What are you talking about, Father?

Edwin's eye widened slightly after hearing the words of Oswald, and a slight look of puzzle appeared on his face.

"What do you mean, Oswald?" Edwin blurted.

"Those men that attacked, they used these type of bullets." Oswald informed as he slid his right hand into his pocket and brought out a black bullet. He tossed the bullet towards Edwin who caught it swiftly and glanced at it.

Glancing at it, Edwin could see two letters written boldly on it. "BW", which means Blackwood in full.

"That's our family's logo on it. I do not recognize the faces of those men meaning they are not working for our family. It means someone from our family hired them to attack us, and that person gave them that bullet." Oswald bellowed.

"And why do you suspect Marcellus?" Edwin inquired.

"It's just an assumption. I am not sure yet, though. But if I am to suspect someone it would be him. Marcellus." Oswald remarked. "Marcellus has always been arrogant and also paranoid, and I'm guessing he must have been jealo
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