Saving Luisa

Eva attacked Scott with lightning speed. She aimed one knife at Scott's head while preparing another for the next attack.

Scott had little time to respond to Eva's swift assault. Yet, he managed to dodge the first strike and block the second one, which came just a second later.

Scott tried to counterattack, but Eva gave him no time. She spun around, delivering a spinning kick aimed at Scott once again.


Scott managed to block it, causing Eva's eyes to widen in surprise. She spun again, relentlessly attacking Scott with knives in both hands. For a moment, Scott was forced to defend and endure.

Eventually, Scott spotted the opening he had been waiting for.

Eva's back was completely unguarded, and Scott delivered a lightning-fast kick that struck her back decisively.

Eva staggered forward. Before she could fall, Scott unleashed another powerful kick, this time hitting her in the stomach.

Eva was thrown backward, her back crashing against the wall.


Eva vomited blood and collap
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