Chapter 186: Requesting Assistance

Dear Ms. Rowena Azula Crow

I am writing this letter to request personnel from the Sapphire House for an

upcoming mission. I only ask for one individual, and I request that it would be you,

Ms. Crow. Before we start with the formal briefing for the mission, I would like to

Test your capabilities first, since the latest aid that I requested proved to be incompetent.

Mock Training will begin tomorrow at the Emerald House’ Training Grounds.

I’ll be expecting your attendance tomorrow, at 7pm. Please be there on time.

Sincerely yours:

Roman Isaac Crow

“And that’s that.” Azula said as she finished reading the letter. “The nerve of that brat to ask for another assistance request.” she added.

After Azula folded the letter back inside its envelope. Everyone inside the room stared at her, a
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