Chapter 5, Mommy.

Elias held the girls hand tightly, the dark mage seemed ready to spill blood, Elias has never felt so much pressure in his short life, the shadow mage stood in between them and the door to the clock tower’s roof.

“Hey, shadow dude”.

“WHAT”. The shadow mage snapped at Elias, clearly still holding a grudge.

“Have you ever heard off a dust-flame mage before”. Elias said with an ambiguous smile.

“No, dual magic mages don’t exist”. The shadow mage answered angrily, he doesn’t know why but Elias’s smiling face really pisses him off.

Elias chuckled darkly, “well that’s because they haven’t seen one before”. Elias said trying to add an air of mystery to his distraction.

At this point the shadow mage is at he’s limit, the only reason he hasn’t ripped Elias to shreds was because he shamelessly stuck close to the cloaked little girl.

“Just die”. Suddenly a dark hand shot out of the mans shadow, clearly intent on grabbing Elias, separating him from the cloaked girl was first priority before slowly torturing the little bastard to death.

But unfortunately for shadow, using a spell was what Elias was waiting for and Elias has always been the type to make every second count. He immediately pulled out three balls similar to the last one he used on shadow, seeing three of them gave shadow the urge to run for a sec there, but retrieving the girl was more important than he’s past trauma.

Elias threw two of them on the ground, surprising shadow for a moment there, the moment they made contact with the wood they exploded into a cloud of special dust.

Shadow immediately withdrew he’s attack and made a thin shield to defend himself, normally he wouldn’t even bother if a boulder was thrown at him, but the last pepper bomb really got him so he wasn’t willing to take any risks.

Seeing him reflexively enter a defensive state put a smile on Elias’s face, he quickly threw the third one down and pulled the cloaked girl to lie on the ground while yelling,”duck”.

The moment the third one hit the ground a spark came out of it and the dust the first two bombs released ignited a small explosion, it was small but that was all Elias needed.

The flames startled shadow forcing him to take a step back, “Noway, is he actually some dual mage”.

Of course Elias was no dual mage, in-fact he wasn’t even a mage, the small bombs came about as a result of he’s struggle to survive Angel.

The old clock tower was already on the verge of collapse to begin with and with an additional explosion the place shadow stepped on sunk before bursting open, sending shadow crashing down in an instant.

Elias didn’t really think he’s plan would work but since it did anyway he immediately grabbed the cloaked girl and ran passed the door leading to the roof of the clock tower.

Meanwhile at the bottom of the clock tower shadow struggled out of the debris before sniffing he’s cloak.”Gun powder, that little”. He immediately melted into the ground, it was like the debris didn’t exist.

“Now what”. The silent cloaked girl inquired after they finally made it to the top of the clock tower.

“Now we wait”. Elias answered confidently.

A second later the cloaked girl looked back at him with a questionable expression on her face, of course Elias couldn’t see her face but he still felt her gaze.

“Damnit, what’s taking so long, she normally senses me the moment am in the open”.


“Angel”. Elias answered. “if she’s taking so long then she’s probably distracted with something”.

“There you are you little runt“.

Both Elias and the cloaked girl trembled in fear, what the hell is this guy made off? Mages really ain’t easy to take down.

Even though more terrified, Elias still stood in-front of the girl, clearly ready to protect her till the end, but unfortunately for him when faced with a mage there’s really nothing much an ordinary human can do, in-fact if others heard an ordinary fourteen year old survived that long while running away from a mage they’ll literally kneel and start worshipping him.

The moment the man lifted his hand and brought it down a dark crescent shadow slash shot at Elias, the shadow was all encompassing, there was simply nothing Elias could think of at the moment but to scream for help, and so he yelled out to who ever could hear him, as loud as he can.


Even shadow was startled a bit, with how arrogant Elias was, who would had thought he’ll be the type to yell for his mom when his about die, but nevertheless, mommy won’t be coming this time around kid, Shadow thought to himself.

Crackle crackle.


A loud booming sound tore through the firmament, the shadow blade shattered inches into Elias’s neck, blood even already began to flow, fortunately yellow lightning filled the space the trio were in.

The moment shadow felt the dreadful and menacing gaze of death rest on him, he quickly attempted to run but the figure of a beautiful blonde woman in a waitress dress landed gracefully at his feet’s, her eyes were blood shot, she was clearly really angry at someone, but whom exactly.

At that moment Elias’s face lit up, even he stammered from share excitement. “Mommm”, he screamed once more.

The moment Elias called angel he’s mother shadow immediately felt as if all the strength in he’s body have been drained, this is he’s mom, then why is he a normal human, no forget that for now, why the fuck didn’t he say anything since the beginning, if I knew why would I want to offend such a terrifying mage.

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