All Chapters of The Return of the Legends "Swordsman's Era": Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 chapters
Chapter 31: Move Forward
The entire dimension was filled with shouting and desperate individuals. Ryujiro was near his deathbed as he could barely withstand it, and stopped Necroshade from piercing his chest and killing him not until a thunder strike hit Necroshade's shield and gave him the momentum to push him up, but he was kicked in the face by the Archdemon, who appeared out of nowhere. "No!" Kaminari and Yoshito shouted furiously as Ryujiro managed to slide to his left while being half conscious and getting stabbed in the right shoulder. Blood was dripping from his nose as he stood wiggling. The flames in his sword dissappeared as Archdemon and Necroshade looked at him smiling."What a pity! They called you the captain?! Can't you dance even more, huh?!" Necroshade exclaimed furiously as Archdemon continued to regenerate but slowly.The four other legends were being blocked from moving forward and aiding him because of the monsters by the Archdemon Council. Kaminari couldn't move an inch and couldn't st
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Chapter 32: Dream
Shikari's eyes widened, seeing a beautiful blue sky and birds flying past him. It was a clear blue, and he could feel that he was lying on the sand. He immediately sat up in shock, looking around."Where am I?" He pondered as he looked in front of him, seeing the ocean and the sun rising. It mesmerized him and his jaw dropped witnessing how beautiful it was. It made his tears drop in the corners of his eyes as he wiped them out and stood.He turned to his right and saw a familiar woman sitting on top of a giant rock, glancing blankly at the sun rising up into the blue sky. He could see her long hair and clothes as he felt the wind blowing calmly at him, making him feel at ease and at peace. Behind him was a dark forest that was crawling towards the beach they were on without him realizing."It can't be," Shikari pondered as he was dashing forward and appeared behind her. He reaches his hand towards her left shoulder but suddenly, everything went black. He looked in front of him and saw
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Chapter 33: Their Appearance is just the Beginning 
The sun was rising. It was cold, and the white clouds were covering the blue sky along with the sun, but its light still went through a few of the clouds. Shimodo Rou stood with the five generals of the army along with the people they trusted on their side. Shimodo was alone and was not with the other heads since they had other businesses to attend to. In front of them were armies in a line that the Generals gathered in one place under Shimodo Rou's command. They were now waiting for the special swordsmen that they called. Also, waiting for the Shira's and Hashira's who haven't arrived on the scene. The call time was nearing and Rou was sweating because of the fear they might not arrive."Only the armies are here... The swordsmen on your list and that are in the ranks haven't arrived. I wonder what they're up to. You didn't send them on a secret mission, have you?" A swordsman spoke behind them, asking Shimodo, who didn't turn, but he could clearly hear that it was from Frostwyn."The
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Chapter 34: Secrets
The leaves of the trees were dancing because of the wind that blew strangely. There were no birds that could be seen in the sky but clouds. Monoke Gakure appeared in the distance on top of a giant tree catching his breathing while holding a book. He knelt on it and took a breather for a moment. He looked into his kimono pocket and saw the pouch that Artorius had given him. He smiled as he hid it again and jumped. As soon as he jumped, he heard earrings ringing behind him. He immediately turned around, but he saw no one. He heard it again behind him, making him take another, but no one was there. He began to walk forward as, all of a sudden, he was in a dark world inside a cage. A man emerged outside standing menacingly wearing a hat and earrings with a dark cloak and a dagger in his left hand. Monoke Gakure's eyes widened when he realized where he was. "No, this is wrong!" Monoke said as he dropped the book he was holding, but immediately picked it up. He felt silence for a mome
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Chapter 35: Betrayal "A Memory of Ryujiro" [Part 2]
Ryujiro woke up in the afternoon not noticing the time. He yawned and immediately sat up, looking out the window, seeing the sun's light and realizing it was hot around. He gets off the bed and approached the window while scratching his head. He stepped on a wooden floor as he reached the window and glanced out, seeing the sun was already up in the sky. He glanced out and saw four individuals approaching his house. He realized it was his friend's making him immediately run to his door.As soon as he opened the door, Kyojuro appeared in front of him, holding a plate in his left hand and a letter in his right hand. He was surprised as he saw Kyojuro smiling at him. "What's with the sudden running? Here, I've cooked you some breakfast. I did what I could find in your stock and saw many delicious ones. I guess you're doing well. What's your job, Ryujiro? Don't tell me you're a sword smith by any chance," Kyojuro said in a joyful voice. Kyojuro didn't say a word but walked past him and im
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Chapter 36: "What's Ahead?"
Shimodo Rou was holding a mug with his coffee in it as he read the newspaper in the morning inside the capital's head office. He sees that there's nothing but good news, and he fears that something bad might happen soon. He sighed as he took a sip of his coffee and took a deep breath of relief and yawned. Suddenly, a messenger bird landed on his open window to his left. It flew towards him, flapping its wings silently. It was an owl with a small backpack behind its back. It landed on the round table in front of him as he put down his coffee and newspaper and grabbed the paper behind the owl in its backpack and began unrolling it. He began reading it and what he read made him smile and stand. He sighed in relief even more as he put down the paper on top of his table and began thinking.He heard a knock coming from the door that made him uncomfortable. The unknown opened the door and walked in and saw that it was the Second General of the second army. As soon as he entered, the mood c
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Chapter 37: Enemies Right at their Shoes
Footsteps can be heard stepping and jumping on the trunks of trees. Fudo Toka and Artorius landed on the ground at the same time, followed by Legends. They were both leading the way as the man who could use stealth turned invisible as he looked around while turning. Healer, on the other hand, was in the middle of the group being guarded by them. They were hurrying to the west as they felt blood in the air was about to start. Toka didn't feel it but felt goosebumps that made her startled for a moment, but she kept on moving.Suddenly, she slipped on the ground and almost fell backwards and hit her head, but Artorius managed to grab her hand and threw her forward at ease and continue to run. She waved at him and Artorius smiled back at her, nodding."I feel someone," Healer said as they began looking around. All of a sudden, Artorius came to a halt and grabbed Toka from behind. A scythe appeared in front of them and hit the ground and got destroyed in an instant. They glanced to see
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Chapter 38: The Lost Legends & the Lost in Time
The air hung heavy than before. Ryoma and the others stood on their grounds with silence all over them. The four of them couldn't hear a single thing as in an instant. Countless dark mobs and Shira's were all over the place. They were like bubbles popping out of nowhere. Ryoma couldn't believe it as he glance towards his student Seiji and realized he was taken away to a portal. The dark legend smiled menacingly with a malevolent intent beginning to lowering his guard as if he has secured his win.Monarch of the Blade of Shadows on the other hand, was standing menacingly as he summoned more shadow blades around him depleting his energy but this time it has much more endurance and sharpness. He turned around as if he got the other lost legends back. The other unknown lost legend name was Asuki, a silent man who's only purpose is to succeed his mission whatever happens and that mission was to protect the last gem and destroy their enemies."How about now? I'll give you one last chance f
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Chapter 39: Peace and Terror
A storm hit a village near the far northern-east. A swordsman wearing a mask with a number on it received a letter from a swordsman in front of him. He handed over the letter in his hands as he bowed and left. They were at the front gate, five of them stood menacingly as they looked at the messenger swordsman who began to walk away from them. There were no guards in the village around except for them."A new mission sent by the heads. It seems we're staying here for long," an unknown swordsman spoke, raising a rolled scroll he had already read. He turned to the four unknowns who shook their heads left and right and with a sign of frustration in their faces. "Come on, Hit! We've been here for a very long time. We don't even know what's happening to the village anymore," a woman said, frustratedly complaining as she looked at Agatsuma, who smiled while handing over the letter to her."Yes, but this seems serious. Take a look, the message is coded. It has a real message in it and I want
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Chapter 40: Return of the Legends, Followed by— . . .
Onigiri stood in disbelief. Toka was sitting on the ground. Artorius' jaw dropped as he couldn't believe what he was looking at. Healer's staff was activated, an entire barrier that was ten fold, was covering them. The other legends remained standing, shocked at what they were seeing. A loud thud could be heard and felt. In an instant, two folds of Healer's barrier were destroyed, and a giant explosion occurred outside that destroyed another five layers.Claw marks were left behind on one of his barriers and in an instant, as the black smoke dissipated, another attack on his barrier occurred and three folds of his barrier were destroyed. He grunted as Artorius grabbed Toka and dashed out of the way of the creature who almost killed them, along with the legends who were silent. They were in the forest, and couldn't believe what they were seeing. The creature looked around, confused about where they had vanished. It started smelling them with its nose and smelled Toka. It turned to his
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