All Chapters of Fake Regressor Apocalypse: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
185 chapters
Start of the Event
The sunlight poured through the window. Another day dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations.Sadly, this day wasn't going to be filled with hopes and aspirations, but with hopelessness and despair.Watching from the windows of my room, I saw people scurried here and there, some going to their work, some basking in the sunlight, children playing in the garden and cleaners cleaning the area.Many people were going to die today, many families were going to get destroyed, children will lose their parents, mothers will lose their children, but I felt nothing, I couldn't stop this calamity myself, not that I would even if I could, Unless of course saving these people would be beneficial to me.All that mattered to me were my goals and the well-being of the people I care about.I was just thinking about this when suddenly!, a wave of mana came from the sea and spread throughout the city. The wave was a very small one and Slayers below rank E wouldn't have been able to detect it,
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Surrounded by Monsters
The greed and irony of human nature is ridiculous.Greed blinds people, while irony makes them ignorant.And no matter how hard you try to stop a blind ignorant person, they will continue to run stupidly, seeking their own death.People preach what they don't believe in or practice themselves, and fight profusely, destroying the peace they aim at by preaching.Often, you will find the tyrants speaking against other tyrants, than confronting core evil arising from obsolete traditions or rituals.Kings wage wars against other Kings for protecting the poor, while the poor suffer more because of the war.Religion spreads messages of peace, Yet, people wage war using religion.The same thing was going on here.Looking out the windows of our taxi, we couldn't see anyone heading towards the border.The highways were even more deserted than usual.People in Delvon City became so accustomed to not being attacked by monsters that they became ingnorant.They were willing to stay in their homes a
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Alice is Dying
Loran city,Hotel Chrome, Room no.392After the little confrontation with the monsters, the rest of our journey went without a hitch, and we safely reached the borders, where the Slayers inspected us properly with our identification cards and asked a few questions about the situation in Delvon, before they allowed us to enter the city.Usually this much checking wasn't necessary, but due to the monsters attack, the security had to be tight around the corner and no unidentified person was allowed to cross the borders.Arriving at the Loran City safely, we first booked a hotel suite and rested for a bit. The Hotel suite had two separate bedrooms, divided by a bathroom and living room in the middle. But just as we all relaxed and thought that everything was finally over, the thing that I was most anticipating about, finally happened." NOAH! quickly come here, something's happening to mother " Sylvia suddenly came running towards my bedroom while shouting out in a worried voice." Cal
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Sylvia's Regret
Showing my expertise and using my talent to its maximum potential, I spout as much bullshit as I could and expressed fake emotions. I was trying to covey the message that ' i was extremely hurt because of her ' and I conveyed it beautifully.Continuing with my act, taking out all of my storage rings, putting them in her small hands, I gently closed her palm into a fist , and spoke with a calm emotionless voice, that even made Sylvia to flinch and come back to her senses." Take these and keep it with you. This is almost all my wealth and everything I own, even the ownership papers of my properties are here in these rings. "My emotionless voice changed a little and now it contains that tint of sadness, which although small, but was extremely sharp like a needle, continuously piercing through Sylvia's heart with my each word." Give me one day! I will bring you the Elixr, and in case if I do not return after one day, then light up some candles in front of my photo, because that would
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Ruins (1)
I soon came around the stone gates.These structures that were supposed to serve as the city gates, turned out to be large structures made of giant stones stacked together.Standing below the structures of stones gave me the feeling, that it would collapse even with a slight touch, and the giant stones would fall above my head.A single stone weighed in tonnes and was more than enough to crush a D- ranked Slayer like me.Although I knew that these stones would not fall even if I punch them hard, but it was still not a good feeling when something that could crush you to a pulp, hangs above your head.Shifting my sight around the pyramid, I could see that there were no entry points or instructions to enter the main building.However, according to the story told by the group of Slayers, that came here in the Regressors' memory. The mechanism to enter is located in these giant stone gates.The slayers came to know about it in a lucky encounter. They searched around for hours around this a
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Ruins (2)
Following the command of the System, I could see the blue rays of light in my retina had already formed an image of arrow coming straight towards my right arm.Dodging the attack by side-stepping a bit, and jumping to the left, my lips curled upwards subconsciously as I saw the arrow flew past me and struck on the floor, bringing up some stones.[ The best way to react: Left turn 50 degrees, Horizontal Slash! ]The system instructed again.Following the System's instructions, I dodged another arrow, and sent a horizontal slash, deflecting the arrow that was about to pierce my abdomen.....A few minutes later." It can't go on like this "I was resting in another safe zone. Applying healing potion on my injuries.At first, the co-ordination between me and the system was going smoothly, and I was dodging arrows one by one, but as the number and speed of arrows increased, my reaction time after listening to the command of the system wasn't sufficient enough and some arrows were able
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Ruins (3) - Dáinsleif
After finishing my preparations, I opened the iron gate and entered in.Entering through the gate, What came in front of me was the Purple Fog that covered the whole area, and as soon as i inhaled it, my mind started getting dizzy.[ Host is getting affected by the Mind's Fog. ][ Host is recommended to operate Mind Cleansing with mana Or Host will suffer from Hallucinations and Drowsiness ]" System, Activate auto mind cleansing and continuously purify the Fog with mana " [ Automatic Mind cleansing activated ]Suddenly, I felt a warm current of mana washed over me and my mind got cleared.The first thing i noticed was the same passage as before, but this one in front of me was split into three separate ways, Left, middle, and right respectively.The restrictions on the sight were lifted here, but the purple fog was still obstructing my view a little, serving the same purpose as the restrictions in the previous passage and I could still only see for about 5-10 metres ahead with my n
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The Best Actor
The condensed blow of light and patterns that looked like a sun slammed towards me, but My Thunder flash collided with it first~BOOOM!!!and all the patterns and light vanished into thin smoke without a trace." Haa... uuhh.. haaa.. uhh "With that, the palace finally recovered its tranquility in all directions and only the sound of me panting with exhaustion could be heard.Catching my breath, I stood up and looked towards my sword that was still emitting a terrifying amount of mana." System, can you supress the mana of the sword and make it look like an ordinary sword, so that even the strongest of humanity or monsters couldn't find out about it ? " [ Task Recieved. Required permission to analyse the working of the sword ? Y/ N ] " Permission given "[ Analysing the sword... Loading .. ][ Method Found to disguise Dáinsleif as an ordinary sword. ][ The Sword is a weapon that is bound to the user. The user can store it in his soul space, and can only take it out whenever he want
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Sylvia is a Girl
The next day within the room of an Hotel a bandaged handsome boy could be seen sleeping in a bed, next to him slept a feminine looking boyYes it's me and Sylvia alright.Slowly opening my eyes, i take a look around.'ohh, it's seems it worked?'Seeing Sylvia who was sleeping on the bed next to me I smiled peacefully.' Open Sylvia's Status ' I commanded in my mind.|--------------------------|[ Status ]Name - Sylvia OxfordStatus - Noah's Slave( Emotional Analysis is available )Age - 18 yearsRace - HumanSTR - GAGL - GCON - G+MAG - FCurrent overall Rank - F-Maximum Talent Rank - SSSuperpowers - [ Mana's child ] **Click for a more detailed analysis**|--------------------------|" What! ? " Exclaiming in my mind, I again tried to read her status properly, But the result was still the same." Emotional Analysis ? System what is that ? " I asked the system, as it was my first time seeing something like this. [ The Host can get an analysis of the Slave's Emot
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Finally Back Home
2 days later ---Currently all three of us were sitting in our cabin on the super express train at the Loran city station, ready to go towards the capital city.During these 2 days, my 'injuries' also completely healed up and I was in my top condition once again. Sylvia always wanted to speak about something in these two days but couldn't at the end, aunt Alice might have hinted something to her, but she still couldn't gather the courage to speak up about it.- We will be departing soon, please be seated~Clank!The same beautiful voice from the last time entered my ears, and the doors automatically shut.A couple of seconds after leaving the station, the train gradually picked up its speed with a sudden burst which made us pushed a little deeper into our seats.Staring at the constantly changing scenery before me, I sank into deep thought.Sylvia was sitting next to me, curiously looking around the cabin with an awestruck face similar to that of a child. It was her first time, trave
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