Chapter 38

“Hello dear friend”

Doctor Haishi jumped up as the voice came out of the darkness, his heartbeat skipped a bit.

“Wh—whaa...” Doctor Haishi lost his ability to speak

“Or shall I say, hello... spy?” Yoda blocked the path of Doctor Haishi with his body.

The slow sound of a sharpened blade clanging against iron chilled the doctor to his bones. His legs turned to vegetables and Yoda loved the fear displayed on his face.

His sword looked short for how long it took it to finally escape its sheath. Yoda let his tongue taste the blade before swinging it in the doctor’s face.

“Please please please please...” Doctor Haishi couldn’t say any other word. He drew back with every step forward Yoda took. His hands begged just as his mouth pleaded.

Yoda clicked his tongue, waving his forefinger side to side in the doctor’s face. It was dark but the moon and stars rose to the occasion.

Yoda was enjoying every minute of this. He wouldn’t mind putting an end to it all but he thought of Kokohashi and
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