A Horror Of This Reckless Action

Zom wondered in his mind if he had done something wrong for Rega to stare at him so seriously like this.

"What?" Zom asked boldly.

"Can you shoot this?"

Zom looked at the round object in Rega's hand, and it turned out to be a Flare Ball that would emit bright light when used.

Quickly, Zom grabbed the ball, realizing that was the remaining chance.

"Alright, I'll do it." After saying this, he inserted the ball into the muzzle of the rifle, which seemed fitting for it.

This was not a bullet or ammunition that could be launched right away. If the desired speed was to be achieved, it wouldn't be able to inflict damage.

Dohn glanced back to assess the situation, seeing that Zom had already aimed the rifle upwards.

"What is he going to do?"


Rumbling occurred again, the monster's hand was becoming more visible, and even its head could now enter, soon destroying the carriage.


Zom patiently waited for the right moment, then he saw the face of the monster about to peek into the hole. Without much thought, he quickly fired the shot, triggering the bright light.


This monster might not be affected by the Flare effect, but still, the sudden appearance of bright light would be an unfavorable moment. It was clear the monster was startled, raising its head with blinking eyes, then staring back into the carriage.

There Ham, Zom, and Rega were slightly dizzy from the overly bright light. Luckily, Dohn was in the cockpit, so the light from this event didn't directly touch him.

"What are they actually doing? Are they really serious about using that thing?" He glanced at the rear camera, once again surprised by Zeigar's actions, as he seemed to be throwing something from a distance.



The unintended stab went straight into the monster's waist. After it turned, it was a sharp iron connected to a long rope leading to Zeigar.

Once the target was hit, Zeigar stopped his running speed and then pulled the connected rope. This caused a jolt to the monster, making it fall from the armored vehicle.

Rolling on the ground with a crash that resulted in a painful impact.

"Did I succeed?"

No, it was too naive for Zeigar to feel happy about this event. After observation, it seemed the monster he had pulled was attempting to stand up again, and this time, it appeared the monster was extremely angry with this action.

"Finally, you realize my presence! You seem so heartless to leave me alone; here I will end you..."

The monster's legs pawed the ground like a horse, snorting loudly.

Lifting its legs, then moving forward towards Zeigar.

Zeigar who saw this, wouldn't just stand. He rolled to the side, then positioned himself ready with his gun, and fired several shots.

"Uh... really, even our weapons can't scratch its skin..." Zeigar muttered in frustration. He was faced again with a monster using all four legs to attack him.

As the distance closed, the monster raised its muscular right hand and struck towards Zeigar.


Fortunately, he was able to generate a digital shield that manifested quite well. This shield's resilience even withstood bullets from a gun.

But, it wouldn't be too effective; the shield faced a heavy weight and had to be used with full force. Zeigar's tired body could easily be knocked down by the monster.

"Darn, if it's like this, I won't be able to defeat it..." He also saw the energy indication of the combat suit he was using had decreased; soon his energy would run out, and he would have to fight with what was left.

The monster again pushed its four legs, then attacked Zeigar. Its speed was like a horse, and its considerable size made it difficult to dodge. Zeigar had to roll to the side to avoid this attack.


In this situation, he would use what was available. Immediately, he ran towards the monster. Shadowing it from behind, once the monster turned.


Its back was pierced by a sword, and wildly it moved forward. Zeigar on its back couldn't do much, it was like a rodeo with both feet on the back of a horse.

Even riding a normal horse was already very difficult, let alone now he was forced to quickly pace its steps.

"Where is this monster going?" Zeigar kept trying to get thrown away, but because of the sword stuck in it, his body could still hold on.

In the distance, there seemed to be a dense forest, Zeigar's eyes squinted, paired with a diminishing heartbeat. He was getting farther away from the city; returning to the city was highly impossible, it seemed like a death march that would no longer make life meaningful.


Continuing into the dense forest, his body was hit by branches and dense foliage. He tried to endure it all, but even though resilient, he was still knocked by a tree branch, causing him to tumble into the bushes.

Zeigar's back felt sore; even standing up was extremely difficult. Then he saw that the surrounding area had turned into a dense forest.

Silence enveloped the surroundings; there were only large trees around him. He felt like an ant trapped in the vastness of the world.

"Darn, how should I act? If I'm here, it means death will be the most normal thing for me..." Zeigar said, his hands tingling. Slowly he wanted to try to calm his mind; as someone who had trained long enough, he knew that situations like this would happen sooner or later.

He tried to assess his surroundings, and indeed, there was nothing but a dense forest with a number of large trees. He wouldn't be able to climb and find a way out; moreover, he didn't know if he could get out of this forest alive.

Humans are considered to be fearful creatures; they hadn't ventured into the forest for decades, and there were many rumors inside, saying there were terrible monsters that would prey on humans.

It wasn't just a legend; the hiss entered Zeigar's ear cavities, causing him to look up, not many words could come out of his mouth, right above his head was a lizard-like monster clinging to the tree trunk.

It continued to extend its tongue, and uniquely, this monster could camouflage itself like a chameleon.

"Ugh..." There were no options; choosing to fight, Zeigar already knew he wouldn't be able to win. Quickly, he chose to flee.

As much as possible, he wanted to run away from there, but he didn't know the right direction.

"I have to find a safe place..."


Unfortunately, this hopeful journey turned into something unexpected, his body was hit by an attack from behind.


Zeigar's body was difficult to move due to the heavy weight of the monster behind him.



__To Be Continued__

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