All Chapters of Poko’s Rise To The Top: Chapter 21 - Chapter 28
28 chapters
Chapter 21: People Are Catching up?
Entering the village Poko soon found a small tavern which he entered, at this time of day there wasn’t many people in the building. Poko was greeted by a girl who looked about 14 years old.“Hello mister, what can I get you?”“Hi, I was wondering if this town has an inn?”“Nope sorry, mom says that there’s not enough travelers for an inn but some farmers rent out barn space.”“Hmm ok, do you know what kind of rumors have been going around lately?”“Rumors? I heard herald was sleeping with the butchers daughter and got caught! Now old man rogers is furious!”‘Highly doubt that’s related to the quest but that’s what I get for being vague.’“Hmm interesting, what about monsters rumors? I’m a hunter and am looking for something new to hunt.”“Hmm well there is a lot of hyenas, rabbits, and deer around here. There’s also the crag tooth ridge but no one goes there because of how dangerous it is, I heard there was a dragon sleeping there!”Poko continued to chat with the little girl but she
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Chapter 22: A Tough Fight
Poko sprinted up the hill and saw a blue wolf sniffing at some clothes and a shield on the ground. The sword was the beginner sword and looked like scrap, while the shield was dented but still usable. It seems like he beat the first instructor and got the shield but that was it. [Players: 1/30]Before the wolf noticed him Poko started with a fire spell, he used fire control to increase the strength and did not use quick cast as he had the jump on the creature.Of course a magical wolf would notice the change in mana immediately, it raised its head and dodged the fire with a movement skill. Poko followed it up with a quickened fire spell and hit the wolf as it’s skill was probably still on cooldown. However the wolf didn’t bother to dodge and merely opened its mouth.Poko knew what was coming and immediately used his movement skill to dash behind the ridge as an icy breath passed over above him. Poko ran back up, already casting earth shower. As soon as he saw the wolf he cast it an
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Chapter 23: Plenty Of Rewards!
The lesser fire did not destroy the shield, only dimming it a little. He would probably need 2 more flame spells to destroy it. The man now did something weird, he charged at Poko. Poko was caught off guard as all the man needed now was a quick spell and it would probably do a lot to him but instead he charged at him. But this was to his advantage, Poko closed the distance too with his sword and shield.This time the man did not dodge at all and let the shield block the hit, nearly destroying it. He ran right past Poko and Poko realized what the man was doing, he was likely out of mana and running for his bag and equipment. As soon as Poko finished swinging his sword, he started a fire spell with full power. The man grabbed the bag, rummaged quickly until he took out a blue bottle and gulped it down. Just as he started casting another spell Poko finished his which destroyed the man’s shield and hit him heavily. The man let out a scream and his spell fizzled in the air. Poko used qui
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Chapter 24: A Fight With Rose Company?
The one at the front looked fairly young and also the leader holding a sword, there was a middle aged women who was probably a healer, an old man holding a wand, a sly looking fella with daggers and a giant man with a tower shield. The tower shield looked very uncomfortable on the horse.“It’s Rose company! Please excuse my humble hospitality, I didn’t expect such prestigious guests for such a simple magical beast extermination.”“You said in the report there was a frost wolf and giant bear right? When did you see them and where?”“They were in the crag tooth ridge, but this man here has already taken care of them. I’m terribly sorry to have wasted your time honorable sirs but if your interested in their hides he is looking to sell them, I’m sure he’ll give you a good price!”The leader of the group looks at Poko. “Hmph look old man you can’t listen to just anybody’s stories, this man is clearly lying.”“No I’m not, I killed them both.”“Do you think I’m an idiot? Show me the hide th
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Chapter 25: The Sub Floor
Poko stats and inventory——————————————————————Name: PokoTower level: 4Lives left: 5Current Health: 75 (75)Current Mana: 31 (60)Mana: 12Stamina: 15Magic power: 19Physical power: 14Constitution: 15AP: 56 Skills:Storage:Store up to 5 square ft or 500lbs (scales with mp)Meditation III:Circulate mana and gather it from your surroundingsLesser Fire II:Create Fire within 100 ft that deals dmg (scales with magic power)Ingredient Identifier I:Identify ingredients and their usesPlant Knowledge II:Identify plants and their usesPiercing Strike I:Increase Pierce damage (scales with strength)Thick Skin II:Decrease incoming physical damageHide II:Others are less likely to see youFire Resistance I:Resist fireQuick Feet II:Move quicker with a burst of speed (consumes stamina)Ore Smelting:Basic knowledge on smelting oreSkinning Knowledge II:Knowledge about skinningTracking I:Used for tracking animals through various terrainSilent Steps II:Move quietly (consum
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Chapter 26: Investments
There were plenty of investment opportunities such as:Apartment buildings which have 100 units(rooms) each, there are 150 apartment buildings. 1 gold to buy each building, 500 copper a month rent for rooms (standard, can be changed) comes with a local manger.There is a section for buying/ selling including craftsmen/artisan buildings. Varying merchant buildings from stalls to large auction sites. (1 silver to 1 gold)Middle housing area has 500 houses (30 silver each)Upper area has 50 big houses (1.5 gold)Guild buildings in near the door. (One for each main class and can’t be bought)Company buildings for sale in middle area and craftsman area. (Varying from 50 silver to 2 gold)Warehouse/ import district near the biggest gate opposite the residential area, warehouses can be bought here. (1 silver to 1 gold)One premium store house for 15 gold which comes with multiple store fronts to rent out, rooms for each major crafting field, a large storage warehouse. Comes with security en
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Chapter 27: Scheming
Inside a throne room that exudes wealth and power sits a king with a few attendants at his side. The king is thinking with a slight frown on his face. In front of the king stands an old man, If Poko was here he would’ve recognized him as the old man he gave the core to. Beside the old man is a middle aged man in nobles clothing.King: “Are you sure this report is correct?”Old Man: “Yes your majesty, I did a preliminary investigation while it was still fresh in the villagers minds, however I didn’t have time to check out the corpse since we couldn’t risk losing the enhancer again.”Noble: “Sire allow me to investigate this more thoroughly, I’m sure there is an explanation.”King:”No, don’t bother. We have other things to worry about right now, if the problem is resolved then that’s one more thing we won’t need to waste resources on.”Noble: “Yes your majesty.”After the two left an attendant asks???:“Sire, do you think it’s one of those incidents the reports have talked about?”King
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28: Negotiations
Back on the first floor:Eventually a group of people entered the camp with some wolf meat and edible herbs to eat. Gof the blacksmith was very short with rippling muscles, he seemed like the quiet type. Resama the tailor has blonde hair and perky… personalities, she seems very outgoing. Rosliny the potion maker is a beauty with red hair, she looks a bit more stern. Masu is a wider man who seems happy with their catch, he immediately gets to preparing the and cooking the food.After some introductions Masu started cooking and Poko watched intently trying to learn. It was clear Masu was already much better than him and even had multiple skills dealing with cooking. Which considering they were still on the first floor, that was very is impressive.‘These guys are already better than me, my crafting skills are pretty bad I’ll probably need some people to craft for me in the future. These guys are dedicated to their craft, I should try to befriend them.’Willow: “So Oko here wanted to jo
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