Stop This Madness Now!

Scott glanced at the woman. She was with the Ravenwood family.

Briton also turned to her, but his glare was full of rage.

“This gentleman is innocent, Mr. Briton. Quint started this mess. He demanded the woman with this gentleman sleep with him. That alone is outrageous. No wonder this gentleman got angry,” the blonde woman said.

Scott narrowed his eyes, a faint smile appearing on his face. He hadn’t expected anyone in the room to defend him and Luisa.


Suddenly, Briton fired a shot into the air. The blonde woman flinched.

“Stay out of my business, you little brat! If you stand up for the scum who cut off Quint’s hand, I’ll have my guards deal with you too!” Briton threatened.

Francesca Ravenwood, the blonde woman, froze and took a step back. Was this really what Briton Winterbourne was like when enraged—ignoring anyone who dared speak and ready to crush anyone standing in his way?

John Ravenwood, her father, rushed forward with a panicked expression. Standing beside Francesca,
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