In the year 2022, a young office worker found himself at his desk with its surroundings filled with thick manuals, books, and self-made notes. The books and papers towered over him as he was a man of small stature, at best he was about 5 feet tall when standing at attention. This was fitting as his stereotypical Asian heritage was present in his features which made him look younger than his actual age of 27 years old. From outside of the room, you could see his dishevel black hair peeking over the mountains of books. And Just behind the sight of his black hair were the tools of his trade, a computer and a bag of safety equipment stored in a corner of his office which looked as if it had gotten too much use as the steel toed boots had its fair share of scratches, nicks, and faded smudges that looked of old grease. While the sight of this kind of equipment seemed out of place for an office worker, this was normal for him as he would have to crawl and climb through the ships he needed
Last Updated : 2023-01-27 Read more