All Chapters of Return of Kevin Steve the son-in-law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
48 chapters
Chapter 11: Toothless Bulldog!
After waiting for a few hours, Emily was surprised Aron would be subjected to such a treatment up till this extent. She was already tired of waiting for his help to arrive as it was getting dark already. She decided to go and plead with the security as it seemed that no h elp was in sight. "Please release him and let us go." Emily pleaded with the head of Micheal security. Even the security was surprised that she could plead after her initial rant. Even though he had felt that Aaron had learnt a little bit of lesson and wanted to release him. He decided to hold on a bit so that Emily would plead more."There is nothing I can do unless the boss arrives. I have tried to reach him but he is currently busy and wouldn't want to attend to a low-life." The head of the security said with a glare."You locked him there for hours and didn't charge him for an offense. That's really bad! Can you please do me a favor?" Emily asked with a pitiful face."What do you want me to do?" The head of the
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Chapter 12: Lost!
Kevin could hear the whispers and gossip of the players and spectators. They looked at him with disdain and mockery, as if he did not belong there. They awaited his next action. Some of them even laughed at his appearance which had several visible stitch. "I'm not walking away because of myself, I'm walking away because of you." Kevin said as he became enraged at the disrespect. "Hey, look at that guy. He looks like a beggar. Did he come here to play tennis or to collect trash?" one of the spectators said loudly. "Yeah, he must be lost. This is not a charity event nor garbage ground.This is a place for the elite not for poor and miserable people. He should go back to where he came from before he pollutes the air with his stinky body." Another person added without an ounce of emotion. Kevin ignored them and walked towards the other side. He thought if only they knew his identity, they would bow before him. Meanwhile, Kevin had a passion for tennis, he wanted to watch the match and
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Chapter 13: $20,000 a Night
Everyone turned around and looked toward the direction of the person that just spoke. They recognized the person immediately, it was Micheal Stone. He is very famous and powerful in Milltown, no one dares cross his path or face his wrath. Meanwhile, Jackson on the other hand felt a chill run down his spine as soon as he noticed Micheal. He immediately let go of Kevin. When Kevin saw Micheal, he felt a bit of relief while Jackson bent his head. "How dare you idiot! I'm going to kill you today." Micheal said as he approached Jackson and his supporters. He felt the humiliation that Kevin was going through as everyone laughed at his young master. He clasped his fist enraged as he approached Jackson. BANG THUD WHOMP In the blink of an eye, Micheal had knocked out Jackson and his supporters that were laughing at Kevin. Kevin was shocked at the power Micheal could wield. Micheal then walked towards Kevin where he was and bowed before him. He then lifted Kevin up again and bowed before
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Chapter 14: Sophie Pleaded
"You are fired!" Kevin shouted loudly pointing to the secretary. Meanwhile, the manager who had just arrived wondered why Kevin, who appears like a beggar, would have the audacity to fire his secretary. What's going on? The manager wondered "I don't want to see her here any longer!" Kevin commanded. "Yes young master." Micheal said, bowing his head. The manager who had known Micheal to be very powerful and notorious in Milltown had never seen him bow before anyone in Milltown. He was surprised to see him bow before Kevin, whose appearance is no different from that of a beggar. Kevin must really be powerful for Micheal to go up till this extent. "I want to receive her termination letter in my mail before the end of today!" Micheal commanded the manager. "Yes sir." The manager replied while facing the floor. No one dares to look Micheal in the eyes. Meanwhile, as Kevin walked toward the elevator, Sophie realized she had made a huge mistake for underrating him. She quickly ran tow
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Chapter 15: Expensive Feast.
"Big Brother, you are back so soon?" Naomi said excitedly when she saw Kevin sitting in the royal chair. This jolted Kevin back to reality from his daydream. Naomi's excitement faded away when she noticed there was no shopping bags. "Yeah, I didn't even go anywhere." Kevin replied Naomi casually. "Is everything ok big brother? What happened?" Naomi asked curiously. "Yes. Everything is fine. The cards have not been activated yet! I will have to visit the bank later in the day." replied while bringing out the bank cards. "Oh, that's just a minor thing, big brother." Naomi replied. Kevin gazed at the card as he kept on looking at it for a while. The only inscription on the card was K S. What kind of card is this? Is this even a real bank card? Kevin wondered. Naomi tap him on the back and snatched the card. "K S? What does that stand for?" Naomi asked, laughing hysterically. "Kevin Steve. Hahahahah" Kevin mocked as they both laughed at each other. Beep. Beep. Beep. The room be
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Chapter 16: Schmuck!
Meanwhile, Kevin was excited his mom was feeling better and decided to ask the doctor when she will be discharged. "Mum, I'm coming, let me go and see the doctor." Kevin said as he stood up walked out of the ward. Arriving at the reception, Rose noticed Kevin was back again at the hospital. She became disgusted by the mere sight of him. She didn't expect him to still linger at the hospital because of the caliber of the patient that visits them. "Hello Rose." Kevin said with a smile acting as if he didn't remember their last encounter. "What are you doing here again you Schmuck!" Rose said to Kevin. She didn't know Kevin had paid for the surgery and expected his mum to have been thrown out of the hospital by now. "What!" Kevin was shocked to see Rose answer him with contempt and humiliation. "Common! What do you think this hospital is meant for? The homeless and penniless? Just look at yourself you look like a beggar." Rose looked at Kevin from head to toe. Kevin knew his
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Chapter 17: World Bank
Ahhh, a group of mockers chortled from behind while Rose held her cheek. "Do you know who this is? You have the audacity to raise your for Honorable Michael Stones? Besides, aren't you supposed to be respectful?" Doctor James asked Rose rhetorically. "How can she raise her hand for the mighty Micheal? Is she alright or needs to see a psychiatric Doctor." A voice chimed in from behind. "I doubt if she doesn't require a psychiatric Doctor. Only a mad person would raise his hand Master Michael." Another voice added. "I guess she is ill mannered and would be taught a good lesson." Another person said from the crowd. Each of the voices echoed pierced through Rose's ears. "I can't believe a time would come that you would do this to me James." Sarah sobs as she calls the doctor by his name. "You don't know how important he is to me, Do you? Don't worry I will school you." Doctor James said angrily. "This man you underrated has a foundation which sponsors people's education. I'm
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Chapter 18: VIP Section
Arriving at the bank lobby, Kevin understood banking system would require him to get his card activated in the service manager's office. He looked ahead at the floor map and knew it was located in the second floor along side the vip section. Meanwhile, the security was annoyed he couldn't see kevin"What? How dare this measly peasant walk in."He quickly walked ahead to the lobby expecting to see Kevin there. To his surprise, he caught a glimpse of Kevin already climbing the staircase leading to the VIP Section. "Hello mister stop there!" The security voice was loud which attracted the attention of the people banking in the lobby. They turned around and watched the security run towards Kevin in shock. With each step that Kevin took towards the VIP section, the security heartbeat increased as he started running towards Kevin. Meanwhile, when Kevin noticed the manager's office he quickly walked inside as he couldn't wait to find out how much he had in his bank account.BUCK The securi
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Chapter 19: Delivery Boy!
KPRAAAA. The vault sounded when it was opened by Dominic. He then brought out the diamond dusting it with his handkerchief before handing it over to Kevin. Kevin had never seen a diamond in real life apart from pictures. He couldn't wait to know what a real diamond feels like. His heart beat increased as he unwrapped the box. Kevin was so attracted to the diamonds. "This is one of the largest cuts of diamond in the world." The manager explained as he was blown away by the beauty of the stone as well. Kevin had confirmed the diamonds as he decided he had spent enough time in the bank and it was time to go back to the hospital. Kevin then wrapped the diamonds back to how he found it. Afterwards, he handed them back to the manager and watched as he returned them back to the vault. Kevin couldn't help but be excited at his new status. He quickly concluded he has to step up to his new role to make his late father proud. As they walked outside the VIP section, the manager thought Kevin
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Chapter 20: Kowtow Three Times
"Hae hae see who came shopping today!" One of the students laughed hysterically as he called the attention of the rest. When the captain saw Kevin he wondered what he was up to in a store like this. They approached Kevin immediately. They humiliate him whatever chance they get and this is another perfect opportunity to humiliate their kit manager. Meanwhile Kevin on the other hand was satisfied with his selection so far and decided it was time to call it a day. The wheel cart was full of items as Kevin had a shopping spree. The sales assistant felt a bit of relief when she noticed Kevin was done and about time to make payment. She glanced at him once again and noticed his top stitches again. She let out a sigh of tiredness!"Tired?" Kevin asked Grace as he understood her intentions. "Not at all, I just need some rest." Grace replied hoping he doesn't understand her. "Look who shops for this amount of clothes today." The captain of Maple Ridge College mocked Kevin while behind him
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