All Chapters of The Return of the Legends "Swordsman's Era": Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 chapters
Chapter 41: Chaos Emerging From the Ruins
Riyoshu and Takashi stood tall on top of a giant tree with their faces in disbelief. Their eyes got blurry for a moment because of what they'd just seen. They both thought they were dreaming, but in reality, they weren't. The wind was blowing as, in an instant, they received a fierce blow of wind that almost blew them off the tree. It stopped as they saw a giant light flashing in their eyes. They began to get nervous as they saw a giant crater in the far distance almost next to the west village. "Three gigantic wolves... It appeared out of nowhere. It would take us hours to get down there. They look tiny from here, but once we get down, they must be more massive than the trees," Takashi said with a shaking voice, while Riyoshu began nodding."Let's move," Riyoshu was about to jump down with Takashi, when suddenly, someone grabbed their shoulders from behind and made them come to a halt.They took a turn and saw the unknown legend they once saw a while ago. They had their eyes widened
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Chapter 42: Pity
Kiyoroshi's body appeared missing in his room. The doctors and the guards that were supposed to be guarding him were in a state of shock about how he suddenly vanish in his bed. They glanced at the window and realized it was locked and there was no way he could escape from the door since there were guards at it. "This is impossible! How could he be moving?! No human could endure that pain!" Exclaimed of one of the head doctors of the hospital as they looked at Kiyoroshi's bed in disbelief that he wasn't there.In a dark dimension. Violet began walking in to a dark spiral-shaped portal in front of her that was emitting orange and green glows all over it's corners till she abruptly stopped. Purple was behind her resurrecting the deities that died."I'll take care of the last gem. Get to that gem after you're done... I won't be long," Violet said with a menacing tone. She walked into the portal without a word from her.She emerged into a deserted land. Everywhere she looked there was san
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Chapter 43: Enemies vs Enemies
The Dark Legend, sits on his throne inside his own mirrored darkened cube dimension. Everywhere he looked was dark which he loved. The light of his dimension is nothing but the stars above his sky.His throne looks menacing from a distance. It shows its violet glow around its corners. Lava was flowing down behind his throne while his entire throne was made out of pure dark energy that glowed bright blue every three seconds.It has an eerie atmosphere where you can feel silence in a strange place in a dark room where danger looks everywhere. His troops were there, kneeling on the ground. Countless numbers of them are behind his throne, as if they go on forever. He was simply staring at his sphere portal in the far distance waiting for someone to come in.To where Ryoma and Asuki were. They've reached the Mountain of Zigaria. They approached a tree while stepping on wet grass, realizing it had rained in the mountains a while ago. As soon as they reached the tree, they sat down next to i
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Chapter 44: An All Out War
A peaceful blow of wind was suddenly interrupted by a giant scorching tornado. Two of them devastated the entire ground and forest of the Mountain of Zigaria. It was like the fight of giants, the ground was shaking, and wind slashes were flying into the clouds slashing it in half.The whole mountain was shaking because of the trembling. The trees were dancing wildly along with their leaves. Birds were up in the sky left watching the ground as few of them were caught by the flying slash, killing them.Yoshito gripped his giant sword as he saw giant thunder spheres above the sky. Ryujiro was about to flew when, suddenly, Ruler came out of nowhere and hit him with a thunderbolt and threw him afar, shielding Flare from the sky. He was charging his sphere of lightning and thunder as Kaminari flew up towards them, only to meet Pink and Conqueror who smiled at him menacingly swinging down their weapons. Kaminari grunted as he immediately swung up his blade, colliding his sword's blade with t
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Chapter 45: Weaponsmith "Memories of the Past" [Part 3]
Yoshito started remembering his past as he realized that, in the real world, his life was slowly fading away. He woke up in his bed before the sun rose. He was a teenager at the time, already had a muscular body and had a job. His job is Weapon Smith. His bloodline runs the entire creation of swords in their workshop, where they built different classes of weapons for swordsmen and also different prices for them. Sometimes, his clan builds crazy weapons for specific customers, like swordsmen who have proven themselves to many people.As soon as he woke up, he immediately dressed, grabbed his coat on the wall and left the house. It was still dark as soon as he stepped outside, stepping on the grass as he inhaled the fresh air and felt the blow of the wind.He began walking, opening his fence gate, then locking it up, he walked along the dirt path, staring to his right, seeing a clear wheat field ready to be harvested. He could also see the light in the far distance from it, seeing that
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Chapter 46: The Masters. . .
A dark, eerie atmosphere, along with deep silence could be felt, but a sudden rage could be felt. Kuro's raging eyes could be seen in the far distance, but she suddenly kneeled down and tears started dripping down in the corners of her eyes. Her kimono was a little torn apart, her right arm was burnt, and her hands were shivering. She was alone in a dimension where flames scattered across the floor, but not on the ground she knelt on.In the distance in front of her was Akio, Ayumi, Tatsuya, and Yutara's body lying flat on the floor. They were bursting into flames, slowly turning into ashes. Their bones can be seen getting cooked by the flames. A while ago, they were fighting the guards of the portals, along with gigantic creatures that were dragons. The rest of them end up getting killed except her. They did manage to get into the portal, but it caused them their lives.The reason Kuro was alive is that she was able to defeat the guards of the portals when her fellow masters sacrifi
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Chapter 47: "The Last Gem"
"You are called the hero, while I'm called the villain after saving people I love... I was once human, and you should've remembered my face, old man," Violet menacingly said, glaring at Zudoki, who was startled when she revealed that she was once human."I don't know what you're talking about. Even with those words you should've known that going evil would only lead to destruction," Zudoki calmly said, seeing her tightly gripping her dagger in anger in the distance. "Did you know that I suffered?! I saved them! I saved the heads and looked at what they did to my family... They killed them all! In front of me, just because I saved them? They were ashamed of themselves when I saved them instead of them being thankful. Maybe the reason is that my family is poor, while the likes of you came from a rich family," she said while pointing her dagger towards him in disgust."I don't know what you're talking about, but it's not too late to change. We can always rebuild what is lost, not things
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Chapter 48: One Last Dream...
Shikari woke up with tears in the corners of his eyes. It started dripping on his cheeks as hands from a woman grasped his face and started wiping them. He slowly raised his head and saw Rida staring at him and with tears in her eyes. They both hugged each other tightly till Shikari realized he was hugging a pillow. He woke up in a room, seeing a girl next to him asleep and at peace. He felt the serene atmosphere everywhere, hearing the birds chirping outside with an easing feeling inside him that became familiar in his mind, but he couldn't remember what it was. He raised his hands and realized he had gone back to being a small kid. He wiped tears from his eyes as he got off his bed and immediately approached the door. He was about to open, but the door opened itself and a woman unfolded in front of him, standing with a smile on her face as soon as she saw him. Shikari glanced, realizing he could only see her smile, but not her entire face. Shikari was startled as the woman picked
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Chapter 49: Preparations
Shimodo Rou sat on a chair in front of his desk while signing papers with his pen. He had his eyeglasses on as he signed each and one of them carefully. He cleared his throat as he paused for a moment to turn his head to his right, looking out the window. He was signing a pack of papers till his mood was shattered when he heard a knock on the door. He glanced at it and saw the General of the Fifth Army walking in with a solemn face, holding an envelope. He reaches Shimodo Rou's desk and sat on a chair at the other side, placing the envelope in front of him."Kenki and Katsuki haven't sent us any reports. Are you still hoping that bird could find them and even if it did, what did you put in it?" Asked the General with curiosity in his face as Rou picked up the envelope and opened it. "Sending them straight to the battlefield. What else do you think, General? It's only a matter of time before they attack us, and we are not prepared for it," Shimodo Rou said with a heavy weight on his
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Chapter 50: Calm Before the Storm
Gigantic wolves began to appear inside the North Wind. They scattered across the destroyed village, looking for prey, but the village appeared empty and had lost its nutrients for a very long time.At the heart of the capital of the long gone North Wind. The seven deities stood menacingly waiting for their Lord while hearing the heavy thuds of wolves' feet everywhere. Their presence alone made the tension in the air heavy and made the snow melt into water. It was somehow peaceful that they hadn't felt before. They could hear the wind dancing around them while seeing the capital building of the place had only one wall standing, a single remains of the place. "What's taking him so long?" Conqueror asked in a dark voice, turning to see Purple, who covered her face with both of her hands, as if something was happening to her. "She's with him... Uh, it would take some time before they get here. She let me see what she was seeing for a moment when they walked into the Dark Legend's dimens
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