Author: South Ashan
last update2023-01-02 19:43:17

"Wait, you're Gustav? The designer Gustav?" Johnathan asked in amazement.

Gustav walked closer quickly and bowed his head to Johnathan and so did his assistants.

"Yes Master Cross, that's me. It's my absolute pleasure to meet you and to be of service to you. These two with me are my assistants Lynette and Tori" Gustav said and remained to bow until Johnathan told him and his assistants to raise their heads.

"So Gustav, what brings you here? Don't tell me that you, the famous Gustav is going to be styling me?" Johnathan asked and the smirk Gustav had was all the evidence he needed.

"If the young master will just stand like this, I would like to take your measurements," Gustav said, showing Johnathan the exact position to stand in and Johnathan followed, acting very happy to oblige.

"Lynette, bring me the tape, and Tori, go bring me the materials we'll need from outside the room" Gustav instructed and his two assistants rushed to do as was told.

While Gustav and his assistants did their work, Abraham couldn't help but notice the grin Johnathan has been maintaining all this time and he became curious.

For someone who was wearing over-worn clothing when he found him laying unconscious by the school fountain, Abraham didn't think that Gustav would be someone his master was knowledgeable about.

Yes, Gustav is famous but it's amongst people who are invested in the fashion world or rich enough to afford one of his designs. So, how and why was Jonathan this ecstatic to meet the flamboyant man is what Abraham thought.

"Master Johnathan, if you don't mind me asking this but how did you get interested in Gustav's and his work?" Abraham asked and Johnathan looked at him as he tried to think.

Johnathan started to blush bashfully.

"What's the matter Master Cross? Why are you acting embarrassed?" Gustav while amending the fabric on Johnathan's body looked up at him and asked.

"Well, it's kind of embarrassing to say but the way I found out about Gustav was because my girlfriend at the time, Molly, wanted one of his designs for her birthday. Unfortunately, it was too expensive for me to afford and all I could give her was a cheap copy of the one she wanted. Let's just say she didn't appreciate it" Johnathan started chuckling bashfully.

Gustav's eyes widened in surprise.

"You couldn't afford one of my designs? That doesn't sound right for someone of your stature Master Cross" Gustav said and Johnathan looked at Abraham guiltily.

"Is there any reason why someone like you couldn't afford my design Master Cross?"

"The reason for that is a very long and personal one designer Gustav so I would appreciate it if you just act like the master didn't say anything just now" Abraham instructed.

Gustav looked at his assistants who were giving Johnathan a clean haircut and they both looked at him before they all looked at Johnathan.

The three gestured zipping their mouths shut and throwing away the keys.

"I and my assistants will just pretend like we didn't hear anything," Gustav said, putting the finishing touches on the suit he was making for Johnathan.

Johnathan couldn't wait to see what he looked like wearing one of Gustav's designs for the fire time.

Only a couple of months ago and he couldn't even afford a new pair of socks for his rather expensive school uniform but now he's being dressed by freaking Gustav of all people?

Is this a dream or reality?

"Done!" Gustav said, same time as when his assistants finished their job styling Johnathan's hair and the three stepped away from Johnathan to see how he looked.

"Tori, go bring the mirror in here so that the master can see what he looks like" Gustav instructed and Tori went to do just that.

Lynette cleaned the mess they had made.

When Johnathan saw what he looked like after all the improvements he's made physically in the last couple of months mixed with the work Gustav and his assistants have done for him, Johnathan couldn't believe that it was him in the mirror.

"You look handsome Master Cross," Tori said.

"Looking like a true ladies killer Master Cross, that suit fits you perfectly," Lynette said and Johnathan smirked.

Hearing these two beautiful women compliment him like this was a boost in confidence Johnathan didn't think he would appreciate this much.

"I do look good don't I? Thanks" Johnathan smirked.

"Thanks for the wonderful work designer Gustav. I know it must have been strange getting a request to come to make a suit for someone in a hospital from an influential family like the master's" Abraham said as he stepped closer to get a better look at Johnathan.

Surprisingly, Gustav shrugged as he was handing his tools to his assistants.

Johnathan who saw the shrug Gustav did through the mirror got curious.

"What's with the shrug designer Gustav? Are you saying that you've been in a similar situation like this before?" Johnathan asked.

"Yes Master Cross, I have. Not so long ago I was requested to make a suit for someone very important who so happens to have been in the hospital at the time" Gustav said nonchalantly.

What he said sparked curiosity in Johnathan and Abraham.

Johnathan chuckled and Abraham grunted 

"Surely, whoever this person is, they couldn't have been as influential as Master Johnathan now could they?" Abraham smirked.

With a blank expression, Gustav said "Definitely not as influential or important as Master Cross or the Cross family. This person was way more"

Abraham's eyes widened and Johnathan looked dumbfounded.

"That's ridiculous, there's only a handful of people that could fit that description designer Gustav. Surely you don't mean that it was someone from one of the seven—" Abraham said but Gustav's cut him off mid-sentence.

"That's exactly what I'm saying Mr. Abraham, this person is that important. I was sworn into an oath of silence concerning this person so like I kept silent about what Master Johnathan said earlier, I would appreciate it if you two do the same for me and this individual" Gustav pleaded but Abraham wanted to press more.

"It's fine designer Gustav, we won't bother you into saying what you don't want to," Johnathan said before Abraham could force Gustav to say more and Abraham conceded.

"Thank you, Master Cross," Gustav said as he and his assistants bowed their heads to Johnathan and he permitted them to raise it.

"So what's next?" Johnathan asked.

"I already have your measurements printed in my mind Master Cross so I'll go make some more clothes for you when I return to my shop back in Polaris and I'll send them over to you when they're done. Trust that they will all be to your liking" Gustav said.

Johnathan smirked "There's no problem there designer Gustav. I know I can always trust your work to be the best possible"

"And Abraham, what's our plans now that I've been dressed?" Johnathan asked.

"Then there's nothing keeping us here Master Johnathan. It's time we return home to go see your grandfather. While you were being dressed he sent a message telling us to hurry up" Abraham said and Johnathan nodded his head.

All five of them would leave the hospital room and hospital entirely, get into their cars with escort and leave the military barracks with immediate effect, heading for the Cross mansion.

The car Gustav and his assistants were in separated from Johnathan's and they were taken to the airport to return home to Polaris while Jonathan and Abraham's escort continued for the Cross mansion.

Soon after, Johnathan's escort drove through the massive gate of the Cross mansion and when they parked, Abraham lead Johnathan to go meet his grandfather.

Johnathan was stunned by all the amazing things he saw on their way to see his grandfather.

The insanely expensive furniture, sculptures, art pieces, beautiful maids, and the rest were enough to accept the fact that he wasn't the same poor boy from some months ago.

The two stopped in front of Johnathan's grandfather's study room door and Abraham knocked on it.

"Master, it's Abraham and I've brought the young master with me like you asked," Abraham said and they waited for a response.

Johnathan's heart would beat increasingly fast from the thought of meeting his grandfather for the first time.

He wondered what type of man was he going to be behind that door. A nice old man like most grandfathers are or a stern and serious one worthy to rule over all this wealth?

Would he be someone like his father Jaxon who was a mix of both, kind and serious when he needs to be? He was about to find out

"Abraham, you have my permission to come in," Johnathan's grandfather said and Abraham opened the door.

Abraham walked into the room first to greet the man who had been waiting there for them then when he raised his head he faced the open door and said.

"Master Johnathan, you can come in now"

Johnathan walked into his grandfather's study slowly and nervously until he was standing in front of his grandfather who sat behind his desk.

"Master, this is your grandson, Young master Johnathan, and Master Johnathan allow me to introduce you to your grandfather and current ruler of the Cross Empire, Master Zebadiah Cross"

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