All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
192 chapters
111. Like father like son.
Those words were made to put fear in Eric concerning going back, but instead of fear, it started up in him the kind of courage and boldness which he was yet to confirm was really in him due to the doubts of his ability. In place of what the orc was expecting to hear. He said with so much boldness. “Now you think those are going to make me scared and refuse to go back? But I want to make it clear to you that we are going back to get Zach no matter the cost. And you are the one to lead me to him. You have led me through safe passage though I can’t see the paths we have taken to get to this point, but for you to have led me through a safe route you are going to lead me back again to Zach through safe routes and mind you, you have no say in this. So let’s get going.” The orc then burst into a brief laughter before giving him a response, “I wished this time was the same as before. It is time I told you that I have my say and the will to do whatever I want in whatever way I want it to be do
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112. The action to be taken.
Eric definitely understood that those words were an insult to him, and that was the limit which he had warned the orc not to cross in the first place. How this was known was because as the orc finished saying those words, he did not have to say another word but saw himself stretch forth his staff as words which he knew not about to proceed out of his mouth and it was realized that those were not just mere words but magical codes that gave rise to magical spells. It was as though it was the magic he needed to perform as those words produced several fire balls that lightened up the cave portion where he had been for over thirty minutes exchanging words with the orc. With the lightening up of the cave, the orc disappeared. It was as if it had known of the fire ball and that Eric would soon perform such magic so after saying those words, it flee for its life knowing fully well that once the cave is lightened, Eric would be able to see clearly and if he by chance sees the paths which it p
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113. Moving in circles.
As he walked some distance into the direction which he had taken, he was not having the thoughts to change direction again because he had come before several turns yet had not taken any. Thus he felt it was time he took one. But he was confused on which direction to take since his heart began to play games on him again. He would take a few steps left, yet would stop and turn to the opposite direction, taking some steps leftwards again. He continued like this in confusion for a good time to the point that he even thought of going backwards. Through all the thoughts coming into his mind on where to continue, the only direction that was not coming into his mind was to proceed with the direction which he had been walking towards for the past two hours. And for the fact that this direction was not an option coming into his mind, he knew of a surety that he needed to change paths, but which direction was the problem.. Due to the deliberation in his heart all to no avail, he thought maybe w
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114. A safer place.
With these words coming back into his heart, he now began to believe them as he concluded that what he was pursuing was none of the beings he had thought it to be. Yet a question kept resounding in his heart, "if that is a terrifying monster as the orc had said, why then is it running away from me?" The question that came into his heart was one that is bent on making him continue in pursuit of whatever was making the noise which he was following. But he had to rebuke the voice that was asking him that question since he knew it was trying to lead him to his death and death was never on his list at the moment. Since he had been brought back to the spot where he got separated from the orc and made the magic spell, he now knew what direction to take if he really wanted to meet Zach again. Since he had gone forward before encountering the noise and it had led him back to that spot through the right twice, he knew that the only option left was to go backwards as there was no route at his l
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115. Not again....!
Coming some distance away from the spot where he encountered those troubles, he came before a parting in the route of the cave of which from his experience so far and the little he observed from the looks of the cave, that there was going to be a lot more diversions and parting in the two routes before him. So it was another difficult choice that had been placed before him, of which he had to think critically and logically, considering every possible outcome that he could come across in each of the paths which he must definitely choose one out of them. He was really angry that he had to face such a situation again as he said to himself. “Not again…!” Though he was fucking worried about where to follow, but he it did not take long before he did the needful which was to call out the name of Zachary, facing both directions that he had to pick from, at least Zach should hear him calling this time around and answer him because without a doubt he was closer to him than the first time sinc
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116. Sorrow.
Coming very close to the place of the sound, reverse was the case, instead helping the creature that had been making the deceitful sound, he was knocked down by the creature only to raise his face and see that it was the orc who led them into the cave that was calling out for him. “Youuu…..!!!!!” Zachery cried in regret of falling for its trick. While anger filled the face of Zach, the orc burst into an uncontrollable laughter. It was very cheerful and annoying that Zach felt like striking the orc but that could not be possible since it was the orc who had struck him first and it was so hard that it had to take a couple of minutes or so to recover and deliver his own strike. Funny enough, the orc uttered some words which he did not know what they meant because he was not Eric who had the ability to understand what they were saying. The orc on its part was saying those words with the mindset that Eric had thought Zach how to understand and speak its language because during the perio
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117. The unbelievable.
Back inside the cave where Eric was still searching for Zach with the lamp in his hands, but at this point he had stopped calling out his name since no one was answering his call and he was quite tired of shouting Zach’s name. While he continued with this search, the orc who had run away from Zach a few minutes ago and was still running thinking that Zach had pursued it to catch it, came to cross paths with Eric as they both hit themselves and fell to the ground in the opposite direction. Seeing that it was Eric that it had come to hit again, it hurriedly got to its feet to run away from him since it knew that it was also in danger of meeting Eric again. But Eric would not make that mistake again, though he did not get up immediately, he failed to let that be the reason why he should allow that creature to escape again. As it jumped on its feet to run off again, he instantly said with a commanding tone as he stretched his staff. “Come back here!!” Instantly, at the sound of his com
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118. Broken trust.
Eric on his part was also surprised at how he was making that possible. He did not understand how he was able to cast those spells with ease. To him everything seemed to be a dream because he could not recall himself practicing how to cast those spells. Everything concerning the powers was happening like a dream to him, even the actions and words he said to bring those powers to reality was another thing on its own which he could not explain as none was planned by him. Nevertheless, he made sure he did not make it known to the orc that what he was doing was done unconsciously else it would make the orc seek more means to escape again. This was just a simple application of wisdom that needed no special teaching. So in response to the demand of Eric asking the orc to repeat itself, the orc chose to say. "Let's get going... We don't have all the time." It preferred to say this instead of asking Eric to tell it how he managed to master his power to that level. "Better." Eric replied, "D
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119. Forceful confession.
Eric did not understand what it said so he asked in a very curious manner. "What do you mean by that? What is that supposed to mean?!" He blurted out with anger and in a haste, thus he did not know when he repeated the same question in two different sentences. It was even as though he was going to use another phrase to repeat the question once again. But the orc had to start talking, thereby causing him to pause. "This was the stop where I last saw him." Hearing this response from the orc, what to say was not lacking in his mouth, he immediately said again. "And how is that supposed to be any of my business? I asked you to take me to Zachary and not to bring me to the last place where you saw him. Is that understood?" "I ran away from him when we crossed paths without one another here, so how am I supposed to know where he had gone?" The orc was now asking him. But that's none of Eric's business, "Are you going to do as I said or you will have me slay you and continue with the jou
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120. Always a way.
Now the pressure was too much and the proof that death was sure if it failed to speak the truth for the last time. So the orc did not have the strong heart to keep lying. It blurted out at once, as he pointed towards a route different from the one it wanted to lead Eric into in the first place. "He went that way..." Then Eric looked at the route which the orc had pointed. He observed it for a few minutes as he looked at the orc too, looking for the slightest signs to tell that what it had said was false. Due to the stare at both the orc and direction in question, he was able to see that of a truth the orc was not lying again. So he said as his mood changed from being very serious to the normal way again. "I always knew that there was a way to make you talk. Now lead the way." Immediately, the orc exhaled heavily as its heart was already gone due to fear because it thought that Eric would not believe it even as it had told the truth about where Zach had gone. It took some time before
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