The Intruder

Scott deftly maneuvered his black McLaren through the traffic. Shifting gears, he floored the gas pedal, leaving the other vehicles behind.

His face reflected his anxiety. What had happened at the villa? Was Luisa in trouble? Questions swirled in his mind as he called Zach and put the phone on speaker.

[Yes, General?]

"Zach, send a few of your men to my villa in Oval Enclave right now. I suspect something’s wrong there."

[Right away, General?]

"Yes. Make sure they’re fully armed."

[Got it, General. I’ll send two teams immediately.]

Scott ended the call and tried calling Luisa. The call connected, but she didn’t answer.

His worry deepened. He pressed the accelerator harder, pushing the McLaren to its limits.

A traffic cop, lounging in his patrol car, was startled by Scott's speed. He shook his partner awake, who had been napping with his hat covering his face.

“What’s wrong?” asked the awakened cop.

“Look! That car’s way over the speed limit!” replied the other, pointing to the speed g
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