tree, which was glowing with emeral light, was actually shrinking at a rate visible to the nacked eye. As the golden Elf tree shrank, the emerald energy flowing emitted out of it started to develop a golden hue. As this happened, all of the Elves who weren't training felt the changes and immediately sat on a
Ultimate Leveling System Chapter 276: Outbreak
Chapter 276: Outbreak" If you all remember, I went to the central continent because of some upper unity right, well, my journey to me to a mysterious place where I…….." Arden told everyone about his journey in the central continent. Speaking about Emman and the others before going on to talk about the Nihility energy zone and the things he had heard from the Elder like the Hustory of the Astro world and also the incoming danger that lurked in the shadows. Upon hearing what Arden said, everyone, including Oulin and the unserious Galva, all had a serious expression on their faces. They all realized the severity of the situation. "Calamity is coming. What are we going to do now? Oh, I know, well, fight with everything we've got, we'll brat vack whatever is coming, " Galva blurted as he excitedly raised the Royal Ascser into the sky. The Elves in the surrounding all became filled with fighting spirits when they heard Galvas words, at this moment they had just finished lev
Ultimate Leveling System Chapter 277: Surprise
Chapter 277: surprise The crimson fist of Crui Rughk clashed with the gigantic bird beak unleashed by Lupacus, leading to a heavenshaking earth-shattering explosion. The explosion from their collision illuminated the skies of the Crystal Land, sending shockwaves across the battlefield. Soldiers from both sides were forced back by the immense power radiating from their leaders’ exchange and even the solid space of the central continent that was far above anywhere else in the Astro world trembled and distorted showing signed of cracking. A shot moment later, the dazzling and terrifying explosion disappeared from the sky, revealing the figured of Lupacus and Crui Rughk, who was now standing in mid air as the ship he was on got destroyed. Lupacus hovered in the sky, his silver wings outstretched as he eyed Crui Rughk with wariness. The latter smirked, his crimson aura flaring violently, the air around him stained with the metallic scent of blood. "I see you’re more stubbor
Ultimate Leveling System Chapter 278: Surprise II
Chapter 278 : Surprise II "Rumbled!" The apace trembled as a massive tail swiped down towards Crui Rughk, wanting to crush him into a meat paste. Crui Rughk flashed out of the location before the tail could reach him, but just as he appeared in another location, a massive claw swiped toward him from below. He instantly twisted his body and evaded the claws, sliding in between the gaps of the wyvern claw before flaying down. "You better put a stop to your relentless attacks Lupacus, no matter how much you try, you won't be able to touch me with that slaw colossal body of Wyvern," Crui Rughk mocked. "How dare you underestimate you, you damn insect, I'll crush you!" Lupacus became irritated by the situation. He rapidly increased the rate of his attacks going into frenzy. however, despite Lupacus's relentless assault, Crui Rughk remained unnervingly calm. His movements became more fluid, more precise, and none of the Wyvern's attacks could get to him."Damn you, Cr
Ultimate Leveling System Chapter279 : Extermination
Chapter 279: ExterminationA loud thud resonated, the ground crumbled and dust scattered about as what seem to be a colossal wyvern heavily slammed into the ground. It descent crushing the ground below it, forming s crater of a large proportion. As the Wyvern crashed, a terrifying shockwave bellowed, forming a violent ripple that traveled into the battlefield inflicting injuries and distabilization on soldiers of the two clans, both in the sky and in on the land. Numerous screams rang out, from the soldiers who where instantly pulverised into plods paste by the violent wave and from those who were sent flying away with all theit bones broken and their skin marred with injuries. After the waves passed, the district which it rose from the ground became Clare and the soldiers from both sides became Clare once again. Be it, the soldiers of the wyvern claw or the soldiers of the vactician demon clan, the fall of the colossal wyvern that was Lupacus wiped away one percent o
Ultimate Leveling System Chapter280: Unleashing Terro I
Chapter280: Unleashing Terror i Inside the large space ship, Arden sat on an electronic sit which was the pilot ship with a troubled expression on hos face. "How the he'll do I even control this thing, it's not even like a plane or a jet, all the controls are filled with stupid Alien jibrish" Arden mumbled quietly as he surveyed the battle ship's controls. Just few minutes ago, he had bragged to Evnor, Noiter and Galva that he had the ability to pilot this strange ship just to sound more cool. At that time, Arden had thought that the ships controls would be normal and be similar to that of a plane or jet back on Earth however, when he got hear he was totally baffled and annoyed by what he was seeing. The ship's controls had no single resemblance to anything he'd seen on earth, they were made up of some strange circular shaped panels which had some instrucions in the form of some words which he couldn't read, written on them. Heck he couldn't even make any sense of the al
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Chapter291: Calamity I
Chapter291: Calamity I " I'll handle this," Arden said as he flew out of the battleship before anyone could react. In a swift motion, he instantly appeared in front of the chaotic ocean covering and her children facing off against them. "Hay, ocean covering do you remember me, this time I will be the one to supress you and force you into running" Arden blurted Upon hearing Arden's words, the chaotic ocean sovereign which was clearly intelligent enough to understand his speach was instantly enraged by his declarationg. It opened its mouth and roared loudly, ordering it's children to get into action and tear Arden into pieces. "Roooooooar!" As the roar reverbrated, the chaotic oceanic creature all dashed into action, flying towards Arden in their fastest spead. From the ship's all the soldiers fromm all over the world watched with heated gazes wanting to see Arden in action again and some were worried if he was strong enough to handle the Chaotic ocean sovereig
Chapter 290: Expedition. After Arden's display of power by suppressing Holy Exalt Jeuown, no one dared to utter any birds of opposition, for they were all afraid of Arden's power. Because of this, the grand event was concluded with all the rulers from all over the Astro world going back to their homes to bring their most capable soldiers to the supreme island. Batch after batch of soldiers from everywhere landed in the Supreme island, which were all received by Crimulos and Elienthus, who made proper arrangements for the station, which the soldiers would be put in. After three days, all the soldiers from all over the Astro world were totally received, as well as the rulers, which were the clan leaders, island leaders, kings and Holy Exalt Jeuown and his advisor. After the totally assemble of everyone, the preparations was finally complete, under Arden's command, the one million battle ships which he had stressed himself very hard to buy flew into the sky and went
Chapter289: The Journey i
Chapter289: The jurney i "I have an objection!, I refuse to accept the lies you've been spilling out!" Jeuown blurted as he rose from his sit, his magnificent aura of the first stage of Stellar Vanguard surged out and filled up the surrounding making everyone around him tremble in fear and awe. "He's so terrifyingly powerful, who is this guy" "I know him, he's Holy Exalt Jeuown of the Wild continent, he rulse over all the wild continent and is no wekear and the two Emperors Arden and Laurian wether in forces or personal strenth" "I wonder why he is in opossition to this" "Holy Exalt Jeuown of the Wild continent, what kind of objection do you have!" Arden said calmly, tiring to calm himself down to stop himself from rushing out and bashing Jeuon in the head. "Emperor Arden, I see what you are doing, you said that the reason you've call us here is to band us together to face an impending calamity but if that is the case why did you suddenly declare yourself as the leader
Chapter288 The Grand Event
Chapter288: The Grand event "Look at all those fresh meet, those beautiful women belong only to someone like me, why are they with that weak kid who claims to be the Emperor of the Earth Empire" Holy Exalt Jeuown muttered as he stared fixedly at Evnor abd Noiter. This time, the women were so gorgeous that he couldn't contain his lustful gaze any longer, he had never seen women so beautiful. "Mmm, you are right holy exalt, these women should be yours by all means, however that kid might not be weak as he appeared to be, remember the stories of how he defeated the Fire Salamander Empire" Anabore said. "mmmh, the fire salamander empire is nothing, their just pieces of trash if they let themselves be bethrowned by that weakling reguadless of what cheap teicks he had used to defeat them" Jeuown harramped. "He is in an alliance with the Marfolk empire so i'll just wait for the grand event to be over then I'll come back here with all of my army to conquer these lands and tak
Chapter 287: The Grand Event
Chapter287: The Grand Event After the meeting that Arden had with Emperor Laurian, words quicly spread far across the entire Astro World Excluding the central continent, in the form of letters which brought news to all rulers. The message covered the span of all island territories. The various rulers abd clan leaders from the North, South, East and Wast Island territories all got invited to participate in the grand even of the two Empires which was happening in two days. The message also went far across the island territories going into the furthest west to meet the Wild continent, the furth continent in the entire Astro world. "Holly Exalt jeuown, the Ruler of the Wild continent was very happy when he received the letter, after all these years, he finally has the opportunity to go and inspect the strengths of the Merfolk and Earth empire to see if he can exert dominion over them. Meanwhile, as the news spread far and wide abd as all the rulers started making their wa
Chapter 286: Planning II
Chapter286: planning II "Emperor Arden, do you have a plan on how to face this calamity?" Laurian said. "Yes, I have a plan which I have thought about for a while now, my plan is to let the whole world fight gor itself" Arden blurted making Laurian puzzled. "Empwror Arden, do you mean that we spread the news to the while Astro world and call on to everyone to come and fight the calamity?" Laurian said "that is exactly what I plan to do, tye central continent is very vast, it is divided into numerous lands which all can span up to the size of the other continent like the Supreme and the Merfolk continent" " with this information, I have calculated that we don't have enough manpower to face off against any calamity that would overturn the central continent, what we need is to gather manpower from the entire world to fight against the calamity this is why I said that the world needs to fight for itself" "Mm, your plan and analysis is superb just like usual, I am impressed, I
Chapter285: Planning.
Chapter 285: planning In the Supreme continent, the sky was bright and the sun hung up in the center of the sky for everyone to see. It light cascading downward, reflecting on the roofs and also a large numerber of people standing on the ground. On the ground, millions of soldiers all dressed in uniform black armour stood at attention without making any move or changing their stances. In front of the millions of soldiers were the mighty general and great general's of the Earth empire who were all standing alongside or behind the respectable officials of the Earth empire. In front of the officials were the two former imperial supervisors, Crimulos and Elienthus. The two stood with their hands couped as they patiently awaited for the battle ship in the sky to land. Up in the sky, the battleship, after reaching it's destination, decreased its speed of advance as it slowly descended, landing on the ground. As the battleship landed on the ground, a wide doorway ope
Ultimate wars
Hi guys, it is me Blue Lace, your one and only writer, here to announce the official ending event of the ultimate leveling system. I am very sorry for the lack of posting of chapters, although I always want to make my readers happy, I often find myself getting busy with one thing or the other but despite this, I still strive to continue writing. After all the terrors were unleashed from the land of aberration, the ultimate leveling system will start with the final phase of the story, the beginning of the end, I call it the "ultimate war". In the ultimate war, all the secrets regarding the Astro world as well as the cause of the calamity will be revealed, it would be a very interesting war and will mark the end of the final Arc and the end of the Ultimate leveling system.
Chapter 284: Unleashing Terror V
Chapter284: Unleashing Terro V Hundreds of millimeters away from the land of aberration, within various lands in the central continent, the inhabitants from numerous kingdoms, numerous empires, and numerous clans all got alerted by a startling phenomenon that sent ever-reaching effects on the surroundings. The commotion had attracted the most powerful people in the central continent who all sensed an energy of immense proportion fluctuating in that location. Tana, the emperor of the Tycadram empire from the Cryptus clan soured into the sky rushing toward the direction of the land of abbaratuon. In another location, empress Niffa, from the Sky lightning clan also flew out of her clan that was located in the land of mountain peak rushed out of her residence and flew towards the location where the fluctuation was coming from. As the two experts flew toward the location which was the entrance to the land of abarration, the ordinary people living not too far from the entran