All Chapters of Return of Kevin Steve the son-in-law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 chapters
Chapter 21:
Emily and her family became greedy with Kevin new lifestyle and wanted him by all means in their life. The divorce between Kevin and Wendy were not official nor signed. Consequently, Kevin was still legally married to Emily according to the Godfrey's family.Kevin refused to be intimidated by the Godfrey's family. They took him to court threatening to take his wealth accusing Kevin of not doing his responsibility.Michael was able to afford good lawyers who were able to defend Kevin from the extortion.He also wants to show off Kevin's success to his rivals and associates, who had mocked him for having a poor and useless son-in-law. Kevin politely declines the father-in-law's offer, saying that he is happy with his own career and does not want to get involved in the family business.Despite the humiliation Kevin suffered in the hands of the Underwood family, Sandra stood by his side. Naomi approves Sandra marriage with her elder brother.Kevin now in total control of his company with
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Chapter 22:
Kevin Steve was the live-in son-in-law of the Godfrey's family. He is looked down upon by his wife, his in-laws, and his wife's friends. He caught Emily in the act with Aron Holland during a delivery at the Plessance sance Renaissance Resort. It extended to a brawl and Kevin was knocked out by Aron who was trained in karate. Kevin inherit tremendous welath from his dad. The Holland family were parthner with the Kevin and Steve company. Kevin canceled all parthnership with the Holland family. Consequently, Aron was slapped by the Kevin and Naomi security which humiliated and disgraced him. He also recieved several slap from his dad for angering the new Director.Aron had no option than to beg for Kevin's mercy and forgiveness. He becomes his obedient servant.Emily who was tired of Kevin and his poverty dumped him for Aron who could match her elegance. After a while, Aron started seeing someone else leaving Emily heartbroken. With Kevin's new identity, she realized she had lost a tre
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Chapter 23:
Sandra constantly required emotional support which Kevin provided. They were able to find a doctor in a distance location who was able to cure the child. Although a large sum of their wealth had gone while finding a solution, Kevin felt fulfilled when the child was finally cured. More success for Kevin after a hard time treating his first child. He secured a new government contract. However, Kevin became mean as he was obsessed with revenge over his enemies loosing his moral and humanity.His rivals expected him to sublet the contract to them which he didn't making him have more enemies. During official visit to the construction site, a crane carrying metals was purposely dropped on Kevin and his supervisor. Kevin was pronounced dead but later woke up in the hospital. After surgery was conducted, Kevin still fall in to coma. He later woke up miraculously.Investigation was being carried and it was found that his brother-in-law had set him up. Kevin reveal his true colour and as we
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Chapter 24: $50,000 Spending Spree
DING!Kevin gave the captain a resounding knock on his head. The captain felt as if lightning had struck him and fell on the ground holding his head. His friends quickly approached him. Kevin on the other hand approached the manager and collected his card. The manager wanted to use this opportunity to make friends with Kevin. For him to pay for this at a go, he would be very rich and connected. "You can call me anytime you need something else." The manager smiled while handing Kevin his card. Kevin collected his card and walked away.The manager and his workers rushed outside while helping Kevin to carry his shopping bags. The captain watched kevin walked out with honor and felt pain again. He couldn't believe kevin could pull this off but this is not the end. He would get back at kevin. He knew where to find him. People in the surrounding area were surprised to see the manager following kevin with his shopping bags. Kevin appears to be a poor person. Why would the manager do this t
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Chapter 25:
Kevin went shopping for a car with his card declining. It confirmed the initial doubt of the sales assistant who didn't attend to Kevin because he appear not to be able to afford even a car tyre. Kevin left the dealer store humiliated.Kevin visit to the bank in order to activate his card only to meet his old class mate. He refused to attend to Kevin asking him to come back the following day. Kevin disguise himself and did as told.Kevin arrived the following day and wasn't attended to again. It was believed that he doesn't even have up to $200 in his account. Kevin told Michael of his delima with the both of them agreeing to meet in the bank to following day. Kevin arrived and was told the bank is only open to one customer for the day.Plot twist, Kevin owns the bank and was given another golden card. After it was activated, Kevin made sure he deal with his old classmate for the initial disrespect.It was Sandra's birthday. She called Kevin to remind him of her birthday. Kevin decide
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Chapter 26:
Kevin Steve fell in love with Emily Godfrey, the daughter of wealthy family in Milltown. As much as Emily tries to give Kevin a chance, she often gets irritated because he is too poor. During a delivery to the Plessance Renaissance Resort, Kevin caught Emily in the act. Aron could provide her needs, as a result she divorced Kevin. She never knew how much she love Kevin untill she lost him to Sandra. Sandra Underwood, the hottest girl on campus, who was having a birthday party which Emily wanted a dress from Kevin which he couldn't afford. She invited Kevin to her party which he declines to avoid the mockery of Emily and her friends. Sandra proved her love to kevin during their had times. She later married Kevin and give birth to a twin after their first child.Naomi Steve is Kevin's sister. She had disapproved the marriage between her brother and Emily because of the way the Godfrey family maltreat her brother. She later attended the Maple Ridge College and graduated as the best
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Chapter 27: Steve Villa
It was dawn break, Kevin had overslept as he enjoyed the luxury of the bed. As he woke up, Kevin didn't feel the burden of waking up to the usual rant of the Godfrey family but a peaceful morning in the Pleasance Renaissance penthouse.Kevin felt the need to purchase a house, a place where he would call home. He felt it was needed as soon as possible to receive his mom after she had been discharged from the hospital. He is no longer poor, so he could afford any kind of house he wishes in Milltown. Kevin was yawning leaving his room to the living room when he noticed Naomi was in the kitchen. He joined her in the kitchen. When Naomi noticed Kevin, she poured him a cup of coffee and handed it to him. Kevin took a sip and felt the heat of the coffee. "You didn't add sugar? You know I don't like my coffee black." Kevin asked Naomi. "Yes it was intentional, I wanted you to have it black today." Naomi replied, handing him the sugar container. Kevin collected it and added some sugar for h
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Chapter 28:
Kevin inherit tremendous welath from his dad. The Holland family were parthner with the Kevin and Steve company. Kevin canceled all parthnership with the Holland family. Consequently, Aron was slapped by the Kevin and Naomi security which humiliated and disgraced him. He also recieved several slap from his dad for angering the new Director.Aron had no option than to beg for Kevin's mercy and forgiveness. He becomes his obedient servant.Emily who was tired of Kevin and his poverty dumped him for Aron who could match her elegance. After a while, Aron started seeing someone else leaving Emily heartbroken. With Kevin's new identity, she realized she had lost a treasure. She desperately wanted himnfor herself and would do whatever it takes to have him back. Kevin subdues her when he won the divorce case in court.Master Godfrey was Emily's father who later realized he lost a treasure when he found out about Kevin's new identity. He wanted Kevin back in the Godfrey's family by all means.
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Chapter 29: Just Like His Late Dad
Kevin walked into the garage with a smug grin on his face. His dad must have worked hard to get him to this point. As a result, they all deserved to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Kevin scanned the rows of shiny vehicles, each one more expensive and luxurious than the next. He felt a surge of pride and satisfaction as he admired the collection."Youngmaster, in order to make sure I complete my duty, we usually buy any of the latest brand of car." Micheal said as he led Kevin through the car collection. He hope the young master is a lover of cars just like his late boss and it turned out to be true based on kevin’s interest. Micheal decided to start with the newest addition. He ran his finger through a sleek black Lamborghini Revuelto and said "youngmaster, this is the latest Lamborghini model. Lamborghini Revuelto is a hybrid supercar that combines V12 engine with electric motors to achieve unprecedented performance and sustainability."Kevin ran his hand over the smooth curves of t
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Chapter 30: The Memory Square Encounter
The Memory Square was brightly lit by the natural light which invades the shopping complex. It was a big plaza with a variety of units. Meanwhile, Naomi was already jealous to see her brother wearing a new designer dress. She saw this as the perfect opportunity for her as well to get new clothes. "This is the phone unit, where are you heading again?" Kevin asked Naomi when she was about to use the stairs to the designer section. "Big Brother, I want to get new clothes as well. Don't forget to get me a new phone as well." Naomi smiled as she took the stairs. Meanwhile, Kevin remembered she had not yet activated her card and handed his card to her and whispered the pin to her. "Do you mind following me?" Naomi posed the question to Micheal. Micheal paused and looked at Kevin "Just go, I will join you people." Kevin smiled. "The pleasure is mine, my lady." Micheal replied and they left for the clothing section while Kevin walked to the gadget unit. Meanwhile, Emily and Aaron had
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