All Chapters of Poko’s Rise To The Top: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
28 chapters
Chapter 11: The Final Boss!!
Oko: "Seems like she had a rough time."Quincy: "Thats Alice, she was with a strong team of six who was going to fight a wolf boss someone found earlier today. There was a fight over who was going to fight it first and that team won because their swordsmen got a shield drop like yours. I heard some other teams went to cause trouble what with the 32 hour floor boss spawn time, I'm sure it'll cause more problems."Oko: "I'm surprised they wouldn't just all go as a group."Quincy: "That was suggested but most didn't want to risk it not counting for the clear. Besides, not enough loot to go around then."Oko: "Seems everyone is confident in their strength."Quincy: "Of course, these creatures are pretty weak if you have a team. Of course I haven't heard of anyone beating a boss yet so idk."After talking to Quincy a bit about the new settlement, Abby jogs up to them.Abby: "Hey! Apparently the wolf is still up, Alice's team was wiped. She only survived because the leeches jumped in to kil
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Chapter 12: New Friends?
[Congratulations! You have defeated a fifth Floor Boss!][BA BA BADAH!!! You have completed this floors hidden mission of {Kill all 5 floor bosses in 32 hours(Bosses gain strength based on number of bosses dead)} Since you are the first being to complete a hidden mission you receive 10 AP and your rewards have been doubled! Your rewards:- 2 Extra skill selection at rewards room- 2 Extra rare class at rewards room- 20 bronze at rewards room- Automatically get 2 perfect scores on your floor evaluation (only applicable on the first pass)]Poko couldn't help but be surprised at this!'Holy!! Wait can the others see this notification too!? Also 10 more AP!? Damn the tower is just giving it out for free!'As Poko looked around he saw excited smiles on everyone's faces. Quincy: "Yes! I can actually go to the second floor! We are so ahead of the others!"Abby walks up to Poko with a thankful lookAbby: "Thanks for saving me. I took 5 damage even with you blocking most of it, I would've
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Chapter 13: I’m rich!
Poko put his points into constitution so he wouldn't have to use his potion or get killed in one hit but that's when he realized increasing from 9 - 10 cost 2 ap. And so does 10 - 11. Poko put his con to 10, strength to 8 and the rest to 9. Poko stayed on alert and near the tree since he had 3 mana and 7 HP left, he was holding a health potion like his life depended on it.Quincy skinned the boss since he had a skinning skill. Nothing good came from the corpse but Poko found some weird wood near the tree with the help of Felsen's logging skill which also got upgraded from the wood.Once everyone was done they gathered near the tree and counted the loot, this is what they found:- 29 starter swords/bows- 625 copper- 28 bags- 15 health potions- Misc. meat/fur/herbs (all common)- 1 shield- 2 crappy daggers- Pair of rough leather gloves- Enchanted arrow (from arcus)- Weird woodFrom the boss and minions:- 2 Bronze- Skill: ice spike- Skill: quick feet'If I knew we would get
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Chapter 14: Floor 2
Chapter 14: Floor 2!Poko opens his eyes to see a giant colosseum. He is up very high looking at the distant stage. As he looks around he notices there is rune like object on what looks like an entrance way. But on the other side of the entranceway is the colosseum below, walking through the entrance would lead to falling a good 40 feet and hitting the stands beneath, not even reaching the stage.To his left and right the building circles around but to his right there is a stand and a pretty women behind it smiling at him. "Welcome! Touch the rune to start the challenge whenever your ready, you can have up to 6 people for this challenge."Oko: "Are you a contestant?"Lady: "Nope, I'm a local of the tower. We locals live in the tower, some of us taking jobs helping the tower. Most you can find when you reach the subfloor."Oko: "Oh, do you also climb the tower?Lady: "No we don't have access to the towers system. We cannot even enter the tower much less gain stats and learn skills."O
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Chapter 15: Duels and a Friend
Poko enters the rewards room and this is the rewards breakdown:- 1 skill- 1 skill (first human to complete floor)- 1 skill (hidden mission completion)- 1 skill (perfect score) - 50 bronze- 1 skill (solo) - 500 bronze- 1 rare class (first human completion)- 1 rare class (perfect score)- 1 rare class (hidden mission)- 1 rare class (solo)- 1 perfect score (floor rating)- 1 perfect score (hidden mission) - 50 bronze- 10 bronze (perfect score)- 20 bronze (hidden mission)- 5 AP- 5 AP (solo)Total rewards:- 3 skills- 4 rare classes- 630 bronze- 10 AP"Ahh solo gives extra AP, kinda wish I did the last boss on floor 1 solo."For the skills the rare classes were:- Advanced Fire (qualified again)- Beserker (qualified again)- Spell Sword (qualified again)- Advanced Skinning (qualified)- Meat Cook (Qualified)- Sword Crafter- Enchanter- Master Miner- Bard"Not any good classes on the random rares. Seems like you should always qualify for rare classes that fit your style
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Chapter 16: Dueling a Friend
As Draven said, Kran started with a simple frontal assault, but with Poko's high stats it looked slow and was easy to dodge. Poko dodged to the right, away from Kran's shield and pressured him with his sword. Due to the stat advantage it didn't take much and Poko won the fight. Luckily the weapons were swapped for wooden ones so Kran just had some bruising and got some healing.[You have completed floor three's mission of {defeat one of the four instructors}. To move onto the next floor you may proceed to the door where you will enter the rewards room. You may also choose to increase your floor rating and stay at this floor as long as you want.]"You beat me, here's your new medal and a reward for beating me for the first time. Good luck on the next one."The reward was a shield, much better looking than Poko's old one.After winning Poko went to Draven who showed up to watch the fight."Wow your way stronger than I thought, you might beat Tark too but I doubt you could beat Tornis."
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Chapter 17: A Suspicious Person
————————— POV —————————Darius was confused, suddenly he sensed a new presence but today was not a recruitment day, was it a special admittance? They do happen from time to time, it's best to double check.The boy looked normal and inexperienced, he definitely couldn't get passed the enchantment and guards. Darius discreetly spied on him for a bit, the boy didn't seem to know much about the place which is unusual. Maybe he was here to spy? He also already possessed a medal which shouldn't be possible, how did he get that? It's one of the prized possessions of the greatest unit in the country and it clearly hadn't belonged to an active member so it didn't make sense. Only he had the authority to hand it out, not even the crown prince could get one without earning it.Darius watched as Poko defeated Kran and then Tark. It seemed he actually had great potential considering how strong he already was and how quick he picked things up. But the fight with Turnis was even more startling, cas
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Chapter 18: Where Art Thou Hidden Mission?
On the 4th day Poko was ready to move forward, there would soon be players arriving if they hadn't already and he needed to stay ahead of them, good thing they all probably needed 100 wins. Poko went to see Draven who was still practicing, he didn't want to bother Draven yet so he went ahead and found Darius.Darius was a muscled man about 6ft tall, unlike Kran who was like a bear, Darius was muscular but not as thick as Kran. He held a great sword in his hands.People realizing what was happening started gathering to watch, every time someone challenged Darius people would gather to witness it and cheer on their comrade, or laugh as he got his ass kicked.Once he challenged Darius he started casting a spell immediately but this was really a fake since he knew Darius wouldn't let him cast it. Darius attacked and with each swing Poko felt a giant weight against his shield, this man was strong! Poko did not hold back and started using skills like piercing strike and slashing strike. Th
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Chapter 19: Floor 3 Complete!
“You know about the hidden mission and the tower? Everyone else seems clueless here?”“Yes most people don’t know about it, but some like me are instructed by the tower to help manage specific areas and keep an eye out for problems. As for the hidden mission, that was just a guess hehe thanks for the information!”“Huh so you played me, but if your working for the tower how come you don’t know more?”“I know only what I need to, besides I’ve lived here so long it’s not as if All of use are completely loyal to the tower after so long, many want to gain their own strength and taking advantage of players is one way of doing that hence the lack of information.”“I don’t suppose your one of those to take advantage?”“Oh yes I certainly am, but don’t worry I’m not the type to backstab. Consider it mutual benefits, we can help each other. For example I will also give you some personal rewards. Normally once you beat the instructors you will be gifted money and equipment. Although I can’t get
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Chapter 20: Easiest Floor?
Poko looks around to see a barren desert.[Welcome to floor 4! Survive!]“So I just have to survive? Probably a time limit I guess.”[You have completed floor four’s mission of {Survive! Last one standing wins!}. To move onto the next floor you may proceed to the door where you will enter the rewards room. You may also choose to increase your floor rating and stay at this floor as long as you want.][BA BA BADAH!!! You have completed this floors hidden mission of {Complete this floor in 30 mins or less without prior knowledge of the floor} Your rewards:1 Extra skill selection at rewards room1 Extra rare class at rewards roomAutomatically a perfect score on your floor evaluation10 bronze at rewards room]…“So everything before about it being a group floor was a trap… you are evil tower!”Just thinking about the groups that would spend days here in the blistering heat not knowing when it will end, with the tower only saying survive and nothing else. It would be a contest to see wh
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