Chapter 1681
With a flick of his wrist, Xayne sent a needle flying, piercing through hundreds of meters and shattering the sniper's scope hidden behind a massive rock. The mirror shattered, startling the sniper. Xayne and Dragos jumped out of the car.

The team leader was visibly shocked upon seeing Dragos and Xayne. He quickly stood at attention and loudly declared, "I salute the Drakon King and Dracoguard!"

The other team members immediately followed suit, standing at attention and saluting. Even the sniper in the distance hurried over and snapped to attention.

Xayne surveyed the special forces before him and remarked, "Impressive. It seems the military advisor has trained you well."

The team smiled, revealing bright white teeth. Xayne and Dragos followed them to the secret military district.

Here, they encountered a special forces team of nearly a hundred, all armed with state-of-the-art weapons. Advanced computers and military instruments were set up in a cave that expanded into a command p
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