Froze In Shock

Everyone in the room, including Luisa, was stunned by what Scott had just done.

How could he be this reckless? Didn’t he know by now that Quint was the son of the richest businessman in Mildenbrough?

“Hey, you! Do you even realize what you’re doing? Drop that knife and let Quint go!” shouted the Beaumont family representative, his voice booming.

“Are you insane? Let Quint go now or I’m calling the police!” the Vanderhelm family representative chimed in.

Among all the top-tier families attending the auction, only the Ravenwood family’s representative didn’t pressure Scott to release Quint. In fact, a beautiful woman in their entourage seemed amused.

Lisa, on the other hand, had been riding a wave of anxious thoughts since just a moment ago, when a gust of wind made her feel at ease for a brief second. Now, that unease was back, gnawing at her.

What if Scott really did cut off Quint’s hand like he threatened? That would surely infuriate the Winterbourne family, right?

And wouldn’
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