All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
192 chapters
121. What do you take me for?
Now the orc had successfully given a very good and convincing answer to Eric but that was not enough to cause him to follow it into the cave once again. "I love your responses, but my heart tells me not to go in there again." "What about your friend? He is still in there… don't tell me you are going to leave him to die inside the cave?" "It's none of your business what I choose to happen to him." Eric blurted out before reasoning what he had said. The orc was shocked to hear that come from Eric, it now saw those words as its chance. "Eric… I can't believe you are saying this… what would Zach think of you? He would have gone back into the cave to find you but here you are saying you don't care what happened to him." It said those words to make Eric feel guilty and also to propel him into doing what it wants him to do. "Stop it!!" Eric scolded it. He knew what the orc was doing by saying those words. "Your words would not make me do what I don't want to do. We are not going into the
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122. Back to Palind.
“Quiet! Zach is a pathfinder; he is able to find his way out of the cave. In short, he is out here. He is no longer inside that god forsaken place.” Eric now said with a lot of boldness that the orc could now tell that it can not deceive him again. Telling Eric that Zach was inside the cave was the option it had to make him go into the cave and now that he had confirmed that Eric would not believe a word about Zach still being inside the cave. It was over. Continuing the journey was all it was left with. The orc was only moving its eyes from staring at Eric and the rock where it was tied to. It did know what to do again. It said within it, telling itself that it had failed completely in the mission which it took upon itself. At this juncture it had to sit down on the floor with a lot of thoughts going through its mind. While it sat on the ground thinking, Eric used that opportunity to look around the place, as he looked out for movement. Full of disappointment, it had to find somethin
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123. Groups.
While the captain of what else to say, one of the soldiers that was close had to make a request as he could see that the king needed all hands to be on deck. “Permit me to speak, your majesty?” “Sure, you are free to speak.” King Luca answered at once, giving him the permission he was asking for. “Thanks my lord,” he appreciated first before hitting the point he wanted to make. “I am of the opinion that we go into the city without our riders. Let’s sneak into the city and help our people sneak out too in the same way we will sneak in.” He made some points in his words, that the king had to take it into consideration as he looked up towards the city once again. He looked at the creatures that they were to hide from and was able to tell that it would be a very difficult thing for them to sneak in as the soldier had suggested without being seen. In spite of this, he was able to take one thing which the soldier had said and that was the talk of leaving their horses behind because going
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124. Attack on Ironbrook.
With the way the fight was going and the fall of one ogre which had been cut mercilessly to the extent that it could not stand again, the others had to look for ways to flee for their lives because they could see that the humans had out smart them this time. Thus they needed to leave for reinforcement. there was not a way the city of Newgriffin was theirs that day. Even as they took their hills, the soldiers did not just give up knowing very well that they had won that day. They kept striking till they were able to bring more two ogres down, letting only seven to escape. At least that way it would take the monster longer time to before they make another attack because they will have to prepare very well. Though they might have won that day, the king knew the ones the escaped were surely going to return in a stronger force which they may not be able to withstand, so he had to put his mind on how to strengthen his army the more and cause them to be ready for the worse. With the parti
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125. Act before it's too late.
Now Morgan did not need to say the word ‘attack’ before they moved out against the enemy. What he did was to make the first move himself, and the rest of the soldiers followed suit. While the foot soldiers attacked the creatures, the archers did not cease to fire their arrows as that was the only way they could help. They were not shooting these arrows in the form of rain as they would usually do, rather they made sure to aim before shooting in order to avoid hitting their own. With all hands on deck the few ogres that had gathered the morale to enter the city were wiped out in due time. Though they lost some men amongst the foot soldiers who were with General Morgan Elliot. No matter what, victory had to be celebrated because it was never easy to win the ogres in a fight adding to the fact that they did not lose so many lives as expected by both the civilians and soldiers. After the fight, that was when words were sent to the king and other leaders in the country, telling them abou
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126. A call for help.
Since it has been two days since they came out of the cave without seeing Zach, Eric now said to himself as he gave up the hope that Zach was ever coming out of the cave any time soon. “I promise to bring your son back to Palind. I will make sure he is safe and taken back to his father's land. Your lineage must continue, I promise.” He said this, taking his mind slowly away from the thought of his beloved daughter who was responsible for their actions he had been talking about lately. His mind shifted a little from his daughter as he believed that that was one of the things he had to do in order to get back to his daughter too. “Did you say something to me, master?” the orc asked him as it heard him speak though it did not know what he had said that was why it was asking so as to know if what he said had anything to do with it. Eric then looked up at it and said, “It is high time we leave this place. Lead the way to your master Zagthak. Harris have been held hostage for too long.” T
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127. Shadow beast.
The orc was happy that Eric was leaving it there, therefore it was now free from its bondage. It did not make the move to run off immediately so that it will not draw the attention of Eric. Thus, it maintained a static position for some time as it watched Eric leave it alone. Now after some minutes when Eric was out of sight, it now felt free and had to run away so that Eric would not find it there when he comes back, that was when it noticed that it was tied to a tree and out of annoyance and it's failure to notice this, it raised its voice crying. "Noooo….!!!" It turned to the tree which it had been tied to and was in deep pain as it tried to set itself free yet to no avail because it was tied by magic and could only be loose by magic. This was the moment it then understood what Eric meant by 'it made its choice' it was now clear to it that Eric had tied it there with those words, yet did not make it obvious to it else it would have pleaded for mercy and chosen to follow him to where
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128. Prove it.
He ignored the voice this time even when it was recognizable to belong to his friend. He felt it was the voice of those beasts just as the orc had told him, and adding this to what he had seen and encountered in that place, he would never turn back to answer the voice. Yet as he tended to move away, he heard the voice saying again in a more clearer way. "Don't leave me here…. Eric…. Is that not you….. I know your scent. You can not leave me here with these beasts." This time he was very confused on what to do, he could no longer resist the call for help, so he had to ask back to confirm if it was really the person he thought was calling out for his help. "Who are you?" As he asked this question, he looked around, listening very carefully to know the direction which the voice would come from. "It's Zachary Hawkins and I'm over here." For the fact that he had heard the full name of Zach, he had no other reason to doubt what he was hearing. He now asked again as he was yet to be sure
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129. Too stubborn.
"Okay," Eric finally agreed to what Zach was requesting and then helped him get on his feet. It was at this point when he was helping him to stand up that Eric realized that Zach had broken his right leg and would not be able to walk out of the woods unless he was treated even if it was not completely, at least to a point, because even standing up was a problem. "Aaahhhh!" Zach screamed as he tried to stand. it wasn't as though he did not know that he had broken his leg, but he did not know that was how bad it was. He was definitely feeling the pain but since he had not tried standing with it, he thought it to be a minor thing. He had sustained this broken bone at the moment when the beasts attacked him out of nowhere, and that was the same time when Eric and the orc heard the screen that made Eric to be inside the woods too. He was not able to continue shouting after the first one because the monsters knocked him so hard that he passed out and then they tied him to the tree. He had w
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130. They are coming...
Despite how Zach kept looking around in fear, Eric still did not know that he had to stop whatever he was doing so that they would leave the place. Since Zach was not able to move without his aid, he was not bothered at all. Most of all, he believed that what he was doing was for his own good and not even his. Normally before now, Eric was about to leave the wood before he met him and changed his mind. What he wanted was that before they leave that place Zack should not be a total reliability to him. He wants him to be able to move faster and even be able to stand and fight if the need arises. Most of all, his peace of mind was because he believed that they were in a calm place where the beast would not see them no matter what so he took his time to find what he was looking for, not listening to what his friend was telling him about the beast being close to them. In the next couple of minutes, he seemed to take a pause as it appeared he had seen what he was looking for but even Zach c
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