Chapter 17

“Ahhhhhh!!!” Zoa’s scream took the spotlight from Kakashi.

The medics, now two, turned their heads at the same time to the direction from which the ear-piercing sharp cry came.

“What could be the problem now?” One of the medics asked his colleague who looked drained of energy as he was drained of ideas. He stood with confusion written all over his face. He gripped the edge of his glove as he drew the elastic and tight material further up his hand, making a slapping sound against his wrist.

They both stood gazing at the young lady who suddenly, but gradually, had veins move up her jaws to her eyes with blood clogging the eye surface.

“This is beyond the realms of medicine.” Doctor Haishi Aang confessed to his colleague; who stood with the foreknowledge of what he had just heard.

Doctor Haishi Aang moved closer, for further examination, to the laid patients seeking answers that eluded his professional intelligence.

“What are you trying to look for?” Doctor Hiro peered at his coll
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