Everyone was wasted last night. Violet was puking all over the floor, and Sophia is having a terrible headache. They aren’t suited for drinking. It’s already 5 in the morning, and Sophia and Vincent need to go to school before 8. But Sophia is not in a condition to go to school. She says that her head is spinning like crazy. And when she lay down to sleep it through, it feels like she was spinning over and over again. Vincent, however, doesn’t feel anything, except for the excitement to go back to school and meet his friends again. Alcohol doesn’t really make him drunk. It burns and the alcohol seems to get converted into energy that energizes Vincent. He drank 15 bottles of strong wine and it doesn’t seem to hit him. Even the slightest of dizziness does not show in Vincent’s face. He just stayed up all night, watching over his siblings who were crawling all over the floor because they were drunk. Victor helped him for a moment, but Victor also co

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