Chapter 16

“Help!” Kakashi screamed louder.

“What are you guys doing? Do something about this. Do something fast, do something now!” The master who had just returned with the soldiers after a few days walked in on a medic attending to Kakashi.

“We are doing everything we can. He just keeps burning up.” The medic replied. “They all keep burning up.” He added as he pointed at Zoa, Tanya, Daichi, and Jiro all lying beside one another.

Jiro had been brought back from the city after confirmations reported his case not being medically inclined. He had followed the master’s escort.

“I do not care what you have to do, save them!” The master looked from the medic to the bodies that lay motionless, their fever causing sporadic screams. “Please, save them” His eyes fixated on Zoa, his eyes begging and suffering.


Zoa woke up in no man’s land. She looked at both sides and it was empty. She made to stand and she heard a crack. ‘What was that?’ She questioned internally. She looked down in slow motion
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