All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
192 chapters
101. If I win....
Zach walked a long distance without knowing that Eric kept following because Eric had shut his mouth as he saw that Zach would not answer nor look at him again.When the sun was now high, Zach chose to rest, so he sought for shade to hide from the heat. It was in the process of looking from somewhere to rest that he realized that he was being followed by Eric.Eric had kept his distance, that was the reason why Zachary was unable to know that he was still following him."What are you still doing here?!" Zach asked him with anger as he was ready to fight him even when he knew death could not take Eric. At this point he was ready to die by the hands of Eric Claus and that was because he was not sure of his son being alive and he also knew that there was no way he would survive the journey, challenging and defeating the orcs all by himself.Eric was now very amazed at what his eyes were seeing. It was very clear to him that Zach wanted a fight which was the last thing he was going to do.
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102. We should move.
Through Zach's steady watch, Eric was able to know what was going on in his heart, so there was a lot of need for him to keep alert and avoid the distraction Zach needed. In due time while they rested, they could now hear the sound of the monsters of the territory, therefore it was known that their journey had just begun. Nevertheless, the sounds they heard were as a result of Zach's scream. His voice was the thing that attracted the monster in question. "We should move," Eric stood to his feet after hearing the sound as he threw his suggestion. At this moment, there was no way Zach could focus on casting Eric out of his sight. Despite the fact that he wanted to die, being a human made him scared of death as nobody would naturally see death coming his way and still stand. So he took the opinion of Eric at once, rising also to his feet with his weapon held firmly in his hands, ready to fight whatever attacks them. "Now is not the time to fight, Zach...." Eric warned him as he coul
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103. Simply magic.
Now Eric and Zach along with five orcs appeared in different locations after the flash of light. The light was the source of their teleportation, to this new location where they haven't been to before. It was still somewhere in the outer world. The five orcs that had teleported with them, could not fight again as the light had drained their strength. Adding to this, they did not come with their weapons, so they were defenseless against Zach and Eric. Also their arms and legs were tied, so automatically, they were captives of Eric.Now Zach was very much convinced about Eric's powers. It was not something to doubt again, and since the few orcs that had come there with them were in chains, there was no need to fight as they were not going anywhere."How did you do that?" Zach asked Eric in a very low tone. He was happy and also angry at the same time Eric had saved him from death which his heart was set on."How do you want me to describe your feelings now? Are you happy or angry?" Eri
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104. Restored hope.
Even with what has just happened and the terror in his face while he threatened the creatures, they showed no concern as they knew at once that he was the magician which their leader had asked them to find and bring his head. Being in chains made that to me an impossible task as they were sure of their death. Since they were hearing his words as though it was orcish language, they believed that he was also understanding what they said. Therefore it was as a result of what the other one said that has made him to slay it without second thoughts "How do we trust that you would not kill us after telling you what you seek to know?" One of them asked Eric since they knew that their fate was sealed. "That is only if you tell me the exact truth and nothing else. Mind you, I will know when you tell lies." Eric sounded a warning to them before he hit straight to the question of the day. But before he would begin his question, another orc said, "I am not going to be a part of this. You would
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105. Only option.
Eric was now touched by those saying, as he could see that the orc was ready to give its maximum cooperation. "I will keep to my word and will not hand you over to him when you are done telling me what I want to know." He just said those words. Well, the orc was not going to trust him, it never did. It only said what it said earlier only so that it would prolong the time of its living, pending the time when it would find a means and strategy to escape from their hands. "Since the route to our base is very deadly, I will suggest that I lead you through some hidden paths that will bring you to the boy safely without harm." At the sound of this Eric knew what the orc was up to that he wanted to react but Zach stopped him with his words. "What are you about to do? You just told me not to hit it yet you want to hit it." Eric held up his arm in the air and slowly brought it down without landing the strike on the orc again. Zachary, who had stop him from hitting the orc knew very well tha
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106. Is that a threat or what?!
After some hour of being led by the orc through the paths of the outer world which they had no clue where it was taking them, they came before a mountain and the orcs still insisted that they go through the cave that was in the mountain. At this point, Zach was now beginning to sense evil as his heart was no longer in support of passing that path. He had to say to Eric. "Remind this creature that its life is in our hand, so that it would not do something stupid or funny." Though his words were not direct but Eric understood better that his heart was being to conceive that was why it needed the orc to know what will come up on it if the path it was leading them to was the wrong path to go. So he did as he was told by saying to the orc in human language. "Remember I will send you to hell if it is realized that you are walking us into our death." "That is if you are not dead before then," the orc muttered in the language it knew how to speak. At this point, since it was not audible e
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107. The new vow.
Due to the too much persuasion from Zach, Eric had no choice than to tell him what the orc had said, maybe that would change his perspective of believing the orc was really leading them in the right direction. "It knows…." Eric started as he was still trying to figure out how to put the words together.The delay took some time that Zach had to ask again in order to forstar the answer which he was to give. "What does it know?""They know that Harris is your son, and it's because of his relationship with you that had made them take him hostage." Eric aired out though it was difficult for him to do so.This also gave Zach a shock since he was not expecting it too. But the truth remains that whether expected or not, they have to face the situation, so thoughts were made to know the best choice to take. It was also coming to the knowledge of Zach that the orc was not leading them in the right way just as his instincts had told him at first when he asked that they stop. Just as Zach had s
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108. Mood swing.
It took a long while before Eric Claus could come to a final decision on what action to take. The sky was already becoming too dark before he concurred to what the orc had said about them going into the dark cave to continue their journey to the base of the orcs. Left alone with Eric, he would have spent forever in the place of thoughts if not for the company of Zach who interrupted his thinking with some words. “Come on Eric, what is the matter? You are taking too long in these thoughts. Talk to me.” Eric then raises his face from looking downwards to looking directly at Zach, who had asked him the question. He was honestly struggling with what to say to Zack the moment but within a few minutes coupled with the look he was seeing in the face of the creature, he got the boldness to answer Zach and tell him the challenge he was facing. “I am finding it difficult to trust this monster. My heart is totally against going into that cave. I can perceive evil in there.” “I understand you
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109. Into the cave.
At this moment the orc had managed to draw very close to the mouth of the cave, and if not for the chains which it was in, that was connected to Eric Claus, it would have gotten the chance to go into the cave and also escape them, leaving them alone. But since it could not forge ahead and the talk between Eric and Zachary was taking too long that the sky was already covered with darkness and if it allows them, they were willing and ready to talk till the morning, so it had to interrupt their discussion for them to make progress as every progress made was aimed towards it's escape and their deaths, which they were yet to know about. "You are killing time, Eric. The monsters of the dark will soon be out and will definitely come to hunt you two down and feed on your flesh." "Is that made to scare us?" Eric turned to the orc as that happened to the words that would break his long silence. “Forget about my words being aimed towards scaring you because it is close to the reason why I said
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110. Separated.
After repeating the name twice in the low tone without getting a response, his fear increased in a very great manner, as he could feel a sudden cold all over his body as he lost the guts to speak another word. He was now very quiet, putting his ears on the ground to check if he would hear any footsteps which he could track and believe were the footsteps of Eric and the orc. To his greatest surprise, he could not hear any footstep at all, more to even say it belongs to that of Eric nor the orc. Even the sound of the dangling sound of the chain could not be heard, so it was now obvious to him that he had been separated from Eric and the orc. Yet it was confusing to him how that was possible because he had his best in making sure that he was close to them yet his best had failed him, now he had to find his way all by himself in the dark which he could not even tell where he was coming from nor where he was heading to. Realizing he was not anywhere close to Eric, he had to increase the t
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