All Chapters of Life After Defeat: The Dragon Lord’s Legacy : Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
13 chapters
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 Avon first off took his kid to an ice cream store to get him a bountiful scoop, he also ordered all of Atlas’s favorite type of cookies. Afterwards, he took him to an amusement park in the city for some rides. He spent the entirety of his afternoon having fun with him. Atlas has not gotten familiar with him yet, but he seems to be enjoying his company, the same with Lorraine. They both were cheering up to his presence. Avon also took him to a gadgets store, particularly the kid’s section. He bought him a lot of mechanical toys, tablets, he got him a handful of stuffs to play with. Hours of fun later, they rode straight to the city’s station. Lorraine expected them to go home, but was confused when their ride came to halt in front of the station. “You should stay here little man, your mom and I will be right back,” Avon said to Atlas as he patted him on the back. He nodded, a smile on his face that highlighted his deep rosy dimples on both side of his cheeks. Avon peak
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Chapter 11
Chapter 11 Avon anticipated his arrival back home. Memories that circled events from five years back creaked in, when he took Kory in and trusted her. He’d thought she was really helpless, thought she was in a situation that mirrored his back when he was orphaned to become a lowlife civilian. The only difference was, he fell victim to schemes, and thought she’s a victim to human’s viciousness. Unbeknownst to him, she’s an ally; more than an ally even, she’s a deeper than a partner with his life’s antagonist. The one thing that surprised him however was how she managed to kill herself, and remain alive. The whole thing was confusing for Avon to break through and understand. Their ride soon pulled over at the driveway, one of the men in sight rushed over and opened the door for Avon. He stepped outside with his son carried in his arms, Lorraine on the other side had also stepped out. Castian who wasn’t that far away caught with Avon. “The guests are seated at the living room. I tr
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12Lorraine’s eyes blinked into a still motion when a sharp edge plunged into her stomach. Her lips parted into a slow gasp as pain sailed from the hit and straight into her body. Blood gushed out in heavy flow as her stance faltered. She fell to the floor in a slow thud, her shaky hands close to her stomach to feel the impact of the pain. Avon snapped back to his senses as he moved out of his frozen spot, he grabbed Frank’s neck from behind and twisted it effortlessly before he tossed his body to the other side of the room. He ran straight to where Lorraine was, and quickly settled her body in his arms. He examined the stab with vibrant fear in his eyes. He was a medical personnel for sometime during his life at the military, yet his brain found it hard to operate at the sight of his wife in pain. Muffled groans cracked out of her as her eyes rolled deep into her socket in anguish. “Breathe love, fuck! I told you not to come.” Avon steamed with panic as he looked around
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