Mona leaped out of the side of the carriage and channeled her chi instantly.
"Seems there's atleast three of them." Mona heard Samor say. "I wonder what kingdom their under."
"Probably Namunda." Mona replied. "But, I cannot say at the moment."
Three men wearing dark cloaks that concealed any identifying features emerged from the cluster of trees.
"Their clothing doesn't resemble the Kingdom of Namunda." Samor stated. "Maybe these three aren't reporting under anyone."
"It's never that simple." Mona replied.
The three men all channeled their chi at the same time.
"The chi I sense from these three is almost identical." Mona thought.
"Perhaps they are all brothers." Samor suggested.
"No, it doesn't seem that way. There would be a difference even if it's slight."
The three men all rushed forwards at the same time.
Mona scattered her chi into the ground below them, as big chunks of the earth flew up. Then, she disappeared as she rushed through the chunks. On the other side, two of the three men leaped around the debris from both sides, looking to attack Mona. But as soon as they passed by, she flew out of the debris towards the man that was now seperated from the others.
"Hardening Style, Stone Splitter!"
Mona rushed forwards and unleashed a chop from her chi-channeled hand to the man's chest. Upon impact, a hole that resembled a crater formed in the center of his chest. His body began to fade after it hit the ground.
"Like I suspected, it's afterimage projection."
Another skill that those who were enlightened to the mending stage learned, was to create afterimages from their chi and project them into the area around them. The effectiveness of this skill varied between users, with those with the lowest prowess with this skill being able to ridicule people who had low stage enlightenment and those with the highest prowess with this skill could create afterimages that appeared to be identical clones that were very difficult to tell apart from the original person. To Mona, the afterimages were very easy to read.
"You're enlightenment is atleast at stage three, isn't it?" Mona heard a male voice say.
The three afterimages' chi began to flow together and formed one real man. He was a muscular, six foot man with short black hair and a scar that looked like it came from a bladed weapon across his face.
"What is it that you wish to gain from doing this?" Mona asked."
The man didn't respond.
"Did someone send you or are you acting off your own accord?" she asked.
"The only question that actually matters, is if that kid is actually the Black Dahlia." the man replied.
"What will such information do for you?" Mona asked.
"He must be if someone of your skill level is guarding him." the man suggested. "Hand him over. Such power is only safe in the hands of King Leonidas."
"King Leonidas?" Mona said in shock. "He's never been any enemy to Neserus or King Musa."
"There's no way King Leonidas sent this guy here to take Yasuke." Mona heard Samor say. "Such actions would violate his noble warrior spirit, something he prides himself on."
King Leonidas was the only King amongst the four kingdoms that was known to fight alongside the knights and bishops in his Order. Anytime the Kingdom of Spartania engaged in conflict, he was there putting his life on the line as well. It's because of this that he's also considered to be the best warrior amongst the Five Kings.
"The actions I take are to stop a war from transpiring, not to begin one. If Namunda truly has obtaining the Black Dahlia as there objective, they'll stop at nothing to get it. Don't you know that the Prince Nobunaga has gained the throne? That kid has a better reputation for ruthlessness than anyone in Neserus and Spartania."
"There's a new king? Already?" Mona thought.
"This kid is right, the Prince Nobunaga is not a saint. If he wants Yasuke, he's going to try anything to get him." Samor added. "We must report King Leonidas' intentions to King Musa."
"No" Mona replied. "If there's one thing that's clear, it's that this kid is acting on his own accord. King Leonidas did not order this."
"This is why my King should have The Black Dahlia. He's the only one that won't use it's power for his own personal gain." The man explained.
"The same could be said about King Agasga. The Black Dahlia should be given to the Kingdom of Objibwe if that's what the decision is being based on."
The Kingdom of Objibwe is known as the most peaceful civilization in the land of Aros. Under King Agasga's leadership, the Kingdom is the only one that has never engaged in any conflict in history. It's rumored that this Kingdom doesn't have any weapons or knights in their Order. However, the Kingdom of Objibwe is known for having the highest enlightenment stage. King Agasga is one of the few confirmed to be enlightened to stage five.
"Actually, you're acting for your own personal beliefs in the name of King Leonidas. So, if you do not receive any punishment by him, what you said earlier is false." Mona declared.
"King Agasga's peaceful nature cannot last much longer. Everyone knows how detrimental it could be if the wrong person gets the power of the Black Dahlia. That's why it's crucial that King Leonidas is the one to receive this power. He will only use it's power if absolutely necessary for everyone, not just his village."
The man equipped a long sword and a shield.
"When I became a knight, I vowed to do only what's best for the Kingdom of Spartania. I will take Yasuke, even if by force."
"You can try" Mona replied as she channeled her chi. "But I'm actually acting according to my King's wishes, and that's for Yasuke to stay in Neserus."
The man and Mona both rushed forwards at the same time. But once Mona came into his striking distance, she disappeared.
"You fool, she's behind you!" The man heard in his head.
Upon hearing this, he quickly turned around. But, when he did he saw no one behind him.
"Samor's skill never fails" Mona thought with a smirk as she rushed towards him with a punch.
He quickly spun around and blocked her punch with his shield. Then, he used his shield to push her back as he channeled his Chi. Upon impact, Mona flew backwards.
"He's pretty quick" Mona thought as she landed on her feet. "It seems your psychic-transmission skill is useless against him."
"Yeah, it won't. I suppose I should have expected great mental fortitude from those who train under King Leonidas." Samor stated. "I was able to retrieve his name however, it's Mephistopheles."
Samor was trained highly to use the psychic-transmission skill. This allowed to to briefly connect her thoughts to anyone around her. Doing this enabled her to talk telepathically, to spectate other's thoughts, and to gain general information. In this instance, she attempted to use her ability to trick Mephistopheles. By replicating his voice and sending her thoughts to his head, anything she thought would be repeated in his head. But due to these thoughts being in his own voice, to Mephistopheles it sounded like his own consciousness and this is how she could trick her opponents. In the brief moment she connected their thoughts, she was also able to find out his name.
"I'm assuming whoever was responsible for whatever that was is in that carriage." Mephisto stated. "I suppose I'll also have to fight them next."
"You shouldn't look past me so soon." Mona stated.
Mona scattered her chi into the ground below them, as big chunks of the earth flew up. Then, she disappeared as she rushed through the chunks.
"She's going to try the same tactic on me again?" Mephisto thought as he rushed forwards. "I know she's using the Mending Cloak to blend in to these rocks. I'm going to stab right through them!"
Mephisto thrusted his sword into the biggest chunk of earth in the debris, but it had no effect.
"You fool, you think she'd use the same tactic twice?" Mephisto heard in his head.
He quickly turned around once again.
"Damn this." he thought as he saw no one. "It must've been a trick."
When he turned around, all of the chunks in the debris were flowing with chi and were thrown in his direction.
The three big chunks of earth smashed into his body, forcing him backwards as they shattered upon impact.
"Hardening Style, Stone Splitter!"
Mona rushed up quickly and unleashed a chop to Mephisto's chest.
The force caused him to drop his sword and shield as he fell to the ground. When he looked up, Mona had the sword to his neck.
"What made you think you would be successful?" Mona ridiculed. "I wasn't sure at first, but now it's clear. You're definitely only at the empowerment stage. But, you being able to use afterimage projection means you have an impromptu enlightenment."
Mona removed the sword from his neck and turned the handle to him.
"You should be more careful, you could have atleast brought a friend with you."
"Shut the hell up" Mephisto snarled as he snatched his sword back.
"Mephistopheles, that's not how you should act." Another male voice stated.
Mona and Mephisto looked to the right to see another six foot, muscular man with dark, short hair approaching. He wore a red and silver cuirass and pteruges armor set and also had a beard with the same exact scar as Mephisto.
"King Leonidas!" Mona heard Samor say.
"You act with disrespect after being defeated by someone who could have killed you." King Leonidas continued. "That's not how you were taught."
Mephisto quickly hopped up and bowed to his king. Mona did the same as a sign of respect.
"My apologies, sir." Mephisto uttered. "I suppose I got upset after being defeated so easily."
"It's okay, I know." Leonidas stated. "Soon after you stopped their carriage, I arrived. I've been watching this entire time. I wanted to see if you could complete mission you undertook in my name.".
"Sorry for the misunderstanding." Leonidas continued after he turned to Mona. "I'm sure you figured, but this wasn't an order I gave Mephistopheles.".
"Yeah, I know." Mona replied. "You and King Musa have always been pretty good friends."
"Speaking of Musa, I actually need to speak with him. If you would allow me to, I'd like to tag along with you."
"It's an honor that you'd ask for my permission, but it's not my decision. I'm under the instruction of my bishop, Samor."
"Hello, King Leonidas." Leonidas heard Samor say. "I'm sure King Musa wouldn't mind, but I must ask your intentions."
"After this situation with my young pawn Mephistopheles and the widespread knowledge of Neserus having the Black Dahlia, I figured it would be essential to specify my Kingdom's place in correlation to Namunda and the other Kingdoms." Leonidas thought.
"Yeah, King Musa would respect and appreciate that. You should come along."
Yasuke, Eradius, Samor, and the two coachmen left the carriage and were standing at the side of the trail, just before the ditch. Mona, Mephisto, and Leonidas all joined them. Eradius and the others quickly bowed once he saw Leonidas, and seeing Eradius do this made Yasuke do it as well.
"Don't worry, the normal King's formalities do not matter me." Leonidas stated as he walked past them.
He looked down at the carriage that was in the ditch.
"Mephisto, I'm actually impressed. I imaged you would've completely trashed it. It's still operable."
Leonidas held his hand out to the carriage and channeled his Chi. It began to engulf the entire surrounding area, as it's potency is something couldn't be ignored. The carriage then came forth just before his hand.
"What the hell?" Eradius uttered.
Upon realizing that he said this out loud, he quickly apologized and covered his mouth.
"This skill, the matter warp, is learned by those who are on enlightenment stage four. It allows one to use their chi to contract or expand the space around them. I've never seen it performed so easily." Mona thought.
"The horses have ran off." Eradius stated.
"Yeah, they were trained to run back to Neserus if anything happened." Samor explained.
"It's fine." Leonidas stated. "Mephisto and I can pull it. Go ahead and get on."
"To think a king would be the one pulling a carriage." Eradius thought. "I suppose it's true what they say, he's the most humble and selfless King ever."
As the others boarded the carriage, Mephisto and Leonidas wrapped the straps at the front of the carriage around their shoulders.
"So, a kid was born with the power of the Black Dahlia." Leonidas stated. "The vision I had is true, but cannot believe it turned out to be. He's seems to be around four or five. I wonder if they've started training him yet."
"I think King Musa won't have a choice if Namunda is trying to take him." Mephisto replied.
"Hmph" Leonidas uttered. "Perhaps you are right."
Leonidas and Mephistopheles began jogging, which caused the carriage to start rolling.
"If the vision I had about that kid is true, then that means the other one I had is also true." Leonidas thought. "And I cannot allow that to happen."
Related Chapters
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia    Yasuke, Chapter 7 : King's Declaration
Due to Mephisto and Leonidas carrying the carriage, they arrived at the Wall of Neserus rather quickly. There Wall of Neserus was a giant, golden gate that stopped people from entering and exiting way before they got to the actual Kingdom. This giant gate was thirty miles away from the cluster of cities that King Musa and his people lived in, and was heavily guarded on each side. Once the guards saw that another king, Leonidas, was pulling the carriage. They quickly opened the gate and greeted him. "Nice to meet you, King." they stated as they bowed at his feet. "Thanks for the gesture, but such isn't needed with me." Leonidas replied. "I don't mean to disrespect you, but what is a King like yourself doing pulling a carriage. Samor and Mona would have gladly done it in your place." "Since one of my young knights mistakingly attacked Mona and the carriage, I figured it was only right. But, how far is King Musa from here? I wanted to give him my apologies specifically as well." "Hi
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia    Yasuke, Chapter 8 : Thirty Days
After King Leonidas promised his forces under King Musa's command, he was escorted out of Neserus and went back to Spartania. The two had agreed that within merely thirty days, Yasuke and Eradius would be escorted to the Kingdom of Spartania to train. Once there, be would train for six years before returning to Neserus and enlisting in Musa's Order. While King Musa and his subordinates readied Yasuke and Eradius for King Leonidas' training, Leonidas was getting his entire Kingdom ready for the arrival of the Black Dahlia. His knights were just finishing their sparring sessions, and Leonidas planned to explain the situation to those who were unaware."If you guys didn't know already, I made a pledge to King Musa." Leonidas stated. "There's a possibility that the Kingdom of Namunda and the Kingdom of Neserus will be at war soon. If that does come to pass, our forces will assist them." "King Namunda is being led by the former Prince Nobunaga, correct?" one of the young knights asked. "
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"Purple Thunder, Mobile Gunner Smash!" Domitia chi formed a construct that was the shape of a cloud. It completely covered the area with a fifty foot reach. His chi also formed around his feet all the way up to his hip and around his hands all the way up to his shoulders. "I see why his final technique took so long to charge up." Amadia thought. "This energy is tremendous." "Before I begin" Domitia stated. "I just want to thank you for granting me the time it takes to prepare this technique. As a form a gratitude, I promise I will not harm you anymore than I need to." "You don't need to thank me." Amadia replied. "But, I appreciate your modesty. As my form of gratitude, I'll make it look as if I ran away rather than me just beating you. I know your superiors will scold you for failing." "I hope you're ready..." Domitia declared. "Because here I come!" Domitia rushed forwards and was almost instantly in striking range of Amadia. "He's taking this serious..!" Amadia thought as sh
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With the intercepting style, one of the three basic combat kata, chi users are able to sense other chi users with their own chi. Amadia's terra grid took full advantage of this and even added another level to the technique. First, she would spread her chi throughout the ground so that she could sense any movement or actions in her vicinity. Then, she added the high level skill known as the matter warp to manipulate those movements and actions. In other words, any movement or action Domitia made would be manipulated and altered by Amadia. After remembering a few informational quotes from his seniors, Domitia realized this and tried his best to devise an appropriate counter for it. "Purple Thunder!" Domitia stated as he built his purple aura. "Triple Grand Smash!" Domitia created three clones from his purple aura that leaped into the air and came down, crashing into the ground. After endless pieces of the ground flew up due to the impact, Domitia sent all of the scattered debris flying
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"It seems we have a few Spartans tailing us." Botaro stated as he used intercepting style. "I can tell that they are substantially more powerful than the average knight. I believe they are both bishops."Botaro was leading the rest of the squad of knights he and Amadia were leading on this mission. At this point in time, they travelled way closer to the Kingdom of Neserus than they were before. However, they still had a couple ways to go. "If we allow them to follow us into Neserus, we'll have to deal with them and all of King Musa's Order. If we stop and confront them now, we probably won't be able to complete our mission." Botaro stated. "Unless Amadia somehow joins us within the next few minutes, our chances of completing the mission are extremely low." "What should we do?" a female knight asked. "In a time where the odds are stacked against you, it's best to assess one single strategy to fully commit to." one of the other knights replied. "Now is not the time, Gozu." The femal
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Perseus unleashed a severe wave of chi as he built his blue aura. "Deep Blue!" Botaro and the others tried to build their auras as well until they started to feel a certain pressure. This pressure caused breathing to be abnormally difficult and it began to make it abnormally difficult to move. "You won't last more than three minutes in this state." Perseus explained. "My Deep Blue allows me to emulate the pressure you would feel deep down into the ocean. I've just started at the maximum depth recommended for humans, but little by little, the pressure will increase until you feel as if you're at the bottom of the ocean.""How did he even manage to make his chi this potent?" Kaji uttered as they were all soon forced to the ground. "I can't move at all." "I created this technique in honor of my late father, Poseidon." Perseus replied. "His chi is amongst the most potent I've ever felt, even more potent than the King himself, and he loved water. Before I could train with him, I had to
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Yasuke, Chapter 28 : The Secrets of Nirvana
"The first thing you need to implement into your technique is a feint attack." Logias explained. "A feint attack is simply a deceptive attack or movement that's used to distract your opponent. With a feint, you make them think you're going to do something, and then you do something else." Domitia instructed. "When you're dealing with a technique that's going to take a few moments to set up, feint attacks will buy you the time needed." Logias continued. "If they're too busy focusing on feint attacks, they won't be able to see the real attack coming." Aristodemus stated. "Exactly." Domitia replied. "So what type of feint attack should I use?" Aristodemus inquired. "Well, that's something we can not teach you." Logias answered. "Yeah, feint attacks are just one of the many fundamentals of combat. Everybody should study and truly learn all of the fundamentals of combat. But how you choose to incorporate them into your arsenal is completely up to you." Domitia replied. "But, I can g
Yasuke, Chapter 27 : Aristodemus' Training
Yasuke was alone, meditating in a field of lush greenery a few hours before dawn. This has become a routine for him as King Agasga instructed him to do so. His words began to echo in Yasuke's head. "Everyone always gets the idea of Nirvana wrong. They say it leads to being able to heal the diseased, to beat the unbeatable, but it is all wrong. To reach Nirvana means to do only what your chi enables you to. There's no personal feats once you've reached Nirvana. We are merely just pawns blessed to be vessels of this legendary force. We have to work to have enough resolve and remove ourselves from greatness. I do not think. I do not act. I allow the nodes of Nirvana to manifest in my body. First, young Yasuke, you must learn to go with the flow of chi in its purest form. Do not think. Do not act. Just allow the chi you're surrounded by to govern you." Soon, Yasuke's chi began to form. But, it expanded in a way that appeared like it wasn't his own. The more he focused, the more it seeme
Yasuke, Chapter 26 : Ascended to Nirvana
Perseus's body was brought back to the Kingdom of Spartania, where it was kept and cared for directly under Hercules. Once Leonidas returned from his journey of taking Yasuke to the Kingdom of Objibwe, Hercules was enabled to relinquish this position to his king. After a few days, Perseus began to show signs of consciousness. Leonidas was doubtful at first. But, he quickly realized that this was a part of Perseus's ascension. Everyone, including the Spartans, agreed with the notion that you can not escape death. When one's life has expired, there's nothing they can do to prolong it. However, those who were chosen became able to overcome the very concept of death. He who rises above the inevitable force known as death reaches Nirvana, the highest level of enlightenment. Once King Leonidas realized the change Perseus was going through, it became hard to say the same composed leader he usually was. For the first time in a long time, the Great King Leonidas smiled. The young Spartans pres
Yasuke, Chapter 25 : A New Beginning
"I hope this experience teaches you something." King Leondias uttered as he walked past King Nobunaga. "King Leondias, wait!" Nobunaga uttered as he scrambled to his feet. "I didn't plan to inflict such a heavy gash on you." "You didn't plan on it because you didn't believe I would give you the opportunity. But, once it occured to you that you could, you wanted to." King Leondias replied. "There's no point in sugarcoating anything. You already said you wanted to make sure I could protect myself and Yasuke. And to really test if I could protect him, you had to attack with killer intent." "King Leondias is so naive that it's almost endearing." Nobunaga thought as he watched him walk away. "It's okay if he takes Yasuke, I have another plan." King Nobunaga followed King Leondias into the Kingdom of Namunda, but as soon as he entered, he went on his own way. After witnessing their duel, King Musa and Spartans left to their own duties. The Spartans left to return to Spartania and awaited
Yasuke, Chapter 24 : Self-Inflictions
*A FEW MINUTES EARLIER* King Leonidas was teleported to the entrance of the Kingdom of Namunda. "Logias' Lacuna Breach has improved." Leonidas thought. "He always tries to downplay his ability, but it's one of the most developed of all the young spartans." As Leondias began to walk towards it, he felt a certain energy that spiked his senses. This made him curious, but also very defensive. "King Leonidas." He heard a voice say. He looked up to see King Nobunaga jump from the top and land just a few feet away from him. "I know you're here for Yasuke, but I have a few things I need to tell you." He revealed. "Despite how it may look, our wishes for Yasuke aren't that different. Yes, there are a few things I want to use his powers to accomplish. But, I don't view him as some lifeless object. I sincerely want him to be happy and prosperous as well." "That's good." Leondias vaguely replied. "I also care about his safety." King Nobunaga continued. "And that's why I'd like to challen
Yasuke, Chapter 23 : Tense Encounters
The Spartans made their way to the Kingdom of Neserus, and were finally approaching the entrance. After being greeted by a few Knights in King Musa's Order, they started walking down the golden path. The Golden Path was the infamous long road made by pure gold which led straight to the Kingdom. After remembering what he saw, Domitia began to point out how well the Kingdom looked after being totally destroyed. "I forgot to tell you guys this." He started. "King Nebuchadnezzar completely trashed the entire kingdom with a wave of energy he unleashed. But, King Musa was able to fix the entire thing immediately." One of the many other young Spartans caught up to Domitia to ask him a question. "How did he do that?" "You should have been here, Kratos." Domitia replied. "He has an ability called Luck Share, which basically allows him to increase his chances of getting the possibilities he favors. And he's able to combine Luck Share with another ability he has called the Sphere of Promise,
Yasuke, Chapter 22 : Rude Awakening
A man was sitting on one of the many hills in a field of grass. There were plenty of different flowers and bushes in the field, but none close to the position he was in. His eyes were closed, but he was looking in the direction of the sun. His feet were planted into the ground and loosened soil was up to his ankles. His hands were raised above his head yet appeared to be in a relaxed state. It was the man that Yasuke saw before. The man that had the same brown pigment on his skin that Yasuke had and was very thin. Soon, he was joined by another person in similar clothing to his own. "King Agasga!" King Agasga lowered his hands and opened his eyes to look at his visitor. "The imbalance is becoming greater and greater." The man said to him. "It's becoming worse than we thought. I think it's time you come out of retirement and solve this issue." "No." King Agasga replied. "It's not my fate to end things this time. It's Yasuke's." "My King...the child is still too young. He can't han
Yasuke, Chapter 21 : Haunted by Premonition
"The time has come for you to join the rest of them." "You seriously think you'll defeat me? Come try your luck then?" Two swords rose from two sets of opposing hands. Both of the two warriors wielding the swords entered their stance with a look that expressed everything that wasn't being said. No regrets, no remorse, no shame, but most of all, no retreat. One of the warriors lunged forward first, with the tip of the sword pointed at the opposing warrior's head. *TING* The other warrior used the hilt of his sword to offset the trajectory of the attack, and countered with a quick sword spin that resulted in his foe earning a stab to his lead shoulder. The stab forced the initial warrior to drop his blade as the other delivered a kick that forced him to the ground. Before he could realize, he was without the option of evading and watched the tip of the blade soar towards his face. "You should've joined me when you had the chance, Yasuke." *SWOOSH* "I won't join you!" Yasuke yell
Yasuke, Chapter 20 : Cost of Success
After Botaro and Kaji made it back to the Kingdom of Namunda, they were met with King Nobunaga. He was cheerful that they managed to take Yasuke from Neserus despite what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Despite King Nebuchadnezzar's condition, Nobunaga's onto focus was throwing a celebration. "My King, I know it may be hard for you to hear. But, King Nebuchadnezzar fell in his battle against the Spartan Captain Perseus." Botaro explained. "He managed to capture Yasuke, which is indeed a win. But losing King Nebuchadnezzar in battle is still a loss. I'm having my own herbalist treating him with medicine currently. But, I think we should have the Order's head herbalist working on healing him." "No, that won't be necessary." King Nobunaga stated as he poured himself a drink. "You have your guy doing all he can, which is fine for me. Don't stress Botaro. You should have a drink, try to enjoy yourself." "I'm glad your in good spirits but I can't celebrate knowing King Nebuchadnezzar wo